Goal: The goal of this section is to have an ASP.NET application running in a Docker container on your Windows 10 developer machine.
Step | Procedure |
Run the application | Run the existing ASP.NET application to verify its functionality, using Visual Studio and IIS Express. |
Create a Docker container | Create a docker container. |
Run the application in a container | Run and debug the application running in a container, using Visual Studio. |
In this section we will test the ASP.NET application using Visual Studio and IIS Express.
Step | Action | Result |
1 | Open the solution eShopLegacyWebForms.sln, which you will find in the \Lab\eShopLegacyWebFormsSolution folder on the desktop. Note Visual Studio will ask for login, choose Not now and choose a theme. |
Visual Studio will open, and you will see one project with an ASP.NET MVC application in Visual Studio. |
2 | Expand the Default.aspx file in the Solution Explorer, then open the Default.aspx.cs file in Visual Studio and set a breakpoint at line 25. | This will break the application once a browser requests the home page. |
3 | Change the Solution Configuration to Debug and press F5 to start debugging the application. | The application will now build, and Edge will open with the application when it’s ready. |
4 | When the breakpoint is hit, click F5 to continue code execution. | The applications home page shows up in Edge. |
5 | The application simulates a simple web shop administrative interface. Feel free to browse around the application to see details of the various products and some of the functionality. | Note: The application is setup to use mock data loaded from source files, so all changes will be reverted once the debug session closes. |
6 | Press Shift+F5 to stop the debugging | Debugging stops. |
You’ve now complete debugging an ASP.NET application using Visual Studio and IIS Express.
In this section we will create a docker container image to run the ASP.NET application eShopLegacyWebForms, which requires Internet Information Server (IIS) to be running in the container.
Step | Action | Result |
1 | Publish eShopLegacyWebForms application to a folder from Visual Studio by: 1. Right-Clicking the eShopLegacyWebForms project and choose Publish 2. Choose Folder 3. Click Publish |
The web application is now published to a folder and ready to be deployed in to a container image. |
2 | Open PowerShell and change directory to “C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ Lab\eShopLegacyWebFormsSolution\src\eShopLegacyWebForms” |
3 | Create a new DockerFile (no file extension) and open it in Notepad, by running the following commands: 1. New-Item Dockerfile 2. Notepad Dockerfile 3. A blank Notepad will show up. |
4 | Add the following content: FROM microsoft/aspnet:4.7.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2016 COPY bin/Release/Publish /inetpub/wwwroot |
5 | Save and close the file | The Dockerfile contains instructions for the docker engine on how to build a container, when running the “docker build” command in this directory. |
6 | In PowerShell run the command “docker build . -t eshopweb:1.0” in the directory “C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ Lab\eShopLegacyWebFormsSolution\src\eShopLegacyWebForms” |
This command will tell the Docker host to build a container image and tag it eshopweb:1.0, using the instructions in the Dockerfile. Note: Make sure Docker is running and on Windows containers mode |
7 | Run the command docker images to see the container images cached on your machine | You should see an image with the repository: eshopweb and the tag: 1.0. |
You’ve now published the ASP.NET application eShopLegacyWebForms and built a docker container image with the application.
Step | Action | Result |
1 | Create an instance of the container and run it, by running the following command in PowerShell: docker run -p 80:80 -d --name eshoptest eshopweb:1.0 |
This creates and starts a container, exposing port 80 on the local host. |
2 | Once the command return, open Edge and browse to http://localhost. | You should now see the application being served from the container. |
3 | Stop the container by running the command docker stop eshoptest in PowerShell | This stops the container and persists the state and configuration. You can then restart the container at a later point. |
4 | Remove the container by running the command docker rm eshoptest in PowerShell | This command will remove the container state and configuration. We will do this as in the next step we create a new instance of the container with a different configuration. |
5 | The application has a feature to add an environment variable to the front-page title. Create a new configuration of the container image, by running the following command in PowerShell: docker run -p 80:80 -d --name eshoptest -e eShopTitle=MyTitle eshopweb:1.0 Note: This feature is implemented in the Site.Master.cs file. |
Environment variables is a common way of passing configurations to containers. The -e parameter is used with docker to pass environment variables to containers. |
6 | Once the command returns, open Edge and browse to http://localhost. | You should now see the application title using your environment variable. |
7 | You can run commands inside a running container’. Output the environment variables from the container by running the following commands in PowerShell: docker exec eshoptest cmd.exe /C SET |
You will see all the environment variables in the container being output. |
8 | Let’s stop and remove the container:
In this section of the lab, we created a container image with our application, and ran it. Finally, we used environment variables to configure the application running in the container.