I have this phobia about having my body penetrated surgically. You know what I mean?
Quote: eXistenZ -- Ted Pikul
In Go, the word interface(!interface) is overloaded to mean several
different things. Every type has an interface, which is the set of methods
defined for (!interface, set of methods) that type. This bit of code defines
a struct type S
with one field, and defines two methods for S
. ^[The following text is partly from [@go_interfaces].]
type S struct { i int }
func (p *S) Get() int { return p.i }
func (p *S) Put(v int) { p.i = v }
Figure: Defining a struct and methods on it.
You can also define an (!interface, type)interface type, which is simply
a set of methods. This defines an interface I
with two methods:
type I interface {
Get() int
is a valid implementation for interface I
, because it defines the two
methods which I
requires. Note that this is true even though there is no
explicit declaration that S
implements I
A Go program can use this fact via yet another meaning of interface, which is an interface value: (!interface, value)
func f(p I) { //<<1>>
fmt.Println(p.Get()) //<<2>>
p.Put(1) //<<3>>
At <<1>> we declare a function that takes an interface type as the argument.
Because p
implements I
, it must have the Get()
method, which we call at
<<2>>. And the same holds true for the Put()
method at <<3>>. Because S
implements I
, we can call the function f
passing in a pointer to a value of
type S
: var s S; f(&s)
The reason we need to take the address of s
, rather than a value of type S
is because we defined the methods on s
to operate on pointers, see the
definition in the code above. This is not a requirement -- we could have defined
the methods to take values -- but then the Put
method would not work as
The fact that you do not need to declare whether or not a type implements an interface means that Go implements a form of duck typing (!duck, typing) [@duck_typing]. This is not pure duck typing, because when possible the Go compiler will statically check whether the type implements the interface. However, Go does have a purely dynamic aspect, in that you can convert from one interface type to another. In the general case, that conversion is checked at run time. If the conversion is invalid -- if the type of the value stored in the existing interface value does not satisfy the interface to which it is being converted -- the program will fail with a run time error.
Interfaces in Go are similar to ideas in several other programming languages: pure abstract virtual base classes in C++, typeclasses in Haskell or duck typing in Python. However there is no other language which combines interface values, static type checking, dynamic run time conversion, and no requirement for explicitly declaring that a type satisfies an interface. The result in Go is powerful, flexible, efficient, and easy to write.
Let's define another type R
that also implements the interface I
type R struct { i int }
func (p *R) Get() int { return p.i }
func (p *R) Put(v int) { p.i = v }
The function f
can now accept variables of type R
and S
Suppose you need to know the actual type in the function f
. In Go you can
figure that out by using a type switch(!type switch).
func f(p I) {
switch t := p.(type) { //<<1>>
case *S: //<<2>>
case *R: //<<2>>
default: //<<3>>
At <<1>> we use the type switch, note that the .(type)
syntax is only valid
within a switch
statement. We store the value in the variable t
. The
subsequent cases <<2>> each check for a different actual type. And we can even
have a default
<<3>> clause. It is worth pointing out that both case R
case s
aren't possible, because p
needs to be a pointer in order to satisfy
A type switch isn't the only way to discover the type at run-time.
if t, ok := something.(I); ok { //<<1>>
// ...
You can also use a "comma, ok" form <<1>> to see if an interface type implements
a specific interface. If ok
is true, t
will hold the type of something
When you are sure a variable implements an interface you can use: t := something.(I)
Since every type satisfies the empty interface: interface{}
we can create
a generic function which has an empty interface as its argument:
func g(something interface{}) int {
return something.(I).Get()
The return something.(I).Get()
is the tricky bit in this function. The value
has type interface{}
, meaning no guarantee of any methods at all:
it could contain any type. The .(I)
is a type assertion (!type assertion)
which converts something
to an interface of type I
. If we have that type we
can invoke the Get()
function. So if we create a new variable of the type
, we can just call g()
, because *S
also implements the empty interface.
s = new(S)
The call to g
will work fine and will print 0. If we however invoke g()
a value that does not implement I
we have a problem:
var i int
This compiles, but when we run this we get slammed with: "panic: interface conversion: int is not main.I: missing method Get".
Which is completely true, the built-in type int
does not have a Get()
Methods are functions that have a receiver (see (#functions)).
You can define methods on any type (except on non-local types, this includes
built-in types: the type int
can not have methods).
You can however make a new integer type with its own methods. For example:
type Foo int
func (self Foo) Emit() {
fmt.Printf("%v", self)
type Emitter interface {
Doing this on non-local (types defined in other packages) types yields an error "cannot define new methods on non-local type int".
An interface defines a set of methods. A method contains the actual code. In other words, an interface is the definition and the methods are the implementation. So a receiver can not be an interface type, doing so results in a "invalid receiver type ..." compiler error. The authoritative word from the language spec [@go_spec]:
The receiver type must be of the form
is a type name.T
is called the receiver base type or just base type. The base type must not be a pointer or interface type and must be declared in the same package as the method.
A> Creating a pointer to an interface value is a useless action in Go. It is in A> fact illegal to create a pointer to an interface value. The release notes for an A> earlier Go release that made them illegal leave no room for doubt: A> A> > The language change is that uses of pointers to interface values no longer A> > automatically de-reference the pointer. A pointer to an interface value is A> > more often a beginner's bug than correct code.
By convention, one-method interfaces are named by the method name plus the -er suffix: Reader, Writer, Formatter etc.
There are a number of such names and it's productive to honor them and the
function names they capture. Read
, Write
, Close
, Flush
, String
and so
on have canonical signatures and meanings. To avoid confusion, don't give your
method one of those names unless it has the same signature and meaning.
Conversely, if your type implements a method with the same meaning as a method
on a well-known type, give it the same name and signature; call your
string-converter method String
not ToString
. ^[Text copied from
Recall the Bubblesort exercise, where we sorted an array of integers:
func bubblesort(n []int) {
for i := 0; i < len(n)-1; i++ {
for j := i + 1; j < len(n); j++ {
if n[j] < n[i] {
n[i], n[j] = n[j], n[i]
A version that sorts strings is identical except for the signature of the
function: func bubblesortString(n []string) { /* ... */ }
. Using this
approach would lead to two functions, one for each type. By using interfaces we
can make this more (!generic) generic. Let's create a new function that will
sort both strings and integers, something along the lines of this non-working
func sort(i []interface{}) { //<<1>>
switch i.(type) { //<<2>>
case string: //<<3>>
// ...
case int:
// ...
return /* ... */ //<<4>>
Our function will receive a slice of empty interfaces at <<1>>. We then <<2>> use a type switch to find out what the actual type of the input is. And then <<3>> then sort accordingly. And, when done, return <<4>> the sorted slice.
But when we call this function with sort([]int{1, 4, 5})
, it fails with:
"cannot use i (type []int) as type []interface { } in function argument"
This is because Go can not easily convert to a slice of interfaces. Just converting to an interface is easy, but to a slice is much more costly. The full mailing list discussion on this subject can be found at [@go_nuts_interfaces]. To keep a long story short: Go does not (implicitly) convert slices for you.
So what is the Go way of creating such a "generic" function? Instead of doing the type inference ourselves with a type switch, we let Go do it implicitly: The following steps are required:
Define an interface type (called
here) with a number of methods needed for sorting. We will at least need a function to get the length of the slice, a function to compare two values and a swap function.type Sorter interface { Len() int // len() as a method. Less(i, j int) bool // p[j] < p[i] as a method. Swap(i, j int) // p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] as a method. }
Define new types for the slices we want to sort. Note that we declare slice types:
type Xi []int type Xs []string
Implementation of the methods of the
interface. For integers:func (p Xi) Len() int {return len(p)} func (p Xi) Less(i int, j int) bool {return p[j] < p[i]} func (p Xi) Swap(i int, j int) {p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]}
And for strings:
func (p Xs) Len() int {return len(p)} func (p Xs) Less(i int, j int) bool {return p[j] < p[i]} func (p Xs) Swap(i int, j int) {p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]}
Write a generic Sort function that works on the
interface.func Sort(x Sorter) { //<<1>> for i := 0; i < x.Len() - 1; i++ { //<<2>> for j := i + 1; j < x.Len(); j++ { if x.Less(i, j) { x.Swap(i, j) } } } }
At <<1>>
is now of theSorter
type and using the defined methods for this interface we implement Bubblesort at <<2>>.Now we can use our generic
function as follows:ints := Xi{44, 67, 3, 17, 89, 10, 73, 9, 14, 8} strings := Xs{"nut", "ape", "elephant", "zoo", "go"} Sort(ints) fmt.Printf("%v\n", ints) Sort(strings) fmt.Printf("%v\n", strings)
Take a look at the following example of an interface definition, this one is
from the package container/heap
type Interface interface {
Push(x interface{})
Pop() interface{}
Here another interface is listed inside the definition of heap.Interface
, this
may look odd, but is perfectly valid, remember that on the surface an interface is nothing
more than a listing of methods. sort.Interface
is also such a listing, so it is
perfectly legal to include it in the interface.
In the following example we want to look at the "tag" (here named "namestr")
defined in the type definition of Person
. To do this we need the
(!package,reflect) package (there is no other way in Go). Keep in
mind that looking at a tag means going back to the type definition. So we use
the reflect
package to figure out the type of the variable and then access
the tag.
type Person struct {
name string "namestr"
age int
func ShowTag(i interface{}) { //<<1>>
switch t := reflect.TypeOf(i); t.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr: //<<2>>
tag := t.Elem().Field(0).Tag
// <<3>> <<4>> <<5>>
Figure: Introspection using reflection.
We are calling ShowTag
at <<1>> with a *Person
, so at <<2>> we're expecting
a reflect.Ptr
. We are dealing with a Type
<<3>> and according to the
documentation ^[go doc reflect
Elem returns a type's element type. It panics if the type's Kind is not Array, Chan, Map, Ptr, or Slice.
So on t
we use Elem()
to get the value the pointer points to. We have now
dereferenced the pointer and are "inside" our structure. We then <<4>> use
to access the zeroth field.
The struct StructField
has a Tag
member which returns the tag-name as
a string. So on the .Tag
<<5>> to access this
name: Field(0).Tag
. This gives us namestr
To make the difference between types and values more clear, take a look at the following code:
func show(i interface{}) {
switch t := i.(type) {
case *Person:
t := reflect.TypeOf(i) //<<1>>
v := reflect.ValueOf(i) //<<2>>
tag := t.Elem().Field(0).Tag //<<3>>
name := v.Elem().Field(0).String() //<<4>>
Figure: Reflection and the type and value.
At <<1>> we create t
the type data of i
, and v
gets the actual values at
<<2>>. Here at <<3>> we want to get to the "tag". So we need Elem()
to redirect
the pointer, access the first field and get the tag. Note that we operate on t
a reflect.Type
. Now <<4>> we want to get access to the value of one of the
members and we employ Elem()
on v
to do the redirection. we have "arrived"
at the structure. Then we go to the first field Field(0)
and invoke the
method on it.
Figure: Peeling away the layers using reflection. Going from a
via Elem
using the
methods described in go doc reflect
to get the actual string
contained within.")
Setting a value works similarly as getting a value, but only works on exported members. Again some code:
type Person struct {
name string
age int
func Set(i interface{}) {
switch i.(type) {
case *Person:
r := reflect.ValueOf(i)
r.Elem(0).Field(0).SetString("Albert Einstein")
Figure: Reflect with private member.
type Person struct {
Name string
age int
func Set(i interface{}) {
switch i.(type) {
case *Person:
r := reflect.ValueOf(i)
r.Elem().Field(0).SetString("Albert Einstein")
Figure: Reflect with public member.
The first program compiles and runs, but when you run it, you are greeted with a stack trace and a run time error: "panic: reflect.Value.SetString using value obtained using unexported field".
The second program works OK and sets the member Name
to "Albert Einstein".
Of course this only works when you call Set()
with a pointer argument.