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Miro Marchi edited this page Nov 15, 2013 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the rbv_profile wiki! These wiki pages are part of the main wiki documentation of retebuonvivere project.

A profile is mostly a module, but is not exportable the way features are exportable, hence there is a certain amount of programming skill needed.

Documentation for building the profile.

I suggest to start from this article: How to Write a Drupal 7 Installation Profile.

Or from Developing installation profiles and distributions, the main drupal documentation on distributions.

A part of the main doc is Installation Profile Utilities page, with links - among others - to:

It appears we can build the profile and make in automated way.

Further doc:

Installation Profiles as a development tool presentation by Florian Lorétan at Drupal Developer Days Brussels 2011 (slides and video).

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