The VS Code GitHub Issue notebook extension enables you to run issue queries from within VS Code so that queries and results are displayed interleaved - just like in other notebook applications.
- go to or use VS Code Desktop
- install this extension from the market place:
- select "File > New File... > GitHub Issue Notebook"
The following features are currently supported
- Querying and rendering of GH issues and PR queries
- Language Support
- syntax highlighting
- validation
- completions
- code navigation (find references, to go definition)
- rename
- formatting
This extension supports to search for issues and pull requests using GitHub search queries ( In addition, variables can be defined and OR-queries can be used. Approximation of the grammer:
doc ::= query | or | def
query ::= <GH_QUERY>
or ::= query "OR" query | or
def ::= var "=" query
var ::= "$" [_a-zA-Z] [_a-zA-Z0-9]*
Note that new line characters always terminate an expression.
A few sample queries from the vscode-project, paste each into a separate code cell
Define variables for vscode and the current milestone (May 2020):
$milestone=milestone:"May 2020"
All current bugs I have created that are closed but not yet verified (using above variables):
$vscode $milestone is:closed author:@me -assignee:@me label:bug -label:verified
All issues that affect performance (startup, freezing, leakage):
$vscode assignee:@me is:open label:freeze-slow-crash-leak
$vscode assignee:@me is:open label:perf
$vscode assignee:@me is:open label:perf-startup