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paulirish edited this page Jan 29, 2012
54 revisions
Modernizr - a JavaScript library allowing you to use CSS3 & HTML5 while maintaining control over unsupported browsers
Please read this page before filing an issue!
- links to shims and polyfills that add functionity of new features to older browser. they work well in combo with modernizr's detects.
- things that maybe cannot be feature detected.
- Feature detections beyond Modernizr Core. Basically best practice detects for everything worth detecting. Some tests may be listed below that are not part of the detects folder yet.
- modernizr-server (php)
- gwtmodernizr
- rack modernizr (ruby)
- django modernizr
- modernizr-rails (rails 3.1+)
- detector (php)
- Modernizr for Grails / (github sources) (Grails 1.3++)
- ie8 compat mode
- font smoothing, font-smoothing css prop
- mp3 play detection via data uri
- boxshadow inset and spread:
- :target selector support (and all other selectors)
- min-device-pixel-ratio media query
- elem.dataset test (from phiggins/dojo)
- position:fixed
- media queries
- MediaQueryListener
- matchmedia
- iOS5 scrolling Indirect test for one-finger scrolling on iOS 5
- text-stroke css prop
- iOS webapp mode
- attr modified mutation event
- volume control (iOS devices volume can't be controlled)
- unicode characters
return 'ondeviceorientation' in window;
Modernizr.addTest('speechinput', function(){
var elem = document.createElement('input');
return 'speech' in elem || 'onwebkitspeechchange' in elem;
// - 'webkitSpeech' in elem -> does`t work correctly in all versions of Chromium based
// browsers: can return false even if they have support for speech (
// - testing with 'onwebkitspeechchange' seems to fix this problem
return document.createElement('div').style.textShadow === '';
return !window.addEventListener && document.documentMode && document.documentMode == 7;
Modernizr.addTest('timedtrack',function(){ // subtitle support for html5 video, thx @ourmaninjapan
return !!document.createElement('track').track;
// media queries test must be added into the source... (for now)
tests['mediaqueries'] = function(){ return testMediaQuery('only all'); }
var hasStrictMode = (function(){ "use strict"; return !this; })(); // via kangax
// Function.caller
supportsCaller = (function(undefined) { function test() { return test.caller !== undefined } return test() })()`
// server sent events aka eventsource
Modernizr.addTest('eventsource', function(){ return !!window.EventSource; });
- covers common browser bugs and base features
- covers Host object detection
- mark pilgrim's diveintohtml5 peeks pokes and pointers
- XHR 2.0 stuff in there now too.
-, Github, NFL, posterous, finishline, american eagle.. etc -