This repository contains part of the code for our paper "Retrieving Users' Opinions on Social Media with Multimodal Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis" published at ICSC.
In the scraping/
folder, the code for scraping the data form Flickr can be found as well as the dataset used for our study. Due to the size of the data, we do not put the images in this repository (except for the test dataset). The images can be downloaded with the scraping/
To download and train the used models, refer to their original Github pages at and, respectively.
multimodal ABSA
│ remove_duplicates.ipynb Notebook to summarize gallary posts
│ sentiment_analysis.ipynb Notebook to try different sentiment classification approaches
│ Train the models on the modified SemEval data
│ test_dataset_images.ipynb Notebook to compare different feature extraction methods on the image test dataset
│ test_dataset_sentiment.ipynb Notebook to evaluate the sentiment models on sentiment test dataset
│ Script to vectorize test data
└───scraping Code for scraping data and scraping results
│ │ Code to download the images based on scraped information
│ │ flickr_data_clean_2016.csv Cleaned Flickr data for 2016
│ │ flickr_data_clean_2017.csv Cleaned Flickr data for 2017
│ │ flickr_data_clean_2018.csv Cleaned Flickr data for 2018
│ │ flickr_data_clean_2019.csv Cleaned Flickr data for 2019
│ │ flickr_elphi_images.csv Full dataset with Elbphilharmonie images (according to image retreival part)
│ │ flickr_elphi_images_translated.csv Translated version of posts
│ │ Scraping main file
│ │ scrapy.cfg scrapy configuration
│ │ test_dataset.csv Posts belongig to images in test dataset, labeled with the landmark they show
│ │ test_dataset_sentiment.csv Message-level sentiment test dataset
│ │ test_dataset_sentiment_aspect.csv Aspect-based sentiment test dataset
│ └───retrieval_full_evaluation Closest and farthest Elbphilharmonie images in full dataset
│ └───scraping scrapy code for scraping
│ └───test_data Images in the image test dataset
│ └───test_data_evaluation Test dataset AP model features (r-mac feature files) and visualization of different methods
This project was build for Python 3.9. Use the command pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the necessary packages. To load the sentiment prediction models, Tensorflow 2.6 is required.
We publish the images in the test dataset as well as the features (scraping/test_data_evaluation/r-mac-features.npy
) with the best performing model. To visualize their clustering behavior in 2D, run this command:
To use this script on custom data, the paths to the extracted features file and the dataset file have to be updated (lines 7 and 8). In addition, if you use other landmark classes, update the color mapping and class list (lines 9ff).
To use the image features to retrieve the closes images, run the following command:
Again, if you want to adapt the script to your data, replace the paths in the beginning of the file with paths to your data.
The pretrained models are stored in the folder sentiment_models
. You need to download them using git lfs.
Then you can run the prediction on our sentiment test data with this command:
If you want to run the prediction on custom data, the paths to the test dataset files need to be updated in the beginning of the file.
To recreate the comparison of different image retrieval techniques and sentiment analysis methods, refer to the Jupyter notebooks test_dataset_images.ipynb and test_dataset_sentiment.ipynb respectively.
The full target dataset as well as the two testsets are provided in the folder scraping/
. Due to the size of the data, we only publish the images in the test dataset. The images for the full dataset need to be downloaded with the provided script.