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Rotzbua edited this page Dec 3, 2017 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the MFRC522 rfid wiki!


RFID readers

An RFID reader's function is to interrogate RFID tags. The means of interrogation is wireless and because the distance is relatively short; line of sight between the reader and tags is not necessary. A reader contains an RF module, which acts as both a transmitter and receiver of radio frequency signals. The transmitter consists of an oscillator to create the carrier frequency; a modulator to impinge data commands upon this carrier signal and an amplifier to boost the signal enough to awaken the tag. The receiver has a demodulator to extract the returned data and also contains an amplifier to strengthen the signal for processing. A microprocessor forms the control unit, which employs an operating system and memory to filter and store the data. The data is now ready to be sent to the network.


Passive tags

Active tags



NDEF extension

A implementation of NDEF for MFRC522 can be found here:

Access control

Simple demos

Asset tracking

Building management

Home automation

Parking control

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