In the most cases the structure of the form data differ from the form model.
For example the form data object looks like that:
const formData = {
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
street: '3987 Monroe Street',
city: 'Houston',
state: 'TX',
zipCode: '77030',
Instead of render all fields under each other, you want to show the name fields on the left and the address fields on the right.
Left Side | Right side |
First name | Street |
Last name | Zip Code / City |
State |
Instead of using form slots (<ng-container mwFormSlot fieldName="..."></ng-container>
) you can create
a row and column layout type and use it in the form model.
Simplified pseudo example of the FormModel
_leftSide: ColumnLayout({
firstName: TextField,
lastName: TextField,
_rightSide: ColumnLayout({
street: TextField,
_zipCity: RowLayout({
zipCode: TextField,
city: TextField,
state: TextField,
and ColumnLayout
are instances of LayoutType
The form builder will skip LayoutTypes for data resolution.
Complete code example
import {
} from '@mintware-de/form-builder';
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
* General interface for the options.
* The layout uses flex box and the children can be displayed as a row or a column
interface ILayoutOptions extends IGroupTypeOptions {
direction: 'row' | 'column';
/** General Layout type */
abstract class RowColumnLayout extends AbstractLayoutType<ILayoutOptions> {
readonly component: Constructor = RowColumnLayoutComponent;
/** Interface with options for the row layout */
export interface IRowLayoutOptions {
columns: FormModel;
/** Row layout form type. This is used in the FormModel */
export class RowLayout extends RowColumnLayout {
constructor(options: IRowLayoutOptions) {
direction: 'row',
model: options.columns
/** Interface with options for the column layout */
export interface IColumnLayoutOptions {
rows: FormModel;
/** Column layout form type. This is used in the FormModel */
export class ColumnLayout extends RowColumnLayout {
constructor(options: IColumnLayoutOptions) {
direction: 'column',
model: options.rows
/** The layout component */
selector: 'app-row-column-layout',
template: `
<!-- And create a mwFormField of each children -->
<ng-container mwFormField
export class RowColumnLayoutComponent extends AbstractLayoutComponent<RowColumnLayout> {
private display: string = 'flex';
private alignItems: string = 'start';
private justifyContent: string = 'space-around';
private get flexDirection(): string {
return this.mwFieldType.options.direction;
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {TextFormType} from './form-type/text.form-type';
import {ColumnLayout, RowLayout} from './form-type/layout.form-type';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
export class AppComponent {
public formData: any = {
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
street: '3987 Monroe Street',
city: 'Houston',
state: 'TX',
zipCode: '77030',
public formModel: { [key: string]: any } = {
_row: new RowLayout({
columns: {
_leftSide: new ColumnLayout({
rows: {
firstName: new TextFormType({
label: 'First name',
lastName: new TextFormType({
label: 'Last name',
_rightSide: new ColumnLayout({
rows: {
street: new TextFormType({
label: 'Street',
_zipCity: new RowLayout({
columns: {
zipCode: new TextFormType({
label: 'Zip code',
city: new TextFormType({
label: 'City',
state: new TextFormType({
label: 'State',