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Machine Learning, Complex Networks, Recommender Systems, Social Networks, Learn to Rank, Spammer Dectection, RTB

Books,Papers about Machine Learning and Complex Networks which I have read.

1.Complex Networks
(1)Collective dynamics of(WS network)
(2)The origin of bursts and heavy
(3)Burstiness and memory in complex systems
(4)Calling patterns in human communication dynamics
(5)Collective response of human populations to large-scale emergencies
(6)Complex networks - From data to models
(7)Complex Systems Network
(8)Diversity of Individual Mobility Patterns
(9)Drug–target network
(10)Dynamics of information access on the web
(11)Dynamics of Ranking Processes in Complex Systems
(12)Entropy of dialogues creates coherent structures in e-mail traffic
(13)Evolutionary dynamics of social dilemmas in structured heterogeneous populations
(14)Exact Results for the Barabasi Model
(15)Exact solution of gyration radius of individual’s trajectory
(16)Handful of papers dominates citation
(17)Heavy-Tailed Statistics in short-MESSAGE communication
(18)Human Activity pattern on microblogging Interaction
(19)human dynamics in the web
(20)Identifying and evaluating community structure in complex networks
(21)Interacting Viruses in Networks Can Both Survive
(22)Limits of Predictability in Human Mobility
(23)Line Graphs and Circulants
(24)Link prediction in complex networks A survey
(25)Modeling human dynamics with adaptive interest
(26)Network Science at Center
(27)On Universality in Human Correspondence Activity
(28)Population movement under extreme events
(29)power-law and exponential tails in a stochastic priority-based model queue
(30)Predictability of population displacement after the 2010 Haiti earthquake
(31)Private traits and attributes are predictable from
(32)Revealing the Hidden Relationship by Sparse Modules in
(33)Robust dynamic classes revealed by measuring the
(34)Scale-Free Networks Provide a Unifying Framework for the Emergence of Cooperation
(35)Scaling Clustering Algorithms to Large Databases
(36)Scaling laws of human interaction activity
(37)Scaling of human behavior during portal browsing
(38)Sex differences in intimate relationships
(39)Small but slow world How network topology and burstiness slow down spreading
(40)The architecture of complexity
(41)The network takeover
(42)The outbreak of cooperation among success-driven individuals under noisy conditions
(43)the scaling laws of human travel
(44)The spatial structure of networks
(45)The structure of growing social networks
(46)Trends Prediction Using Social Diffusion Models
(47)Uncovering individual and collective human dynamics from mobile phone records
(48)Universal features of correlated bursty
(49)Using a complex system approach to address world challenges in Food and Agriculture

2.Machine Learning
(2)A Few Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning
(3)A GenericWeb-Based Entity Resolution Framework
(4)Analysis and Enhancement of Wikification for Microblogs
(5)Analysis and Repair of Name Tagger Errors
(6)Applying Coreference to Improve Name Recognition
(9)Contrastive divergence for boltzmann machines-2
(11)data mining
(12)Discovering Value from Community Activity on Focused
(14)Entity Profile Extraction from Large Corpora
(15)Estimating Entity Importance via Counting Set Covers
(17)Factorization Machines
(19)Harnessing Web Page Directories for Large-Scale
(20)Hidden Markov Models versus
(21)informatio theory inference learning algorithm
(22)Information filtering via collaborative user
(24)Name Tagging
(25)NMF 算法
(27)Research trends analysis by comparing data mining
(29)Simple and Deterministic Matrix Sketching
(33)Understanding Social Media

3.Recommender System in CS
(1)A Machine Learning Based Approach for Predicting
(2)A Social Network-Based Recommender System (SNRS)
(4)Accurate and diverse recommendations via eliminating redundant correlations
(5)An Empirical Analysis of Design Choices
(6)Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization using Markov Chain Monte Carlo
(7)Gibbs sampling in the generative model of Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(8)Circle-based Recommendation in Online Social Networks
(9)content-based, collaborative recommendation
(10)Cross Social Networks Interests Predictions Based on
(11)Discovering Relevant Preferences in a Personalised
(13)Explaining Collaborative Filtering Recommendations
(14)Factor in the Beighbors:Scalable and Accurate Collaborative Filtering
(15)Factorization Meets the Neighborhood a Multifaceted Collaborative Filtering Model
(16)friend recommendations in social networks using genetic algorithms and network topology
(17)Genetic recommend generating method with real-time fitness function adaption
(18)Google News Personalization Scalable Online
(19)Group Recommendation Semantics and Efficiency
(20)Hybrid personalized recommended model based on genetic algorithm
(21)Incorporating Heterogeneous Information for Personalized
(22)Integrating Trust and Similarity to Ameliorate the Data
(23)Introduction to Recommender Systems_Algorithms and evaluation
(24)Item-based top-N recommendation algorithms
(26)Linear Feature-Based Models for Information Retrieval
(27)Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommender Systems
(28)MF and neighbor based algorithm for netflix problem
(29)Mining web reommendation v2
(30)Novelty and Redundancy Detection in Adaptive Filtering
(31)Pandora’s Music Recommender
(32)Performance of Recommender Algorithms on Top-N Recommendation Tasks
(33)Personalised Ranking with Diversity
(34)Personalization Techniques and Recommender Systems
(35)Personalized News Recommendation Based on Click
(36)Preference Learning in Recommender Systems
(37)Recommender Systems An Introduction
(38)Recommender Systems for Social Bookmarking
(39)Recommender Systems For The Social Web
(40)Recommender Systems with Social Regularization
(41)Trust-aware Collaborative Filtering for
(42)Using a Model of Social Dynamics to Predict
(43)Yahho!Music Recommendations:Modeling Music Ratings with Temporal Dynamics and Item Taxonomy
(44)Collaborative Filtering Ensemble for Ranking
(45)Improving Regularized Singular Value Decomposition Collaborative Filtering
(46)Learning to Recommend with Social Trust Ensemble
(47)SLIM: Sparse Linear Methods for Top-N Recommender Systems
(48)A Matrix Factorization Technique with Trust Propagation for Recommendation in Social Networks
(49)SoRec: Social Recommendation Using Probabilistic Matrix Factorization
(50)Recommender systems with social regularization
(51)Factorization Meets the Neighborhood: a Multifaceted Collaborative Filtering Model
(52)Collaborative Filtering with Temporal Dynamics
(53)Social Collaborative Filtering by Trust
(54)TrustSVD: Collaborative Filtering with Both the Explicit and Implicit Influence of User Trust and of Item Ratings
(55)Bayesian Personalized Ranking for Non-Uniformly Sampled Items
(56)Collaborative filtering for implicit feedback datasets
(57)One-class Collaborative Filtering
(58)Algorithms for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
(59)Factorization Meets the Neighborhood a Multifaceted Collaborative Filtering Model
(60)SVDFeature A Toolkit for Feature-based Collaborative Filtering
(61)General Functional Matrix Factorization Using Gradient Boosting
(62)Speeding Up the Xbox Recommender System Using a Euclidean Transformation for Inner-Product Spaces
(63)Learning Binary Codes for Collaborative Filtering

4.Recommender System in Complex Network
(1)Bipartite networkprojection and personal recommendation
(2)Effect of initial configuration on network-based Recommendation
(3)Personalized recommendation via integrated diffusion on user-item-tag tripartite graphs
(4)Recommender systems
(9)Solving the apparentdiversity-accuracy dilemma of recommender systems
(10)Solving the cold-start problem in recommender systems with social tags

5.Spammer Detection
(1)A Co-classification Framework for Detecting Web Spam
(2)A Data Mining-based Spam Detection System for Social
(3)Analyzing Spam Messages And Detecting Zombies
(4)Detecting and Characterizing Social Spam Campaigns
(5)Detecting Product Review Spammers using Rating
(6)Detecting Social Spam Campaigns on Twitter
(7)Detecting spam in a twitter network
(8)Detecting Spammers on Twitter
(9)Learning to Detect SpamNaive-Euclidean
(10)Machine Learning Meets Social
(11)Machine-Learning for Spammer Detection in Crowd-Sourcing
(13)Social Spam Detection
(14)Social Spammer Detection in Microblogging
(15)Spam Filtering in Online Social Networks Using
(16)Stopping Spam by Extrusion Detection

6.Link Prediction
(2)Human Mobility, Social Ties, and Link Prediction
(3)Information Extraction as Link Prediction
(4)Learning Hierarchical Relationships among Partially Ordered Objects
(5)Predicting missing links via local information
(6)Similarity index based on local paths for link prediction of complex networks
(7)The Algorithm of Link Prediction on Social Network
(8)TheLink-Prediction Problem for Social Networks

7.Social Networks
(1)Empirical studies on the network of social groups: the case of Tencent QQ
(2)Characterizing User Behavior in Online Social Networks
(3)Communication activity in a social
(4)Evolution of Communities on Twitter and the Role
(5)Learning to Infer Social Ties in Large Networks
(6)Linking Tweets to News A Framework to Enrich Short Text Data in
(7)Mining Social Media A Brief Introduction
(8)Modeling Blog Dynamics
(9)Modeling Relationship Strength in online social network
(11)Social Influence Locality for Modeling Retweeting Behaviors
(12)The Role of Social Networks in Online Shopping

8.Learn to Rank
(1)A Short Introduction to Learning to Rank
(2)AdaRank A Boosting Algorithm for Information Retrieval
(3)BPR_Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback
(4)An Efficient Boosting Algorithm for Combining Preferences
(5)Collaborative Prediction and Ranking with Non-Random
(6)Collaborative Filtering Ensemble for Ranking
(7)Learning to Rank Recommendations
(8)Mining Top-K High Utility Itemsets
(9)Future directions in learning to rank
(11)Learning to Rank From Pairwise Approach to Listwise Approach
(12)Learning to Rank Recommendations
(13)Learning to Rank Answers on Large Online QA Collections
(14)Learning to Rank using Gradient Descent
(15)Metric Learning to Rank
(16)Slope One Predictors for Online Rating-Based Collaborative Filtering
(17)Tweet Ranking Based on Heterogeneous Networks
(18)CLiMF: Learning to Maximize Reciprocal Rank with Collaborative Less-is-More Filtering
(19)GBPR: Group Preference Based Bayesian Personalized Ranking for One-Class Collaborative Filtering
(20)Alternating Least Square for Personalized Ranking
(21)Personalized Ranking for Non-Uniformly Sampled Items
(23)Yahoo! Learning to Rank Challenge Overview
(24)Query Chains Learning to Rank from Implicit Feedback

9.Text Mining
(1)Indexing by LSA

10.Online Learning
(1)Dual Averaging Methods for Regularized Stochastic Learning
(2)Follow-the-Regularized-Leader and Mirror Descent
(3)Efficient Learning using Forward-Backward Splitting

11.Optimization Algorithm, Math and Compressive Sensing
(5)Convex Optimization Overview
(9)Compressive Sensing
(10)Compressive Sensing and Structured Random
(11)Reconstructing Propagation Networks
(12)Robust Reconstruction of Complex Networks from Sparse Data
(13)Numerical Optimization_ Understanding L-BFGS — aria42
(14)Lasso – Regularized Regression
(15)Regularizati on Ridge Regression and the LASSO
(16)A fast and simple algorithm for training neural probabilistic language models

12.Deep Learning
(1)Acoustic Modeling and Deep Learning
(2)Deep learning for Signal Processing
(3)Deep Learning in NLP

13.Urban Computation
(1)Activity Recognition from Trajectory Data
(2)Computational Social Science
(3)Constructing Popular Routes from Uncertain Trajectories
(4)Geometry-Based Edge Clustering for Graph Visualization
(5)Location-Based Social Networks Users
(6)Map-Matching for Low-Sampling-Rate GPS Trajectories-cameraReady
(7)Mining Large-Scale, Sparse GPS Traces for Map Inference
(8)On Discovery of Gathering Patterns from Trajectories
(10)Privacy of Spatial Trajectories
(11)T-Finder A Recommender System for Finding Passengers and Vacant Taxis
(12)Trajectory Analysis for Driving

(6)MapReduce Design Patterns
(7)O'Reilly - Hadoop - The Definitive Guide - 3rd - 2012

15.Real Time Bidding and online ads
(1)Ad Click Prediction a View from the Trenches
(3)Real-Time Bidding Benchmarking with iPinYou Dataset
(4)Relational Click Prediction for Sponsored Search
(5)RTB (Real Time Bidding)
(7)Multi-Touch Attribution Based Budget Allocation in Online Advertising
(8)Practical Lessons from Predicting Clicks on Ads at Facebook
(9)Counterfactual Reasoning and Learning Systems The Example of Computational Advertising
(11)A Dynamic Pricing Model for Unifying Programmatic Guarantee and Real-Time Bidding in Display Advertising

16.Feature Engineering
(1)Discover Feature Engineering
(8)Feature Extraction, Foundations and Applications
(10)feature engineering(2)
(11)Feature engineering(3)
(12)Introduction to feature selection
(13)What is the intuitive explanation of feature engineering in machine learning
(14)Feature Engineerin and Selection
(15)Feature Engineering and Classifier Ensemble for KDD Cup 2010
(17)Market Makers - Milestone 1 Description V2 1

17.Data And Analysis
(1)Scientific Data Has Become So Complex, We Have to Invent New Math to Deal With It
(3)爬虫报告 [兼容模式]

18.Books I Like
(3)Ensemble Methods Foundations and Algorithms
(4)Introduction to Information Retrieval
(7)Optimization with Sparsity-Inducing Penalties
(8)Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

19.Writing And Something relative
(1)How To Write a proposal
(3)Mathematical Writing
(4)SIGIR Paper Writing Tips
(5)style-toward clarity and grace
(6)The Craft of Research
(9)一份不太简短的LATEX 2ε介绍

(1)Machine Leaning Foundation
(2)Machine Learning Technique
(3)Recommender Systems
(4)Machine Learning