The goal of this section is to create a new .net core application and run it in Mesh.
Step | Procedure |
Create a Service Fabric Mesh Application using Visual Studio | We will use Visual Studio to create a Service Fabric application hosting the container |
Deploy the application to Service Fabric Mesh | Using Visual Studio and Azure Container Registry |
Add configuration to the service | We will apply configuration to the service using the Mesh model |
In this section we will create a Service Fabric application with the container as a service, and configure it.
Open Visual Studio
Create a new Service Fabric Mesh Application project
Choose ASP.NET Core
Choose the Web Application template
Notice that two projects are created. The Mesh Application project holds the yaml files, which described shared resources for the application. The core web project is a regular core project, which runs anywhere. But the project also has a Dockerfile and a service.yaml file to describe how to run it in Mesh.
- Press F5 to debug the application
Once you hit F5, Visual Studio will help setup a local Service Fabric cluster to host the Mesh application in containers.
Once completed, the application is shown in your browser.
- In Visual Studio stop the debug session by pressing Shift+F5
To publish the application to Service Fabric Mesh in Azure, Right-click the Service Fabric Mesh application project and choose Publish
Sign in to your Azure account and provide the information needed for the Publish dialog.
Visual Studio will pull a container image to complete the container build. This may take a few minutes to complete. The Visual Studio output window will show the progress.
Once the deployment is done. Visual Studio will output the IP address of the application running in Mesh.
Open the Azure Portal
Browse to the resource group you just created
Open the Mesh Application and browse through Services - Replica 0 - Code Package and choose Logs
This will show you the stdout container logs form the container deployed to Mesh
In Visual Studio, open the service.yaml file under the Service Resources folder in the Web project.
In line 22 and 23 add another environment variable with the name MyEnvVar and a random value
Save the file
Open the About.cshtml file in the Pages folder
Add the following line to the file:
<p>MyEnvVar value: @Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MyEnvVar")</p>
Press F5 to debug the application, once the web site comes up, go to the About page and you should see the value from the environment variable show up.
Without stopping the debugger, you can make changes to the About.cshtml file and reload the browser to see you changes. There is no need to redeploy the container and app to quickly see changes that do not require recompiling the code.
Stop the debug session by pressing Shift+F5
To publish the updated application to Service Fabric Mesh in Azure, Right-click the Service Fabric Mesh application project and choose Publish
The publish dialog should have stored the information and you can click Publish
This will kick-off a rebuild and deployment of the containers. Once finished go to the web site. You can also browse the Azure portal to see the environment variable that the container is running with.
In this section of the lab, we’ve build a new core service and deployed it to Azure Service Fabric Mesh