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PhD environments

  • phd_v3 (30/07/2020 update from work + intake + jupyter-lab)


conda create -n phd_v3
conda activate phd_v3

# Need to install first esmpy separatly (
# It looks like it doesn't matter anymore about the order
conda install esmpy
conda install xesmf dask

# Need matplotlib<=3.2 for Proplot (
# Need nodejs>=10.0 for installing dask extension in jupyter-lab
# xarray and other packages already installed with dask previously
conda install jupyter jupyterlab "nodejs>=10.0" netcdf4 proplot cartopy "matplotlib<=3.2" intake-esm python-graphviz nbresuse nc-time-axis

# Fot testing xESMF
pip install pytest  
pytest -v --pyargs xesmf  #all need to pass

# For automatically have other environments available
conda install nb_conda_kernels

# To get %matplotlib notebook working
conda install ipympl

# Configure jupyter
jupyter notebook --generate-config
gvim ~/.jupyter/

# Send report to Anaconda in case of errors
conda config --set report_errors true

c.NotebookApp.allow_origin = '*'
c.NotebookApp.ip = ''
c.NotebookApp.port = 7227
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False

# Launch jupyter lab
jupyter lab

# SSH tunnel
ssh -L 7227:ciclad14:7227

# Finally these jypter lab extensions are not that stable...

# Monitor extension

# Code formatter
conda install nodejs
jupyter labextension install @ryantam626/jupyterlab_code_formatter
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab_code_formatter
jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyterlab_code_formatter
conda install black isort