function | definition |
and | Returns true if both arguments are true . |
concat | Concatenates an array of arrays. |
elem | Returns array element. |
equal | Returns true when arguments are equal. |
file | Reads single file from project filesystem. |
files | Reads files from project filesystem. |
File | Creates File from path and content. |
filter | Filters files according to glob pattern. |
id | Identity function - it returns its only argument. |
if | Returns one of two values depending on bool condition. |
jar | Jars (compresses) files. |
jarFile | Creates jar file with (compressed) files. |
javac | Compiles java files. |
junit | Runs junit tests. |
map | Applies given function to each element of an array. |
not | Returns negation of its argument. |
or | Returns true if any argument is true . |
size | Returns size of an array. |
toBlob | Converts String to Blob using UTF-8 encoding. |
toString | Converts Blob to String using UTF-8 encoding. |
unjar | Unjars (uncompresses) files from given jar file. |
unzip | Unzips files from zip file. |
zip | Zips (compresses) files. |
value | definition |
false | false value of type Bool |
true | true value of type Bool |