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DarkMio edited this page Aug 30, 2015 · 5 revisions


How do I login my plugin? How do I use OAuth for it?

Every plugin needs a seperate OAuth file. You can create an app on your main account here - and most importantly is setting the callback-url to Now copy/paste the App Key and the App Secret and log in your browser with your bots account. Instantiate (by either running the core bot or the plugin itself) the plugin and while trying to authenticate, it will open the Reddit OAuth dialog. Accept it and the credentials (token, refresh token) are automatically added.

My bot is slow, doesn't react, it takes ages to load, responses are only there after several hours.

The most likely answer: One of your plugin loads on every trigger more data than what is in a PRAW Lazy Object. I highly suggest you to read your praw-multiprocess console - if it isn't loading most of the time between /r/[subreddit]/new.json?count=0&limit&after=t3_something and /r/[subreddit]/comments/.json?count=0&limit=1024&after=t1_something, then you most likely got trapped in lazy loading.

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