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Set Memory and CPU Limit by container
To set the memory and cpu limit used by contianer
ElasticSearch Backup And Restore Sample Data
To implement elasticsearch backup & restore on local with sample data
ElasticSearch Single Node and Kibana
To implement elastic-search and kibana using single docker-compose
Logstash Example
To implement logstash docker-compose example
Monitoring Mongodb using Kibana Dashboard
To get monitoring dashboard for mongodb using mongodb, metricbeat (custom image), elasticsearch, kibana docker-compose
Monitoring NATS-Streaming using Kibana Dashboard
To get monitoring dashboard for NATS-Streaming using NATS-Streaming, metricbeat (custom image), elasticsearch, kibana docker-compose
Monitoring MYSQL using Kibana Dashboard
To get monitoring dashboard for MYSQL using MYSQL, metricbeat (custom image), elasticsearch, kibana docker-compose
Monitoring Alerts on Slack Using Prometheus Stack
To send alerts to slack using prometheus, blackboxexporter, alertmanager docker-compose
Cert validation for a domain using Nginx
To test whether the certs (* are valid by using nginx
Cert validation for a domain using Caddy
To test whether the certs (* are valid by using caddy
Download Certs Using ACME Challenge on Caddy on host for given domain
To download certs for * using caddy and https-acme and save those certs on host
Reverse Proxy nginx home using caddy
To reverse-proxy nginx-home using caddy
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