Contributors to Nipype include but are not limited to:
.. hlist:: * Aimi Watanabe * Alexander Schaefer * Alexandre Gramfort * Anisha Keshavan * Ariel Rokem * Ben Acland * Basile Pinsard * Brendan Moloney * Brian Cheung * Charl Linssen * Chris Filo Gorgolewski * Chris Steele * Christian Haselgrove * Christopher Burns * Cindee Madison * Claire Tarbert * Colin Buchanan * Daniel Ginsburg * Daniel Haehn * Daniel Margulies * Dav Clark * David Welch * Drew Erickson * Erik Kastman * Félix C. Morency * Gael Varoquaux * Hans Johnson * Janosch Linkersdörfer * Januzz * Jarrod Millman * Jeff Lai * Jessica Forbes * John Salvatore * Lijie Huang * Michael Hallquist * Michael Hanke * Michael Notter * Michael Waskom * Nolan Nichols * Oliver Hinds * Oscar Esteban * Rosalia Tungaraza * Satrajit Ghosh * Sharad Sikka * Stephan Gerhard * Erik Ziegler * Valentin Haenel * Xiangzhen Kong * Xu Wang * Yannick Schwartz * Yaroslav O. Halchenko
For full most up to date list see Ohloh.
.. hlist:: * Matthew Brett * Michael Castelle * Philippe Ciuciu * Yann Cointepas * Mark D'Esposito * Susan Gabrieli * Brian Hawthorne * Tim Leslie * Fernando Perez * Tyler Perrachione * Jean-Baptiste Poline * Alexis Roche * Denis Riviere * Gretchen Reynolds * Jonathan Taylor * Bertrand Thirion * Bernjamin Thyreau * Mike Trumpis * Karl Young * Tom Waite
We would also like to thank JetBrains for providing Pycharm licenses.
Satrajit Ghosh work on this project was partially funded by NIBIB R03 EB008673 (PI: Ghosh and Whitfield-Gabrieli) and by the INCF through a contract with TankThink Labs, LLC. Chris Burns was supported by NIMH grant 5R01MH081909-02 (PI: Desposito). Hans Jonson was supported by 2 U54 EB005149 - 06 Core 2b Huntington's Disease - Driving Biological Project, S10 RR023392 Enterprise Storage In A Collaborative Neuroimaging Environment, R01 NS040068 Neurobiological Predictors of Huntington's Disease, and UL1 TR000442 University of Iowa Clinical and Translational Science Program.