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File metadata and controls

542 lines (461 loc) · 17.2 KB




Main purpose

  • Data analysis like click events, user sources
  • Short url length to fit social media content limit (140 characters)
  • Avoid the website is blacklisted by domain name




Design goals

  • Latency
    • Our system is similar to DNS resolution, higher latency on URL shortener is as good as a failure to resolve.
  • Consistency vs Availability
    • Both are extremenly important. However, CAP theorem dictates that we choose one. Do we want a system that always answers correctly but is not available sometimes? Or else, do we want a system which is always available but can sometime say that a URL does not exists even if it does? This tradeoff is a product decision around what we are trying to optimize. Let's say, we go with consistency here.
  • URL as short as possible
    • URL shortener by definition needs to be as short as possible. Shorter the shortened URL, better it compares to competition.


  • QPS: 500M per month
    • 200 per second write
    • If read write ratio 10:1, then read 2000
  • Performance:
    • Query with index should be around 1ms ~ 2ms
    • One write should be around 5ms for SSD disk
  • Capacity:
    • 1 CPU core can handle 200 operation
    • Usually database server: 56 CPU cores -> 60 CPU cores or more
    • 5-10 CPU cores should be enough without cache
    • One database should be good enough to handle the load



  • Hash based on MAC address + Current datetime
    • 36 characters: 32 alphanumeric characters and 4 hyphens
    • The granularity of current datetime: microseconds. Lots of collision
  • Pros
    • Pure random
    • Not guessable and reversable
  • Cons
    • Too long
    • Key duplication if only use 6 prefix characters

Hash - MD5 / SHA-256 / Murmur / Jenkins

  • Traditional Crypto hash function: MD5 and SHA-1 + Secure but slow

  • Fast hash function: Murmur and Jenkins + Performance + Have 32-, 64-, and 128-bit variants available

  • Pros

    • Not guessable and reverserable
  • Cons

    • Too long
    • Key duplication if only use 6 prefix characters
    • Not random -> hash (current time or UUID + url)
  • Pros

    • No need to write additional hash function, easy to implement
    • Are randomly distributed
    • Support URL clean
Problem Possible solution
Not short enough (At least 4 bytes) Only retrieve first 4-5 digit of the hash result
Collision cannot be avoided Use long_url + timestamp as hash argument, if conflict happens, try again (timestamp changes) -> multiple attempts, highly possible conflicts when data is big

Encoding - Base10 / Base62 / Base64

  • Retention period varies with base radix. For example, assume 500M new records per month
    • If length == 8, 62^8 ~ 200 trillion ~ 33333 years
    • If length == 7, 62^7 ~ 3 trillion ~ 600 years
    • If length == 6, 62^6 ~ 57 B ~ 10 years
Encoding Base10 Base62 Base64
Year 36,500,000 36,500,000
Usable characters [0-9] [0-9a-zA-Z] [0-9a-zA-Z+/=]
Encoding length 8 5
  • Pros:

    • Shorter URL compared with hash
    • No collision
    • Simple computation
    • Easy to generate url without duplication (increment id)
    • Advantages of Base64 vs Base62
  • Cons:

    • Too long, reversable if directly apply base62 to URL

Escape invalid characters

  • For example, Base64 =


  • ShortUrl => API Gateway => TinyUrl Service => Database => TinyUrlService => API Gateway => 301 redirect => Original Url
  • API Gateway: Can be REST API or GraphQL

Status code


  • 200: 2XX OK -> Successful
  • 302: temporary redirect
  • 301: permanent redirect

Error codes

  • 400: bad request
  • 402 / 403: forbidden or unauthorized
  • 413: payload too large
  • 500-5XX: service error or internal error

Service interface


Initial design
public void generateTinyUrl(TinyUrlRequest request) throw ServiceException;

class TinyUrlRequest
	String originalUrl;
	Date expiredDate;

public string getOriginalUrl(String tinyUrl) throw ServiceException;

If API needs to be provided to other vendors
  • If we need to provide service (API) to other vendors, we need api key and rate limiting
public void generateTinyUrl(String APIKey, TinyUrlRequest request) throw ServiceException;
public string getOriginalUrl(String APIKey, String tinyUrl) throw ServiceException;


  • Post /tinyurl
  • Get /tinyurl?url=xxxxx
  • Put data into post body
	original_url: xxxx,
	expired_date: xxxx, 
	ip: xxxx

Database layer

Database schema

Create table tiny_url (
	Id bigserial primary key,
	short_url text not null, 
	original_url text not null,
	expired_datetime timestamp without timezone)

Database index

  • For querying 400 million records
    • With index, around 0.3ms
    • Without indexes, about 1 minute
  • Should create index for what we query

Solution1: Short url => original url mapping

A single database
  • Before insert random url into database. Check whether it exists within database, if not then insert.
  • Cons:
    • Easy to timeout
    • Heavy load on database when size is big
public string longToShort(string url)
		string newShortUrl = randomShorturl()
		if (!database.filter(shortUrl=newShortUrl).exists())
			database.create(shortUrl=newShortUrl, longUrl=url);
			return shortUrl;
Adding offline key generators
  • Offline job generates keys (Daemon process) and stores into database.

    • Offline job can tolerate longer query time.
  • Keys database schema

    • create table keys(Key text primary key, status integer)
    • status
      • 0: available
      • 1: occupied
  • Keys database query

    1. Select key from keys where status = 0 limit 1
    2. Update keys set status = 1 where key = a_key
  • Cons: Race condition

    • Multiple users can get same keys if qps is high
      • Select / Update is not atomic operation
    • Database is not suitable for queuing
    • Solution:
      1. Database lock: Select key from keys where status = 0 limit 1 for update skip locked
      2. Distributed lock: bad performance.
      3. Redis -> LPush and LPop: Redis list data structure is actually queue and it is thread-safe and production ready

Solution 2: id => shorturl mapping

  • Use relational database incremental id to avoid duplication
    • Relies on a single node to generate UUID. Single point of failure and performance is low.
Database trigger - instagram distributed unique id ???


class TinyURL
	map<longURL, shortURL> longToShortMap;
	map<shortURL, longURL> shortToLongMap;
	shortURL insert( longURL )
		if longToShortMap not containsKey longURL
			generate shortURL;
			put<longURL, shortURL> into longToShortMap;
			put<shortURL, longURL> into shortToLongMap;
		return longToShortMap.get(longURL);

	longURL lookup( shortURL )
		return shortToLongMap.get( shortURL );

shortURL insert( longURL )


Long to short with Base62

    public String longToShort( String url ) 
        if ( url2id.containsKey( url ) ) 
            return "http://tiny.url/" + idToShortKey( url2id.get( url ) );
        url2id.put( url, GLOBAL_ID );
        id2url.put( GLOBAL_ID, url );
        return "http://tiny.url/" + idToShortKey( GLOBAL_ID );

    private String idToShortKey( int id )
        String chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
        String short_url = "";
        while ( id > 0 ) 
            short_url = chars.charAt( id % 62 ) + short_url;
            id = id / 62;
        while ( short_url.length() < 6 ) 
            short_url = "0" + short_url;
        return short_url;

longURL lookup( shortURL )

Short to long with Base62

    public String shortToLong( String url ) 
        String short_key = getShortKey( url );
        int id = shortKeytoID( short_key );
        return id2url.get( id );

    private String getShortKey( String url ) 
        return url.substring( "http://tiny.url/".length() );

    private int shortKeytoID( String short_key ) 
        int id = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < short_key.length(); ++i ) 
            id = id * 62 + toBase62( short_key.charAt( i ) );
        return id;



Schema design

  • Two maps
    • longURL -> shortURL
    • shortURL -> longURL
  • In order to store less data ( Given shortURL, its corresponding sequential ID can be calculated )
    • longURL -> Sequential ID
    • Sequential ID -> longURL
  • Create index on longURL column, only needs to store one table
    • Sequential ID -> longURL



How to scale read


  • Memcache or Rediss usually are cluster, and usually one operation takes 0.1ms or less.
    • 1 CPU cores => 5000-10000 requests
    • 20-40 CPU cores => 200K requests (one machine)
string originalUrl = getUrlFromMemcache(tinyUrl)
if (originalUrl == null)
	originalUrl = readFromDatabase(tinyUrl);
	putUrlIntoCache(tinyUrl, originalUrl);
return originalUrl;

One master multiple slaves

  • Write to master, streamly replicated to slaves, usually less than one second Read from slaves.
  • Pros
    • Increase availability to handle single point of failure
    • Reduce read pressure on a single node
  • Cons
    • Replication lag
      • Solution1: We can write to memcache when creating a new tiny url. Service can get tiny url from memcache instead of database.
      • Solution2: We can implement Raft protocol against relational database or use opensource or commercial realted database.

Optimize based on geographical info

  • Web server
    • Different web servers deployed in different geographical locations
    • Use DNS to parse different web servers to different geographical locations
  • Database
    • Centralized MySQL + Distributed memcached server
    • Cache server deployed in different geographical locations

How to scale write


Problematic scenarios
  • Too many write operations
  • The limit of 62^6 is approaching
How to locate physical machine
  • Problem: For "31bJF4", how do we find which physical machine the code locate at?
  • Our query is
    • Select original_url from tiny_url where short_url = XXXXX;
  • The simple one
    • We query all nodes. But there will be n queries
    • This will be pretty expensive, even if we fan out database calls.
    • But the overall QPS to database will be n times QPS
  • Solution
    • Add virtual node number to prefix "31bJF4" => "131bJF4"
    • When querying, we can find virtual nodes from prefix (the tinyUrl length is 6). Then we can directly query node1.
// Assign virtual nodes to physical nodes
// Store within database
	0: "",
	1: "",
	2: "",
	3: ""
Sharding with multiple MySQL instances
  • Vertical sharing
    • Only one table
    • Even with Custom URL, two tables in total
  • Horizontal sharding: Choose sharding key?
    • Use Long Url as sharding key
      • Short to long operation will require lots of cross-shard joins
    • Use ID as sharding key
      • Short to long url: First convert shourt url to ID; Find database according to ID; Find long url in the corresponding database
      • Long to short url: Broadcast to N databases to see whether the link exist before. If not, get the next ID and insert into database.
    • Combine short Url and long Url together
      • Hash(longUrl)%62 + shortkey
      • Given shortURL, we can get the sharding machine by the first bit of shortened url.
      • Given longURL, get the sharding machine according to Hash(longURL) % 62. Then take the first bit.
    • Sharding according to the geographical info.
      • First know which websites are more popular in which region. Put all websites popular in US in US DB.
How to get global unique ID?
  • Zookeeper
  • Use a specialized database for managing IDs


Deal with expired records

  • Solution1: Check data in the service level, if expired, return null
    • Pros: Simple and keep historical recordds
    • Cons: Waste disks
  • Solution2: Remove expired data in the database and cache using daemon job
    • Pros: Reduce storage and save cost, improve query performance
    • Cons:
      • Lost historical records
      • Complicated structure
      • Easy to fail
	List<TinyUrlRecord> expiredRecords = getExpiredRecords();
	For (TinyUrlRecord r: expiredRecords)

Track clicks

  • Question: How would we store statistics such as
    • How many times a short URL has been used
    • What were user locations

Batch processing

  • If the Kafka producer produces a lot of events, the broker has a lot of backlog
    • Solution1: Add Kafka brokers and partition
    • Solution2: Add memory buffer in the Kafka producer and batch send to Kafka broker

Stream processing

Handle hort entries

  • If it is part of a DB row that gets updated on each view, what will happen when a popular URL is slammed with a large number of concurrent requests