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Add checkout functionality to the web site

Similar to lab 1, a database has already been defined to store order details for eShop, along with an Entity Framework Core model, and a web app that ensures the database is created and updated to the latest schema by running migrations on startup.

ERD for the Ordering database

Getting familiar with the Ordering Database

  1. Open the eShop.lab5.sln in Visual Studio or VS Code.

  2. An Entity Framework Core model is already defined for this database in the Ordering.Data project. Open the OrderingDbContext.cs file in this project and look at the code to see that the the various tables are defined via properties and classes implementing IEntityTypeConfiguration<TEntity>.

  3. The Ordering.Data project only defines the DbContext and entity types. The EF Core migrations are defined and managed in the Ordering.Data.Manager project. This is a web project that includes some custom code to facilitate creating and seeding the database when the application starts.

  4. The AppHost has already been configured to create a PostgreSQL container resource named OrderingDB and had the Ordering.Data.Manager project added to it as a resource named ordering-db-mgr with a reference to the OrderingDB database.

  5. Run the AppHost project and verify using the dashboard and the pgAdmin tool that the OrderingDB database has been created and contains the tables defined by the Entity Framework Core migrations.

    pgAdmin UI showing the created tables

Create the Ordering API project

Now that we've verified the Ordering database is working, let's add an HTTP API that provides the ordering capabilities to our system.

  1. Add a new project to the solution using the ASP.NET Core Web API project template and call it Ordering.API, and ensure the following options are configured

    • Framework: .NET 8.0 (Long Term Support)
    • Configure for HTTPS: disabled
    • Enable Docker: disabled
    • Enable OpenAPI support: enabled
    • Do not use top-level statements: disabled
    • Use controllers: disabled

    VS Web API project template options

  2. In the newly created project, update the package reference to Swashbuckle.AspNetCore to version 6.7.0

  3. Add the Ordering.API project reference to the eShop.AppHost project

  4. Open the Program.cs file of the eShop.AppHost project, and update it so the API project you just added is named "ordering-api" and has a reference to the OrderingDB and the IdP:

    var orderingApi = builder.AddProject<Projects.Ordering_API>("ordering-api")
  5. Towards the bottom of the Program.cs file, udpate the line that adds the "ORDERINGAPI_HTTP" envionment variable to the idp resource so that it now passes in the http endpoint from the orderingApi resource. This will ensure the IdP is configured correctly to support authentication requests from the Ordering.API project:

    var orderingApiHttp = orderingApi.GetEndpoint("http");
    idp.WithEnvironment("ORDERINGAPI_HTTP", () => $"{orderingApiHttp.Scheme}://{orderingApiHttp.Host}:{orderingApiHttp.Port}");
  6. Add a project reference from the Ordering.API project to the Ordering.Data project so that it can use Entity Framework Core to access the database.

  7. Add a project reference from the Ordering.API project to the eShop.ServiceDefaults project so that it can use the service defaults of .NET Aspire

  8. Open the Program.cs file of the Ordering.API project and delete the sample code that defines the weather forecasts API.

  9. Immediately after the line that calls builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen();, add lines to register the default OpenAPI services, and the default authentication services. Reminder, these methods are defined in the eShop.ServiceDefaults project and make it easy to add common services to an API project and ensure they're configured consistently:

  10. Immediately after the line that calls var app = builder.Build();, add a line to map default endpoints for service discovery

  11. Add a line to configure the OrderingDbContext in the application's DI container using the Npgsql Entity Framework Core Provider for PostgreSQL. Ensure that the name passed to the method matches the name defined for the database in the AppHost project's Program.cs file ("OrderingDB"). The AddNpgsqlDbContext method comes from the Aspire.Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL Aspire component:

  12. Create a new file called OrdersApi.cs and define a static class inside of it called OrderingApi in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder namespace:

    namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
    public static class OrderingApi
  13. In this class, add an extension method named MapOrdersApi on the RouteGroupBuilder type, returning that same type:

    public static RouteGroupBuilder MapOrdersApi(this RouteGroupBuilder app)
        return app;

    This method will define the endpoint routes for the Ordering API.

  14. Create a Models directory and inside it create a new file OrderSummary.cs. In this, define a class called OrderSummary with properties to represent the order number, date, status, and total price, and a static method to create an instance of this class from an Order entity from the Ordering.Data project:

    using eShop.Ordering.Data;
    namespace eShop.Ordering.API.Model;
    public class OrderSummary
        public int OrderNumber { get; init; }
        public DateTime Date { get; init; }
        public required string Status { get; init; }
        public decimal Total { get; init; }
        public static OrderSummary FromOrder(Order order)
            return new OrderSummary
                OrderNumber = order.Id,
                Date = order.OrderDate,
                Status = order.OrderStatus.ToString(),
                Total = order.GetTotal()

    This class will be used to represent a summary of an order in the API responses.

  15. Back in the OrdersApi.cs file, in the MapOrdersApi method, add a call to app.MapGet to define an endpoint that responds to GET requests to the / path, and is handled by an async lambda that accepts two parameters: a ClaimsPrincipal type that will be auto-populated with the current user, and the OrderingDbContext instance that will come from the DI container:

    app.MapGet("/", async (ClaimsPrincipal user, OrderingDbContext dbContext) =>
  16. Add code to the lambda body to extract the user ID from the ClaimsPrincipal and use it to query the database for the orders that belong to that user. If the user ID is null, throw an exception with a relevant message, otherwise return an instance of OrderSummary representing the user's orders:

    app.MapGet("/", async (ClaimsPrincipal user, OrderingDbContext dbContext) =>
        var userId = user.GetUserId()
            ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("User identity could not be found. This endpoint requires authorization.");
        var orders = await dbContext.Orders
            .Include(o => o.OrderItems)
            .Include(o => o.Buyer)
            .Where(o => o.Buyer.IdentityGuid == userId)
            .Select(o => OrderSummary.FromOrder(o))
        return TypedResults.Ok(orders);
  17. In Program.cs, immediately before the call to app.Run() at the end of the file, add a line to map a route group for the path /api/v1/orders and call the MapOrdersApi method on it, followed by a call to RequireAuthorization to ensure that the endpoint requires a user to be authenticated to access it. This will ensure that the endpoint is only accessible to authenticated users, and that the user's identity is available in the ClaimsPrincipal parameter of the lambda in the MapGet method:

  18. Open the appsettings.json file and add the following configuration sections:

        // Add the following sections
        "OpenApi": {
            "Endpoint": {
                "Name": "Ordering.API v1"
            "Document": {
                "Description": "The Ordering Service HTTP API",
                "Title": "eShop - Ordering HTTP API",
                "Version": "v1"
            "Auth": {
                "ClientId": "orderingswaggerui",
                "AppName": "Ordering Swagger UI"
        "Identity": {
            "Audience": "orders"

    The "OpenApi" section will ensure the call to builder.AddDefaultOpenApi() in the Program.cs file configures the Swagger UI for authentication against our IdP. The "Identity" section will ensure the call to builder.AddDefaultAuthentication() in the Program.cs file configures the API for authentication bia JWT Bearer (similar to what we did for the Basket API).

  19. Run the AppHost project and verify that the Ordering.API project is running and that the /api/v1/orders endpoint is visible in the Swagger UI. There should be an Authorize button displayed with an open padlock, indicating that the endpoint requires authentication.

    Swagger UI showing the endpoint and 'Authorize' button

  20. Click the Authorize button and in the Available authorizations dialog opened, click the Authorize button to be taken to the sign-in form for the IdP. Sign in with the same test user you used to sign in to the web site in the previous lab ( / P@$$w0rd1). You should be redirected back to the Swagger UI and see the Available authorizations dialog again indicating you are now authorized.

    Swagger UI showing the 'Available authorizations' dialog in authorized state

  21. Click the Close button to close the Available authorizations dialog and then click the Try it out button for the /api/v1/orders endpoint. You should see a response with an empty array of orders, indicating that the endpoint is working and returning the expected response.

    Swagger UI showing the endpoint and 'Authorize' button

Add an API endpoint to create an order

  1. In the Ordering.API project, add a new file called BasketItem.cs in the Models directory. In this file, define a class called BasketItem with properties to represent an item in a shopping basket that will be added to an order. Annotate all the properties with the [Required] attribute from the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace, and use the [Range] attribute to specify a range of valid values for the numerical properties:

    using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
    namespace eShop.Ordering.API.Models;
    public class BasketItem
        public int ProductId { get; init; }
        public required string ProductName { get; init; }
        [Required, Range(0, double.MaxValue)]
        public decimal UnitPrice { get; init; }
        [Range(0, 10000)]
        public int Quantity { get; init; }
  2. Add another new file called CreateOrderRequest.cs in the Models directory. In this file, define a class called CreateOrderRequest with properties to represent the details of the order. Annotate all the properties with the [Required] attribute from the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace:

    using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
    namespace eShop.Ordering.API.Models;
    public class CreateOrderRequest
        public required string UserName { get; set; }
        public required string City { get; set; }
        public required string Street { get; set; }
        public required string State { get; set; }
        public required string Country { get; set; }
        public required string ZipCode { get; set; }
        public required string CardNumber { get; set; }
        public required string CardHolderName { get; set; }
        public DateTime CardExpiration { get; set; }
        public required string CardSecurityNumber { get; set; }
        public int CardTypeId { get; set; }
        public required IReadOnlyCollection<BasketItem> Items { get; set; }
  3. Back in the OrdersApi.cs file, in the MapOrdersApi method, add a call to app.MapGet to define an endpoint that responds to POST requests to the / path, and is handled by an async lambda that accepts three parameters: a CreateOrderRequest that will be deserialized from JSON in the POST request body, a ClaimsPrincipal type that will be auto-populated with the current user, and the OrderingDbContext instance that will come from the DI container:

    app.MapPost("/", async (CreateOrderRequest request, ClaimsPrincipal user, OrderingDbContext dbContext) =>
  4. We'll build up the body of this lambda over a few steps as the process of creating an order from a basket is a bit more complex than just querying the database for orders. First, add code to the lambda body to extract the user ID from the ClaimsPrincipal. If the user ID is null, throw an exception with a relevant message:

    app.MapPost("/", async (CreateOrderRequest request, ClaimsPrincipal user, OrderingDbContext dbContext) =>
        var userId = user.GetUserId()
            ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("User identity could not be found. This endpoint requires authorization.");
        // ... more code to come
  5. Next, add code to validate that the CardTypeId property of the request parameter is a valid card type ID. If it's not, return a validation problem response with an appropriate message:

    if (!Enumeration.IsValid<CardType>(request.CardTypeId))
        var errors = new Dictionary<string, string[]>
            { nameof(CreateOrderRequest.CardTypeId), [$"Card type ID '{request.CardTypeId}' is invalid."] }
        return Results.ValidationProblem(errors);
  6. Next, we'll query the database to find the buyer that corresponds to the current user, and retrieve the requested payment method at the same time if the buyer has used it previously:

    var requestPaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod
        CardTypeId = request.CardTypeId,
        CardHolderName = request.CardHolderName,
        CardNumber = request.CardNumber,
        Expiration = request.CardExpiration,
        SecurityNumber = request.CardSecurityNumber,
    var buyer = await dbContext.Buyers
        .Where(b => b.IdentityGuid == userId)
        // Include the payment method to check if it already exists
        .Include(b => b.PaymentMethods
            .Where(pm => pm.CardTypeId == requestPaymentMethod.CardTypeId
                        && pm.CardNumber == requestPaymentMethod.CardNumber
                        && pm.Expiration == requestPaymentMethod.Expiration))
  7. Now check if the buyer was found, and if not, create a new buyer for this user and add it to the database:

    if (buyer is null)
        buyer = new Buyer
            IdentityGuid = userId,
            Name = request.UserName
  8. Next, check if the payment method was found, and if not, add it to the buyer's payment methods:

    var paymentMethod = buyer.PaymentMethods.SingleOrDefault();
    if (paymentMethod is null)
        paymentMethod = new PaymentMethod
            CardTypeId = request.CardTypeId,
            CardNumber = request.CardNumber,
            CardHolderName = request.CardHolderName,
            Expiration = request.CardExpiration,
            SecurityNumber = request.CardSecurityNumber
  9. Now that the buyer and payment method are dealth with, we can actually create the order:

    var order = new Order
        Buyer = buyer,
        Address = new Address(request.Street, request.City, request.State, request.Country, request.ZipCode),
        OrderItems = request.Items.Select(i => new OrderItem
            ProductId = i.ProductId,
            ProductName = i.ProductName,
            UnitPrice = i.UnitPrice,
            Units = i.Quantity,
            Discount = 0
        PaymentMethod = paymentMethod
  10. Finally, save the changes to the database and return an OK response to indicate that the operation completed successfully:

    await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
    return TypedResults.Ok();

Add parameter validation to the API

We decorated some of the properties of the types that will be deserialized from the requests to the API with the [Required] and [Range] attributes, but ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs currently doesn't support validation out of the box. We can add this functionality by referencing a NuGet package that provides an endpoint filter to handle validating endpoint parameters:

  1. Add a reference to the MinimalApis.Extensions NuGet package, version 0.11.0 to the Ordering.API project.

  2. Update the MapPost call in OrdersApi.cs so that it calls WithParameterValidation on the returned RouteHandlerBuilder instance to enable parameter validation for the endpoint.

    You can optionally set the requireParameterAttribute parameter to true to ensure that the [Validate] attribute is required on the endpoint parameters to enable validation. This makes parameter validation more explicit so that other parameters are not uncessarily validated, potenially improving performance. If you opt to set this parameter to true, you'll need to ensure add the [Validate] attribute to the CreateOrderRequest parameter too:

    app.MapPost("/", async ([Validate] CreateOrderRequest request, ClaimsPrincipal user, OrderingDbContext dbContext) =>
            // ... existing code
        .WithParameterValidation(requireParameterAttribute: true); // <-- Add this line
  3. Run the AppHost project and verify that the Ordering.API project is running and that the /api/v1/orders endpoint is visible in the Swagger UI. Experiment with authorizing and making requests to the endpoint to ensure that it's working as expected, including the parameter validation. Once you've created an order via a POST to the /api/v1/orders endpoint, you should see the order returned when making a GET request to the same endpoint.

    Here's an example of successfully creating an order using the Swagger UI:

    Swagger UI after successfully creating an order

    Here's an example of the type of response you'll receive if you try to create an order with invalid parameters:

    Swagger UI when validation errors are returned due to invalid fields when creating an order

Challenge: Add the Checkout feature to the web site

If you want an extra challenge, try updating the web site to call the Ordering API. You can use the complete eShop solution in the root of this repo to help guide you.