CloudSlang is a YAML based language for writing human-readable workflows for the Cloud Slang Orchestration Engine (Score). This repository includes CloudSlang flows and operations.
- Download the CloudSlang CLI file named
- Unzip it.
- Go to the folder /cslang/bin/
- Run the executable :
- For Windows : cslang.bat
- For Linux : bash cslang
- Run a simple example print text flow: run --f ../content/io/cloudslang/base/print/ --i text=first_flow --cp ../content/
Command line arguments in the above example:
Argument | Description |
--f | Location of the flow to run. |
--i | Arguments the flow takes as input, for multiple arguments use a comma delimited list (e.g. var1=value1,var2=value2). |
--cp | Classpath for the location of the content. Required when content imports other content. |
Note: Some of the content is dependent on external python modules. If you are using the CLI to run your flows, you can import external modules by doing one of the following:
- Installing packages into the python-lib folder
- Editing the executable file
Installing packages into the python-lib folder:
Prerequisite: pip - see pip's documentation for how to install.
- Edit the requirements.txt file in the python-lib folder, which is found at the same level as the bin folder that contains the CLI executable.
- Enter the Python package and all its dependencies in the requirements file.
- See the pip documentation for information on how to format the requirements file.
- Run the following command from inside the python-lib folder:
Note: If your machine is behind a proxy you will need to specify the proxy using pip's
pip install -r requirements.txt -t .
Note: If you have defined a JYTHONPATH
environment variable, you will need to add the python-lib folder's path to its value.
Editing the executable file
- Open the executable found in the bin folder for editing.
- Change the
key's value to the desired path.
All documentation is available on the CloudSlang website.
Read our contributing guide here.
Contact us at here.