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COOP Frontend protocol

This document contains information about how users must interact with the COOP Publisher in order to publish new Fact Statements and garbage collect obsolete Fact Statements.

Publishing a Fact Statement

The successful result of this operation is a Fact Statement Publishing transaction.

The user we call Submitter approaches the COOP Publisher gRPC service with a Fact Statement identifier that exists in the underlying Oracle's Fact Statement Store.

The Submitter provides the desired Fact Statement IDs they want published, alongside the validity time after which the produced Fact Statement UTxOs can be garbage collected. Of course, the public key hash of the Submitter wallets needs to be provided as well as the back-end transaction building process requires that information to construct the transaction.

  title Successfully publish a single Fact Statement on Cardano
  actor cardano as Cardano
  actor submitterWallet as Submitter's wallet
  actor submitter as Submitter
  actor publisher as COOP Publisher gRPC

  submitter ->>+ publisher: Publisher.createMintFsTx([(fs_id, gc_after, submitter_pkh)])
  note right of publisher: Publisher successfully services the request
  publisher -->>- submitter: mint_fs_tx
  submitter ->>+ submitterWallet: sign(mint_fs_tx)
  submitterWallet -->>- submitter: mint_fs_tx_signed
  submitter ->>+ cardano: submit(mint_fs_tx_signed)
  cardano -->>- submitter: mint_fs_tx_id

The service, if successful, responds with the CBOR+base16 encoded Cardano transaction that can be further signed by the Submitter and sent to the network (see mint-fact-statement-tx).

The service will only include Fact Statements in the publishing transaction if they aren't already published.

Anyone can now inspect the Fact Statement UTxOs and reference the published Fact Statements (see ref-fact-statement-tx).

Garbage collecting obsolete Fact Statements

The successful result of this operation is a Fact Statement Garbage Collecting transaction.

The Submitter approaches the COOP Publisher gRPC service with a Fact Statement identifier that is published in a Fact Statement UTxO.

The Submitter provides the desired Fact Statement IDs they want garbage collected, along with the public key hash of the Submitter wallet that submitted the Fact Statement Publishing transaction.

  title Successfully garbage collect a single obsolete Fact Statement
  actor cardano as Cardano
  actor submitterWallet as Submitter's wallet
  actor submitter as Submitter
  actor publisher as COOP Publisher gRPC

  submitter ->>+ publisher: Publisher.createGcFsTx([(fs_id, submitter_pkh)])
  note right of publisher: Publisher successfully services the request
  publisher -->>- submitter: gc_fs_tx
  submitter ->>+ submitterWallet: sign(gc_fs_tx)
  submitterWallet -->>- submitter: gc_fs_tx_signed
  submitter ->>+ cardano: submit(gc_fs_tx_signed)
  cardano -->>- submitter: gc_fs_tx_id

The service, if successful, responds with the CBOR+base16 encoded Cardano transaction that can be further signed by the Submitter and sent to the network (see gc-fact-statement-tx).

The Submitter can only garbage collect Fact Statement UTxOs that they themselves created with the Fact Statement Publishing transaction.