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Setting up the development environment

Unhangout is an un-conference style platform for organizing Google hangout sessions. Following are the steps for setting up the development environment on Ubuntu/Debian machine.

A. Installing node.js on Debian (any version)

Update your system

$ sudo apt-get update

Setup the system to handle compiling and installing from source

$ sudo apt-get build-essential

To enable SSL support install libssl-dev

$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Install curl used by install script

$ sudo apt-get install curl

Cloning into node.js repository

$ git clone  
$ cd node 

Checkout a specific version of node.js

$ git tag # Gives you a list of released versions  
$ git checkout v0.9.9 

Compile and install node

$ ./configure 
$ make 
$ sudo make install 

To check if the node is installed properly

$ node -v 
$ v0.9.9

Note that many Linux distributions have package managers that can take care of all this for you with one command, see the node.js wiki page for more information.

B. Cloning the Repository.

C. Install prerequisites.

Install redis:

On Debian/Ubuntu and variants: $ sudo apt-get install redis-server

On CentOS/RHEL and variants: $ sudo yum install redis

Install the required dependencies in local node_modules folder

$ npm install

If you run selenium tests, install java and download selenium-server-standalone.jar from, and specify its location in conf.json under TESTING_SELENIUM_PATH.

D. Configuration

Create a file and copy the contents of conf.json.example file in it. Name this file conf.json. conf.json.example file contains environment variables to specify server settings.

$ touch conf.json <br>
$ gedit conf.json [copy contents from conf.json.example here]
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET fields are app credentials that can be configured and obtained at In the Google API console, you should make a "Client ID for web applications" - that will create the necessary CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET you need to authenticate with Google and create calendar events. Set the callback URL to https://localhost:7777/auth/google/callback (swap out the hostname and port with whichever settings you use).

  • UNHANGOUT_SUPERUSER_EMAILS is a list of email addresses which are granted "superuser" status when they authenticate. Use this to bootstrap the first superusers, but you can add more later via the web interface. (The server must be restarted and clients must re-login to change their superuser status).

  • UNHANGOUT_REDIS_HOST and UNHANGOUT_REDIS_PORT are the host and port name for the installed redis. Defaults are localhost and 6379.

  • UNHANOGUT_REDIS_DB is an index number pointing to the redis database to use. By default, we use 0 for production. The unit tests use 1, and will destroy data there.

  • UNHANGOUT_HANGOUT_APP_ID The default is the Google app ID for our hangout gadget -- if you're rolling your own installation, you'll need to create your own Google Hangout app and provide the ID here -- see the Hangout Plugins section of

  • UNHANGOUT_USE_SSL: if true, the server will run with SSL. We strongly recommend running the unhangout server with SSL, even in development (you can use https://localhost:7777/). Google Hangouts are always run over SSL, and trying to run a hangout application over http causes many browsers to refuse to send requests, which causes a number of insidious issues.

  • UNHANGOUT_PRIVATE_KEY and UNHANGOUT_CERTIFICATE are the private key and certificate to use for SSL. For development purposes, a self-signed certificate will work fine. These instructions from Heroku are quite good: If you follow those instructions, you will have two resulting files:

    • server.key is your private key, move it to ssl/ and set the path to that file in UNHANGOUT_PRIVATE_KEY
    • server.crt is your certificate, move it to ssl/ and set the path to that file in UNHANGOUT_CERTIFICATE

    For production purposes, you will need to obtain a certificate signed by a known certificate authority. Some providers (such as StartSSL) offer free SSL certificates that are recognized by major browsers. The Heroku instructions for SSL certificates will show you how to generate a certificate signing request, which you will provide to an SSL issuer.

  • HANGOUT_REDIRECT_HTTP: This will start a separate HTTP server that will redirect any requests to their HTTPS equivalent. This presumes that you're using default ports: 80 for HTTP, and 443 for HTTPS, so it requres sudo to bind to privileged ports. In most production situations, you will want to enable UNHANGOUT_REDIRECT_HTTP. In development contexts, set UNHANGOUT_REDIRECT_HTTP to false, and use HTTPS on whatever port you desire.

  • EMAIL_LOG_RECIPIENTS: When running with the NODE_ENV=production environment variable set, emails reporting any errors logged by the server will be sent to the addresses listed here.

  • UNHANGOUT_LOG_DIR: Path to the directory for log file storage. Must be writeable by the user running the Node process. Relative paths will be appended to the application root. Default is logs.

  • UNHANGOUT_HANGOUT_URLS_WARNING: Throw a warning dialog on event pages when the number of farmed Hangout URLs available (as detailed in, Hangout Creation section) falls below this number. Default is 10, set to 0 to disable the warning.

  • TESTING_SELENIUM_PATH: The path to "selenium-server-standalone.jar", required to run tests with selenium.

  • CUSTOM_CSS_FILES and CUSTOM_FACILITATOR_CSS_FILES: An array of paths to any custom CSS to include for both the main site and the hangout facilitator gadget, respectively. Each path is injected into the "href" attribute of a CSS declaration following the default declarations.

E. Making changes to the codebase

You can start the node server with:

$ npm start

and browse the site in https://localhost:7777 (or whichever hosts/ports you've configured). The development workflow for making changes is as follows:

Create a new branch in git unhangout repository

$ git branch branch-name

Push the newly created branch on github

$ git push origin branch-name

Switch to the new branch

$ git checkout branch-name

Be sure to be in the newly created branch

$ git branch
$ *branch-name
$  master 

Make desired changes in the code base and push them to github

$ git add file-name
$ git commit -m "commit-message"
$ git push -u origin branch-name

Go to github and send a pull request.

F. Testing

Tests use mocha and selenium-webdriver (for live browser tests with Firefox). To run selenium tests, you must download selenium-server-standalone.jar from, and set TESTING_SELENIUM_PATH in conf.json to its path.

You can run tests using the npm helper script

$ npm test <br>

By installing mocha globally, you can invoke it directly, as well as cherry-picking individual tests:

$ sudo npm install -g mocha
$ mocha -R nyan

To suppress display of the web browser when running selenium tests, install and run with xvfb, a "headless" X-server:

$ sudo apt-get install xvfb
$ DISPLAY=99.0 xvfb-run npm test

Alternately, you can skip selenium tests (which are very slow) outright by setting the SKIP_SELENIUM_TESTS environment variable:


G. Production Mode

You must set NODE_ENV variable to "production" before starting the node server. For example, from Bash command line:

```export NODE_ENV=production```

Production mode uses pre-compiled JS/CSS. They can be compiled using:

```node bin/compile-assets.js```