Make sure that you are using Sandbox for C/C++ and you have enabled Java Security Manager (Java Policy) for Java. You can read more about sandboxing here.
Shield is not a real protection, but is more than nothing! Make sure that you have enabled Shield for C, C++ and Python. You can read more about Shield here.
It is very important to run submitted codes as a non-privileged user - a user who does not have access to the network, is not able to write any files, and is not able to create lots of processes.
I assume that PHP is running as user www-data
on your server.
Create a new user restricted_user
and set a password for it.
Run sudo visudo
and add this line at the end of sudoers
www-data ALL=(restricted_user) NOPASSWD: ALL
In tester/
timeout -s9 $((TIMELIMITINT*2)) $CMD <$IN >out 2>err
$CMD <$IN >out 2>err
sudo -u restricted_user timeout -s9 $((TIMELIMITINT*2)) $CMD <$IN >out 2>err
sudo -u restricted_user $CMD <$IN >out 2>err
And uncomment this line:
sudo -u restricted_user pkill -9 -u restricted_user
should not be able to access network. You can disable networking for a user in Linux using iptables
Read more about this here and here.
After disabling networking, test it by running ping
as restricted_user
Just make sure that no file or directory is writable by restricted_user
. Check your file and directory permissions.
Limit number of processes of restricted_user
Open /etc/security/limits.conf
and add these lines:
restricted_user soft nproc 3
restricted_user hard nproc 5
I use 3, 5. You can use different soft and hard limits.
Use a server for web interface and handling web requests and use another server for running submitted codes. This decreases the risk of running submitted codes. You need to change Sharif Judge's source code to achieve this. Maybe I add this feature in future.