Here are the next tasks listed, as a TODO list:
- [local branch graphql-transport-ws] Finish the tests for the graphql-transport-ws protocol
- Issue #109: understand the error
a bean of type 'graphql.GraphQL' that could not be found
is removed from the application.yml file - Remove getVariablesAsStringOld() (in Payload)
- In allGraphQLCasesClient: in this sample, the list of custom scalars defined for the Forum schema should not contain
. In this case, their definition is erased at runtime in theCustomScalarRegistryImpl.customScalarRegistry
.- Workaround : define in the pom or file, the full list of all scalars in the
for every GraphQL schema.
- Workaround : define in the pom or file, the full list of all scalars in the
- Check wiki, to properly indicate that the
is located in the allGraphQLCases client project - Remove Deprecated getStrincContentXxx in InputParameter
- Issue #105: it's no more possible to override the ExchangeFilterFunction
- Solve issue #103 (define the Velocity log file, toward the target folder)
- Subscription: the client remain active after a
Connection refused
(even if the main thread stops) - Simplify the $generateJacksonStuff expression (directly use $configuration.generateJacksonAnnotations)
- Check of the issue 9 on Gradle project: comments marked with
are ignored (but they also don't respect the GraphQL spec) - When using Web Sockets for the graphql-transport-ws protocol, the Web Socket can be tested with the Ping/Pong messages
- When using Web Sockets, it should be closed when the last subscription is unsubscribed. Issues :
- Be sure that no subscription is starting at the same time (probability is low, but...)
- update the RequestExecutionSpringReactiveImpl.webSocketHandler ? Or mark the webSocketHandler as completed ?
- A way could be that the webSocketHandler marks itself as completed (in a synchronized method), and closes the session, so that RequestExecutionSpringReactiveImpl knows that it needs to open a new one.
- add a HowTo compile page on the wiki (to build the plugin project, Java 9 or latter is needed, even if the built plugin is compatible with Java 8)
- The default name is Xxx, not XxxxType (Query versus QueryType)
- Remove the dependency to GSON (in the server runtime)
- The '' exists two times, once for each schema (in generatedResources). So there is an issue when copying files
- Sol1: generate in build/resources/main
- Sol2: Give a try to Gradle 8.0
- But then, a
may not re-generate the resource? - What impact on maven
- A
in eclipse removes the file ==> So it must be in generates/resources
- Test the default values from the extensions in the gradle task
- Check if spring-boot-starter-security is really needed. It should be added when a project needs OAuth2.
- @EnableGraphQLRepositories: replace the string (that contains the package name) by a class (so that when changing a package name, the code is still valid)
- Check comment of the executor method. The line below is wrong:
- the request contains the full string that follows the query/mutation/subscription keyword.
- the request contains the full string that follows the query/mutation/subscription keyword.
- Mark the skipGenerationIfSchemaHasNotChanged parameter as deprecated (no more used)
- Document in the Client FAQ how to retrieve the extensions response's values
- Use JWT in the OAuth use case, to speed up the tests
- Pass the test on the allGraphQLCases to being executed in parallel
- Add a test in the graphql-maven-plugin-samples-allGraphQLCases-pojo project
- Change the server Subscription implementation from Reactive Subject to Spring reactive
- Add an option to add the Serializable interface for generated POJOs
- [Done in the plugin, waiting for the graphql PR acceptance] Publish a PR to have a per request cache, in graphql-java-spring
- Done. Waiting for the PR to be accepted (and then a new release)
- [Almost done, there is still a glinch in server mode] Document how-to avoid the code generation (or find a better idea)
- graphql-java-generator#69
- When addRelayConnection is true, the generated_schema.graphqls should be generated in the generated_resources instead of the classes folder
- @RelayConnection error when applied on a list: graphql-java-generator#62
- Solved
- Remove the SubscriptionClientWebSocket class
- Check subscription against the Hasura setup (answer to issue 54) :
- Remove the useless interface com.graphql_java_generator.client.response.RootResponse (from the runtime)
- Replace all the thrown RuntimeException by meaningfull exceptions
- Allow to control the list of schema files, and their order (necessary to properly manage the extend keyword)
- Add a description of the GraphQL mojo
- Waiting for issue 2055 to be solved. Some test cases can then be run again (see the allGraphQLCases.graphqls file)
- Do a sample project based on the github GraphQL schema
- Allow to change the GraphQL server path (for query/mutation and for subscription)
- Change the JsonResponseWrapper as an interface, implemented by the XxxRootResponse classes
- Allow aliases for query/mutation fields
- [server side] Check graphql-java correction for issue 1844 (Directive values of type 'EnumValue' are not supported yet), waiting for graphql-java v16 release
- enum values may currently not be a java keyword (seems to be a graphql-java limitation). issue to raise in the graphql-java project
- Check compatibility with the schema.public.graphqls (available in the plugin logic test resources folder)
- Document generateJPAAnnotation
- Stop generating SubscriptionTypeResponse and SubscriptionTypeRootResponse ?
- Rename the QueryExecutor (and its implementations) into RequestExecutor
- Remove the query/mutation/subscription Response type (currently deprecated)
- copyRuntimeSources: false should be the default value (change to be done in the tutorial and the client-dependency)
- separateUtilityClasses: true should be the default value
- Add a generateDeprecatedRequestResponse plugin parameter. Default value to true (no more XxxxResponse would be generated). With a value of true, the XxxxResponse would still be generated for compatibility with old code.
- Remove the
, and put the runtime in either thegraphql-java-server-dependencies
Investigate DTO for database mapping (done in the Gradle and Maven tutorials):
- dev zone