Install latest version of Raspbian OS on an SD card according to the official documents on
- Download and install Raspberry Pi Imager in your computer.
- Insert the MicroSD Card into SD Card reader slot of your computer. ( You can use SD Card USB Adapter as well )
- Run Raspberry Pi Imager software
- Click on the "CHOOSE STORAGE" button and select your SD Card drive.
- Click on the "CHOOSE OS" button and select "Raspberry Pi OS".
- Click on the settings button with a gear icon.
- Click on the checkbox next to "Enable SSH" to enable SSH.
- Click on the checkbox next to "Configure Wireless LAN", and enter your Wi-fi network username and password.
- Click on the "SAVE" button
- Click on the "WRITE" button and wait for it to write the image to the SD Card.
- You will get a dialog box titled "Write Successful" Once the verification process is complete. Click on the "CONTINUE" button.
- Remove MicroSD Card and insert it in the SD Card reader slot of your Raspberry Pi.
- Login to your Raspberry Pi
- Open a web browser
- Download to your main /home/pi/ directory ( Make sure you save it as .sh or shell script )
- Run the shell script to install the software. You can pass an argument to define your desired configuration.
Note: The configuration for XAC Compatible Gamepad will be selected if no argument is passed.
- 8 Button Gamepad
sh 8b
- 16 Button Gamepad
sh 16b
- 32 Button Gamepad
sh 32b
- NS Compatible Gamepad
sh ns
- PS Compatible Gamepad
sh ps
- XAC Compatible Gamepad
sh xac
- Raspberry Pi will reboot once the installation process is complete.
- Startup your Rpi and enter following command to test the configuration ( Optional ):
ls -la /dev/hidg*
You should get something similar to following which means it's working and ready to use.
crw------- 1 root root 243, 0 Dec 26 02:34 /dev/hidg0
- Windows 10 detects Raspberry Pi joystick as a USB HID device and you can use find it under Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers.
- Download/Clone project repository in your computer
- Enter the "Install" directory
- Open install_windows.bat file with a text editor
- Change the ip address and set your raspberry pi local ip address
- Set the raspberry pi password if it is no longer set to "raspberry"
- Save the file
- Run the install_windows.bat file to install the software.
Note: The configuration for XAC Compatible Gamepad will be installed by default. Change the last line of for other gamepad configurations.
- 8 Button Gamepad
sh ./ 8b
- 16 Button Gamepad
sh ./ 16b
- 32 Button Gamepad
sh ./ 32b
- NS Compatible Gamepad
sh ./ ns
- PS Compatible Gamepad
sh ps
- XAC Compatible Gamepad
sh ./ xac
Raspberry Pi will reboot once the installation process is complete.
Startup your Rpi and enter following command to test the configuration ( Optional ):
ls -la /dev/hidg*
You should get something similar to following which means it's working and ready to use.
crw------- 1 root root 243, 0 Dec 26 02:34 /dev/hidg0
- Windows 10 detects Raspberry Pi joystick as a USB HID device and you can use find it under Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers.
- Download/Clone project repository in your computer
- Enter the "Install" directory
- Open Command line or terminal
- Enter following command:
plink -ssh -v -pw raspberry pi@ -m
ssh pi@ 'bash -s' <
1.1. Change the ip address and set your raspberry pi local ip address
1.2. Set the raspberry pi password if it is no longer set to "raspberry"
- Press enter to execute the command to install the software.
Note: The configuration for XAC Compatible Gamepad will be installed by default. Change the last line of for other gamepad configurations.
- 8 Button Gamepad
sh 8b
- 16 Button Gamepad
sh 16b
- 32 Button Gamepad
sh 32b
- NS Compatible Gamepad
sh ns
- PS Compatible Gamepad
sh ps
- XAC Compatible Gamepad
sh xac
Raspberry Pi will reboot once the installation process is complete.
Startup your Rpi and enter following command to test the configuration ( Optional ):
ls -la /dev/hidg*
You should get something similar to following which means it's working and ready to use.
crw------- 1 root root 243, 0 Dec 26 02:34 /dev/hidg0
- Windows 10 detects Raspberry Pi joystick as a USB HID device and you can use find it under Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers.
- Connect RaspberryPi to one of the USB ports on your host device. Make sure you use an external power source to power RPi Zero.
- Make sure all the USB and Bluetooth input devices are connected.
- Wait 30 seconds for it to initialize.
- Move your input mice or press the keys on the input keyboard to initiate the connection if they are already paired.
- Pair BT keyboard/mouse using RaspberryPi GUI taskbar.
1.1. Click on Bluetooth button icon on top right of RaspberryPi GUI taskbar.
1.2. Click on Add Device
1.3. Select your BT keyboard/mouse and Click on Pair button