中 | EN
Install-Package MASA.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events
- Add EventBus
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Services
- Custom Event
public class TransferEvent : Event
public string Account { get; set; } = default!;
public string ReceiveAccount { get; set; } = default!;
public decimal Money{ get; set; }
- Send Event
IEventBus eventBus;//Get IEventBus through DI
await eventBus.PublishAsync(new TransferEvent());//Send Event
- Define Handler
public class TransferHandler
public Task TransferAsync(TransferEvent @event)
//TODO Simulated transfer business
Or use the way to implement the interface:
public class TransferHandler : IEventHandler<TransferEvent>
public Task HandleAsync(TransferEvent @event)
//TODO Simulated transfer business
- Handler arrangement:
public class TransferHandler
public Task CheckBalanceAsync(TransferEvent @event)
//TODO Simulate check balance
public Task DeductionBalanceAsync(RegisterUserEvent @event)
//TODO Simulated deduction balance
- Support Saga mode
If there is an error in sending the deducted balance, try again 3 times. If it still fails, check whether the balance is deducted and ensure that there is no deduction and notify the transfer failure
public class TransferHandler
public Task CheckBalanceAsync(TransferEvent @event)
//TODO Simulate check balance
[EventHandler(1, FailureLevels.Ignore, false, true)]
public Task NotificationTransferFailedAsync(TransferEvent @event)
//TODO Simulation notification transfer failed
[EventHandler(2, FailureLevels.ThrowAndCancel, true, 3)]
public Task DeductionBalanceAsync(TransferEvent @event)
//TODO Simulated deduction balance
throw new Exception("Failed to deduct balance");
[EventHandler(2, FailureLevels.Ignore, false, true)]
public Task CancelDeductionBalanceAsync(TransferEvent @event)
//TODO Idempotent check to ensure that the balance has not been deducted
Execution order: CheckBalanceAsync -> DeductionBalanceAsync (execute 1 time, retry 3 times) -> CancelDeductionBalanceAsync -> NotificationTransferFailedAsync
Or use the way to implement the interface
public class TransferHandler : ISagaEventHandler<TransferEvent>
[EventHandler(1, FailureLevels.ThrowAndCancel, true, 3)]
public Task HandleAsync(TransferEvent @event)
//TODO Simulate check balance deduction balance
[EventHandler(1, FailureLevels.Ignore, false, true)]
public Task CancelAsync(TransferEvent @event)
//TODO Idempotent verification and notification of transfer failure
Tip: The method where the Handler is located only supports one parameter The return type of the method where the Handler is located only supports Task or void two types The parameters of the constructor of the class where the Handler is located must support getting from DI
Support Middleware
- Custom Middleware
public class LoggingMiddleware<TEvent>
: IMiddleware<TEvent> where TEvent : notnull, IEvent
private readonly ILogger<LoggingMiddleware<TEvent>> _logger;
public LoggingMiddleware(ILogger<LoggingMiddleware<TEvent>> logger) => _logger = logger;
public async Task HandleAsync(TEvent @event, EventHandlerDelegate next)
_logger.LogInformation("----- Handling command {EventName} ({@Event})", typeof(TEvent).FullName, @event);
await next();
- Enable custom Middleware
.AddTransient(typeof(IMiddleware<>), typeof(LoggingMiddleware<>))
- Support Transaction
Used in conjunction with Contracts.EF and UnitOfWork, when Event implements ITransaction, the transaction will be automatically opened after the first CUD is executed, and the transaction will be submitted after all Handlers are executed. When an exception occurs in the transaction, the transaction will be automatically rolled back.