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Repository Treasure-Hunt


Welcome to the Michelin online treasure hunt repository!

This game consists of navigating through several pages, each containing a challenge. As you complete each challenge, you'll be awarded a flag. Collect all the flags to complete the game!

How to play

  1. Start the game: Go to the first page of the game (See Deployment).
  2. Solve the challenge: Each page will contain a unique challenge that you must solve to obtain a flag.
  3. Get the flag: Once you have solved the challenge, you will be provided with a flag. Make a note of it!
  4. Continue the adventure: Use the flag to access the next page where a new challenge awaits you.
  5. End the game: Repeat the process until you have collected all the flags and reached the end of the game.

Flags are of the form X_S0M3-Str1NgS.html where X is the challenge number. For example, a flag could be 1_tH15-15-N0t-TH3-B3g1NN1ng.html.



  • Have a Vercel account. If you don't have one, register at

Easy way to deploy

Click on the button : Deploy with Vercel

Local Deploy :

Clone the repository

Install the requirements : pip install -r requirements.txt

execute: python ./ && cd build && python ./

Deploy in other way :

  • Create a Vercel token and put it in the repo secrets under the name VERCEL_TOKEN.
Token creation details

In your account details :

![Account settings](./images_readme/Account.PNG ‘Account’)

go to token :

![Tokens section](./images_readme/Token.PNG ‘Token’)

then create a token (choose the scope and duration)

![Token Creation](./images_readme/Creation.PNG ‘Token Creation’)

Copy the token and put it in Settings then Secret Action

![Section Action](./images_readme/Actions.PNG ‘Secret action button’)

Create a new secret :

Token created

Step to deploy on vercel

  • After a push (or commit directly to github), a github action is launched.
  • You can go back to vercel to get a url that will lead to the challenge

Add a scenario

  • Create a folder in the challenges/ folder (eg. fun_chall)
  • Inside, place the html file Fun-Ch4l1.html.
  • Add the config.yml file which will contain
    • title: "{titre du challenge}"
    • description: "{description du challenge}"
    • hint: "{solution du challenge}"
    • template: "Fun-Ch4l1.html" //html file name
    • css: "./static/Fun-Ch4l1.css" //same filename but in ./static
    • javascript: "./static/Fun-Ch4l1.js"
    • api: "./" // if necessary to retrieve a POST/PUT request...
    • encoding_script: "./" // is used to encode a flag given in $1
  • Add your scripts/stylesheets to the static folder
  • Make references in your HTML files to your JS scripts or style sheets as follows:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', path='/Fun-Ch4l1.css') }}">
  • Add the ./challenges/fun_chall/config.yml to one of the paths in paths_config.yml.

The html file will contain {{flag}} if there is a challenge following it, otherwise it will contain nothing/final flag.


If you have any questions or problems, don't hesitate to contact our team at

Good luck and have fun!

Fun Fact

We can listen a podcast about this project
