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File metadata and controls

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nnictl is a command line tool, which can be used to control experiments, such as start/stop/resume an experiment, start/stop NNIBoard, etc.


nnictl support commands:

Manage an experiment

nnictl create

  • Description

    You can use this command to create a new experiment, using the configuration specified in config file.

    After this command is successfully done, the context will be set as this experiment, which means the following command you issued is associated with this experiment, unless you explicitly changes the context(not supported yet).

  • Usage

    nnictl create [OPTIONS]
  • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    --config, -c True YAML configure file of the experiment
    --port, -p False the port of restful server
    --debug, -d False set debug mode
    --foreground, -f False set foreground mode, print log content to terminal
  • Examples

    create a new experiment with the default port: 8080

    nnictl create --config nni/examples/trials/mnist-tfv1/config.yml

    create a new experiment with specified port 8088

    nnictl create --config nni/examples/trials/mnist-tfv1/config.yml --port 8088

    create a new experiment with specified port 8088 and debug mode

    nnictl create --config nni/examples/trials/mnist-tfv1/config.yml --port 8088 --debug


Debug mode will disable version check function in Trialkeeper.

nnictl resume

  • Description

    You can use this command to resume a stopped experiment.

  • Usage

    nnictl resume [OPTIONS]
  • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id True The id of the experiment you want to resume
    --port, -p False Rest port of the experiment you want to resume
    --debug, -d False set debug mode
    --foreground, -f False set foreground mode, print log content to terminal
  • Example

    resume an experiment with specified port 8088

    nnictl resume [experiment_id] --port 8088

nnictl view

  • Description

    You can use this command to view a stopped experiment.

  • Usage

    nnictl view [OPTIONS]
  • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id True The id of the experiment you want to view
    --port, -p False Rest port of the experiment you want to view
  • Example

    view an experiment with specified port 8088

    nnictl view [experiment_id] --port 8088

nnictl stop

  • Description

    You can use this command to stop a running experiment or multiple experiments.

  • Usage

    nnictl stop [Options]
  • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False The id of the experiment you want to stop
    --port, -p False Rest port of the experiment you want to stop
    --all, -a False Stop all of experiments
  • Details & Examples

    1. If there is no id specified, and there is an experiment running, stop the running experiment, or print error message.

      nnictl stop
    2. If there is an id specified, and the id matches the running experiment, nnictl will stop the corresponding experiment, or will print error message.

      nnictl stop [experiment_id]
    3. If there is a port specified, and an experiment is running on that port, the experiment will be stopped.

      nnictl stop --port 8080
    4. Users could use 'nnictl stop --all' to stop all experiments.

      nnictl stop --all
    5. If the id ends with *, nnictl will stop all experiments whose ids matchs the regular.

    6. If the id does not exist but match the prefix of an experiment id, nnictl will stop the matched experiment.

    7. If the id does not exist but match multiple prefix of the experiment ids, nnictl will give id information.

nnictl update

  • nnictl update searchspace

    • Description

      You can use this command to update an experiment's search space.

    • Usage

      nnictl update searchspace [OPTIONS]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment you want to set
    --filename, -f True the file storing your new search space
    • Example

      update experiment's new search space with file dir 'examples/trials/mnist-tfv1/search_space.json'

      nnictl update searchspace [experiment_id] --filename examples/trials/mnist-tfv1/search_space.json
  • nnictl update concurrency

    • Description

      You can use this command to update an experiment's concurrency.

    • Usage

      nnictl update concurrency [OPTIONS]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment you want to set
    --value, -v True the number of allowed concurrent trials
    • Example

      update experiment's concurrency

      nnictl update concurrency [experiment_id] --value [concurrency_number]
  • nnictl update duration

    • Description

      You can use this command to update an experiment's duration.

    • Usage

      nnictl update duration [OPTIONS]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment you want to set
    --value, -v True the experiment duration will be NUMBER seconds. SUFFIX may be 's' for seconds (the default), 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours or 'd' for days.
    • Example

      update experiment's duration

      nnictl update duration [experiment_id] --value [duration]
  • nnictl update trialnum

    • Description

      You can use this command to update an experiment's maxtrialnum.

    • Usage

      nnictl update trialnum [OPTIONS]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment you want to set
    --value, -v True the new number of maxtrialnum you want to set
    • Example

      update experiment's trial num

      nnictl update trialnum --id [experiment_id] --value [trial_num]

nnictl trial

  • nnictl trial ls

    • Description

      You can use this command to show trial's information.

    • Usage

      nnictl trial ls
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment you want to set
  • nnictl trial kill

    • Description

      You can use this command to kill a trial job.

    • Usage

      nnictl trial kill [OPTIONS]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False Experiment ID of the trial
    --trial_id, -T True ID of the trial you want to kill.
    • Example

      kill trail job

      nnictl trial [trial_id] --experiment [experiment_id]

nnictl top

  • Description

    Monitor all of running experiments.

  • Usage

    nnictl top
  • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment you want to set
    --time, -t False The interval to update the experiment status, the unit of time is second, and the default value is 3 second.

Manage experiment information

  • nnictl experiment show

    • Description

      Show the information of experiment.

    • Usage

      nnictl experiment show
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment you want to set
  • nnictl experiment status

    • Description

      Show the status of experiment.

    • Usage

      nnictl experiment status
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment you want to set
  • nnictl experiment list

    • Description

      Show the information of all the (running) experiments.

    • Usage

      nnictl experiment list [OPTIONS]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    --all False list all of experiments
  • nnictl experiment delete

    • Description

      Delete one or all experiments, it includes log, result, environment information and cache. It uses to delete useless experiment result, or save disk space.

    • Usage

      nnictl experiment delete [OPTIONS]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment
    --all False delete all of experiments

  • nnictl experiment export

    • Description

      You can use this command to export reward & hyper-parameter of trial jobs to a csv file.

    • Usage

      nnictl experiment export [OPTIONS]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment
    --filename, -f True File path of the output file
    --type True Type of output file, only support "csv" and "json"
    • Examples

    export all trial data in an experiment as json format

    nnictl experiment export [experiment_id] --filename [file_path] --type json
  • nnictl experiment import

    • Description

      You can use this command to import several prior or supplementary trial hyperparameters & results for NNI hyperparameter tuning. The data are fed to the tuning algorithm (e.g., tuner or advisor).

    • Usage

      nnictl experiment import [OPTIONS]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False The id of the experiment you want to import data into
    --filename, -f True a file with data you want to import in json format
    • Details

      NNI supports users to import their own data, please express the data in the correct format. An example is shown below:

        {"parameter": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.9}, "value": 0.03},
        {"parameter": {"x": 0.4, "y": 0.8}, "value": 0.05},
        {"parameter": {"x": 0.3, "y": 0.7}, "value": 0.04}

      Every element in the top level list is a sample. For our built-in tuners/advisors, each sample should have at least two keys: parameter and value. The parameter must match this experiment's search space, that is, all the keys (or hyperparameters) in parameter must match the keys in the search space. Otherwise, tuner/advisor may have unpredictable behavior. Value should follow the same rule of the input in nni.report_final_result, that is, either a number or a dict with a key named default. For your customized tuner/advisor, the file could have any json content depending on how you implement the corresponding methods (e.g., import_data).

      You also can use nnictl experiment export to export a valid json file including previous experiment trial hyperparameters and results.

      Currently, following tuner and advisor support import data:

      builtinTunerName: TPE, Anneal, GridSearch, MetisTuner
      builtinAdvisorName: BOHB

      If you want to import data to BOHB advisor, user are suggested to add "TRIAL_BUDGET" in parameter as NNI do, otherwise, BOHB will use max_budget as "TRIAL_BUDGET". Here is an example:

        {"parameter": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.9, "TRIAL_BUDGET": 27}, "value": 0.03}
    • Examples

      import data to a running experiment

      nnictl experiment import [experiment_id] -f experiment_data.json

Manage platform information

  • nnictl platform clean

    • Description

      It uses to clean up disk on a target platform. The provided YAML file includes the information of target platform, and it follows the same schema as the NNI configuration file.

    • Note

      if the target platform is being used by other users, it may cause unexpected errors to others.

    • Usage

      nnictl platform clean [OPTIONS]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    --config True the path of yaml config file used when create an experiment

nnictl config show

  • Description

    Display the current context information.

  • Usage

    nnictl config show

Manage log

  • nnictl log stdout

    • Description

      Show the stdout log content.

    • Usage

      nnictl log stdout [options]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment you want to set
    --head, -h False show head lines of stdout
    --tail, -t False show tail lines of stdout
    --path, -p False show the path of stdout file
    • Example

      Show the tail of stdout log content

      nnictl log stdout [experiment_id] --tail [lines_number]
  • nnictl log stderr

    • Description

      Show the stderr log content.

    • Usage

      nnictl log stderr [options]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment you want to set
    --head, -h False show head lines of stderr
    --tail, -t False show tail lines of stderr
    --path, -p False show the path of stderr file
  • nnictl log trial

    • Description

      Show trial log path.

    • Usage

      nnictl log trial [options]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False Experiment ID of the trial
    --trial_id, -T False ID of the trial to be found the log path, required when id is not empty.

Manage webui

  • nnictl webui url

Manage tensorboard

  • nnictl tensorboard start

    • Description

      Start the tensorboard process.

    • Usage

      nnictl tensorboard start
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment you want to set
    --trial_id, -T False ID of the trial
    --port False 6006 The port of the tensorboard process
    • Detail

      1. NNICTL support tensorboard function in local and remote platform for the moment, other platforms will be supported later.
      2. If you want to use tensorboard, you need to write your tensorboard log data to environment variable [NNI_OUTPUT_DIR] path.
      3. In local mode, nnictl will set --logdir=[NNI_OUTPUT_DIR] directly and start a tensorboard process.
      4. In remote mode, nnictl will create a ssh client to copy log data from remote machine to local temp directory firstly, and then start a tensorboard process in your local machine. You need to notice that nnictl only copy the log data one time when you use the command, if you want to see the later result of tensorboard, you should execute nnictl tensorboard command again.
      5. If there is only one trial job, you don't need to set trial id. If there are multiple trial jobs running, you should set the trial id, or you could use [nnictl tensorboard start --trial_id all] to map --logdir to all trial log paths.
  • nnictl tensorboard stop

    • Description

      Stop all of the tensorboard process.

    • Usage

      nnictl tensorboard stop
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    id False ID of the experiment you want to set

Manage package

  • nnictl package install

    • Description

      Install the packages needed in nni experiments.

    • Usage

      nnictl package install [OPTIONS]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    --name True The name of package to be installed
    • Example

      Install the packages needed in tuner SMAC

      nnictl package install --name=SMAC
  • nnictl package show

    • Description

      List the packages supported.

    • Usage

      nnictl package show

Generate search space

  • nnictl ss_gen

    • Description

      Generate search space from user trial code which uses NNI NAS APIs.

    • Usage

      nnictl ss_gen [OPTIONS]
    • Options

    Name, shorthand Required Default Description
    --trial_command True The command of the trial code
    --trial_dir False ./ The directory of the trial code
    --file False nni_auto_gen_search_space.json The file for storing generated search space
    • Example

      Generate a search space

      nnictl ss_gen --trial_command="python3" --trial_dir=./ --file=ss.json

Check NNI version

  • nnictl --version

    • Description

      Describe the current version of NNI installed.

    • Usage

      nnictl --version