This Sample Assignment will go through an alternative and more advanced workflow that uses git, GitHub and the Sublime text editor. This workflow simulates professional software development. You may find the PowerPoint slides 76 to 123 of the apjava1.pptx presentation helpful in understanding this advanced workflow and configuring the Sublime program. You should use this OR the basic workflow. Mixing the two workflows will cause problems.
git and GitHub allow you to work as a team with other programmers on the same project and to manage different versions of that project. In many ways, git and GitHub are like google docs for programmers. git and GitHub have become standards and are commonly used by professional programmers. In fact, every professional programmer works with git and GitHub or something like git and GitHub.
IMPORTANT: You must do all the following steps in precisely the same order. If you get to a step you don't understand, don't go on to the next step until you get your question answered.
Sign up for a free GitHub account if you don’t already have one and sign in to your GitHub account
Fork this repository. Forking is making a copy of the of the repo (that's short for repository). It's like copying a google doc. Click on the Fork button at the top right corner.
Go to the area of the screen marked HTTPS clone URL and click on the copy to clipboard button.
Start Git Bash. Git Bash gives you the ability to use Unix commands on Windows PC. Go to the Windows Start Menu and double click Git Bash. It will be listed under All Apps | Git.
Open the apjava folder. Your apjava folder should be located at
C:\Users\ < Your User Name > \Documents\apjava
The following five commands should navigate to your apjava folder:
cd c:
cd users
cd < Your User Name >
cd documents
cd apjava
If you don't have an apjava folder at that location, one way to create one is to navigate to the Documents folder and type the command
mkdir apjava
Clone the Forked SampleAssignment. Cloning is like downloading a file from google docs. We need the program Git Bash to do the cloning. Make sure that your are in your apjava folder with the Unix command
. Then typegit clone
. Then press the insert key to paste in the URL you copied in Step 4. Your Git Bash window should look similar to this one.
Open the program Sublime. Sublime is a text editor. It's like a word processor for code. We will use Sublime to personalize our web page. Go to the Start Menu and choose All Programs | Sublime Text 3.
Open the SampleAssignment folder in Sublime. Make sure to choose File | Open Folder. Click on SampleAssignment and choose Select Folder.
Click on the arrow next to SampleAssignment to reveal all the documents in the folder
Change index.html to use your first name. index.html is the webpage that loads your program. To protect your privacy, you should not use your full and complete name on any webpage you create for a school assignment. Change the text on line 4, 11 and 18 to personalize the text with your first name. Then choose File | Save. Don't change the name of index.html. It must be called "index."
Go back to the Git Bash program and navigate to the SampleAssignment folder. Check your current location by typing
, (your present working directory). Navigate to the apjava folder and then typels
to list the files and folders. You should see a screen similar to this:
all 4 files to be "staged." To add all 4 files you can type eithergit add .
,git add -A
orgit add –-all
. Check the results of your add by typinggit status
. Your screen should look similar to this:
Configure your username and password. git needs to be configured to your user email and user name. You configure your user name with the code git
config --global < your user name >
. For example, if your user name wasMaxwellG
you would typegit config --global MaxwellG
. You configure your email with the similar codegit config --global < your email address >
. You can check to see that you've correctly configured your username and password by typinggit config
andgit config
. Your screen should look similar to this:
the 4 files. When wecommit
we are packaging up the 4 files they we want to share on our GitHub website. You can imaginecommit
as placing the 4 files in an envelope with a coversheet that explains the contents. First we can check to see if our files are ready to commit by typinggit status
git commit -m "Added first name to index.html"
. Press enter.
the modified SampleAssignment to the remote repository on your GitHub account. Wepush
the modified files to our remote GitHub site by typing the codegit push origin gh-pages
. You'll be prompted for your GitHub username and password. Note that your password is secured. It is not displayed when you enter it. After you enter your credentials, you should see a screen like this one.
The hard work is done! Now you can see your program on the web. First, be patient. It may take 15 minutes or so before your first web page is ready. Then, open up a browser like Google chrome and enter
<your github username>
as the URL. You should see a webpage like this one.
OPTIONAL: If you have extra time, feel free to change the code in the SampleAssignment.pde file to make a different design.
Add the URL link of your finished assigned to google classroom.