Game Engine:
- Includes basic game logic and data structure using a class hierarchy. Manages game flow and operations.
JavaFX Graphical Interface:
- Provides a user-friendly interface for the game. Utilizes JavaFX for creating interactive visuals.
- Enables saving and loading game states. Utilizes serialization to store game progress.
Reflection API Documentation:
- Implements generation of documentation for the program code. Utilizes the Reflection API for introspection and documentation generation.
Network Communication:
- Enables multiplayer functionality over a network. Implements socket communication using threads for efficient network interaction.
RMI Communication:
- Implements communication (chat) for multiplayer interactions. Utilizes Remote Method Invocation (RMI) for network communication.
XML Configuration and Replay:
- Utilizes SAX/DOM parser for handling XML data. Saves configuration and game moves in XML format. Supports replaying of game moves by saving them in an XML file.
Main Game Screen
RMI Chat
Autogenerated HTML Documentation