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Fluent Calendar

This code component provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI Calendar control bound to a button for use in canvas & custom pages.

Canvas apps Custom pages Model-driven apps Portals


The control accepts the following properties:

  • Selected Date - The date value to be pre-selected or Selected after on change event. For e.g. :
//Today's Date
// or based on language
// or specific regional language
  • Language - Language in which the calendar should render. Important : Read 'Calendar Language' section of this documentation to know the language supported currently. For e.g. : Language() //or "en-US"

  • Show Go to Today - Specify Yes or No to show or hide Go to Today option.

  • Is a Month Picker - Specify Yes or No to show or hide month picker.

  • Is a Day Picker - Specify Yes or No to show or hide day picker.

  • Highlight Selected Month - Specify Yes to highlight selected month in calendar

  • Highlight Current Month - Specify Yes to highlight current month in calendar

  • Show Week Numbers - Specify Yes or No to show or hide week numbers.

  • Show Six Weeks by Default - - Specify Yes to show six weeks by default.

  • Minimum Date - If specified a date value, navigation beyond that date will not be allowed.

  • Maximum Date - If specified a date value, navigation beyond that date will not be allowed. Refer example provided for Selected Date.

  • First Day of Week - Select the day to be displayed as first day of week in calendar.

Style Properties

  • Theme - Accepts a JSON string that is generated using Fluent UI Theme Designer ( Leaving this blank will use the default theme defined by Power Apps.

  • BackgroundColor - Background color for the component. e.g. White or #ffffff

  • AccessibilityLabel - Screen reader aria-label

Event Properties

  • InputEvent - An event to send to the control. E.g. SetFocus. See below.

Using OnChange

When a date is selected, value can be obtained by the selectedDate output property. Below is a set of sample code which can be added in 'OnChange' property, depending on how to output need to be visualized.

Set(varSelectedDate, Text(Self.SelectedDateValue, DateTimeFormat.ShortDate, Language()));
// Example - Output: 7/14/2022

Set(varSelectedDate, Text(Self.SelectedDateValue, DateTimeFormat.LongDate, Language()));
// Example - Output: Sunday, July 3, 2022

Set(varSelectedDate, Text(Self.SelectedDateValue,DateTimeFormat.ShortDate, "en-GB"))
// Example - Output: 14/07/2022

Setting Focus on the control

When a new dialog is shown, and the default focus should be on the control, an explicit set focus will be needed.

To make calls to the input event, you can set a context variable that is bound to the Input Event property to a string that starts with SetFocus and followed by a random element to ensure that the app detects it as a change.


UpdateContext({ctxResizableTextareaEvent:"SetFocus" & Text(Rand())}));

The context variable ctxResizableTextareaEvent would then be bound to the property Input Event property.

Calendar Language

Below list of languages are currently unavailable. Inorder to include new language, refer the Readme file

  • Czech(cs-CZ)
  • Spanish-Mexico(es-MX)
  • Galician(gl-ES)
  • Hindi (hi-IN)
  • Croatian(hr-HR)
  • Hungarian(hu-HU)
  • Indonesian(id-ID)
  • Latvian(lv-LV)
  • Korean(ko-KR)
  • Kazakh(kk-KZ)
  • Slovenian(sl-SL)
  • Serbian (Cyrillic)
  • Thai(th-TH)
  • Ukrainian(uk-UA)

Example Theme

The following is an example of setting the theme based on the output from the Fluent UI Theme Designer (

Set(varThemeBlue, {
  palette: {
    themePrimary: ColorValue("#0078d4"),
    themeLighterAlt: ColorValue("#eff6fc"),
    themeLighter: ColorValue("#deecf9"),
    themeLight: ColorValue("#c7e0f4"),
    themeTertiary: ColorValue("#71afe5"),
    themeSecondary: ColorValue("#2b88d8"),
    themeDarkAlt: ColorValue("#106ebe"),
    themeDark: ColorValue("#005a9e"),
    themeDarker: ColorValue("#004578"),
    neutralLighterAlt: ColorValue("#faf9f8"),
    neutralLighter: ColorValue("#f3f2f1"),
    neutralLight: ColorValue("#edebe9"),
    neutralQuaternaryAlt: ColorValue("#e1dfdd"),
    neutralQuaternary: ColorValue("#d0d0d0"),
    neutralTertiaryAlt: ColorValue("#c8c6c4"),
    neutralTertiary: ColorValue("#a19f9d"),
    neutralSecondary: ColorValue("#605e5c"),
    neutralPrimaryAlt: ColorValue("#3b3a39"),
    neutralPrimary:ColorValue( "#323130"),
    neutralDark: ColorValue("#201f1e"),
    black: ColorValue("#000000"),
    white: ColorValue("#ffffff")

  ""themePrimary"": ""#0078d4"",
  ""themeLighterAlt"": ""#eff6fc"",
  ""themeLighter"": ""#deecf9"",
  ""themeLight"": ""#c7e0f4"",
  ""themeTertiary"": ""#71afe5"",
  ""themeSecondary"": ""#2b88d8"",
  ""themeDarkAlt"": ""#106ebe"",
  ""themeDark"": ""#005a9e"",
  ""themeDarker"": ""#004578"",
  ""neutralLighterAlt"": ""#faf9f8"",
  ""neutralLighter"": ""#f3f2f1"",
  ""neutralLight"": ""#edebe9"",
  ""neutralQuaternaryAlt"": ""#e1dfdd"",
  ""neutralQuaternary"": ""#d0d0d0"",
  ""neutralTertiaryAlt"": ""#c8c6c4"",
  ""neutralTertiary"": ""#a19f9d"",
  ""neutralSecondary"": ""#605e5c"",
  ""neutralPrimaryAlt"": ""#3b3a39"",
  ""neutralPrimary"": ""#323130"",
  ""neutralDark"": ""#201f1e"",
  ""black"": ""#000000"",
  ""white"": ""#ffffff""

The Theme JSON string is passed to the component property, whilst the varTheme can be used to style other standard components such as buttons using the individual colors.