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CLI for bundling Angular with Rollup and Closure Compiler.

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Main Features

  • ngr cli for running builds, code generation, scaffolding and more

  • Fast dev environments use AOT in --watch mode or JIT

  • Highly optimized bundle for production using Closure Compiler in ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS mode

  • Lazyload optimized bundles with SystemJS and Closure Compiler

  • Scaffold an application with dynamic routing configured by JSON

  • EXPERIMENTAL support for scaffolding a native app with Electron

  • Build library packages that follow Angular Package Format 5.0

  • Follows Angular Styleguide

  • Ready to go build system using ngc, Rollup, and Closure Compiler

  • Test Angular code with Jasmine and Karma

  • End-to-end Angular code using Protractor

  • Stylesheets with SASS and PostCSS

  • Error reporting with TSLint and Codelyzer

Quick start

NOTE: This package requires python and java JDK to be installed prior to installion. Several dependencies require these services.

  • Install the cli and global dependencies

$ npm install -g angular-rollup codelyzer rimraf

  • Scaffold a new project and install dependencies

$ mkdir my-new-app && cd my-new-app
$ ngr scaffold && npm install

  • Run development build, start up Express Server with LiveReload

$ ngr build dev --serve --watch

When everything is setup correctly, you should be able to visit http://localhost:4200 in your browser.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


What you need to run this app:

  • node and npm (Use NVM)
  • Ensure you're running Node (6.9.0+)


Read the Quick Start

  • Install dependencies

To run Closure Compiler, you need to install the Java SDK. Selenium Webdriver requires Python.

  • Install the cli and global npm dependencies

$ npm install -g angular-rollup codelyzer rimraf

  • Scaffold a new project and install project dependencies

$ mkdir my-new-app && cd my-new-app
$ ngr scaffold && npm install

Configure Server

Change the host and/or port in / if needed. This config is used for the Express Server. / is used for production.

   origin: 'localhost',
   port: 4200


Express is used mainly to provide a development server, but it could also be configured for production to run over https.

node server.js is run as a parallel process to the build when using the --serve flag

router.js configures the routes of the Express server


There is a lot of config in this project to allow finetuning each build to developer specifications. build.config.js lets you configure filepaths, SASS options, and includes callbacks for steps in each build.

Script Description
build.config.js Project filepaths, dev, lib, and prod builds
karma.conf.js Karma
postcss.*.js PostCSS (prod,lib)
rollup.config.*.js Rollup (prod,lib)
closure.conf Closure Compiler (prod) when using the --closure flag
closure.lazy.conf Closure Compiler (prod) when using the --closure and --lazy flags
server.config.*.js Express Server
jsconfig.json VSCode editor
tsconfig.*.json Configures TypeScript (dev) or @angular/compiler (lib,prod)


Property Description
dep Files and folders that should be copied to /build/lib
clean Paths of files and folders to clean in the /build directory after /src/public is copied to /build
style Options passed to SASS
src Path to src folder
build Path to build folder
dist Path to dist directory for the library build
lib Path to library root folder
libFilename filename used for bundles created during library build
classPrefix Prefix used when declaring Class
componentPrefix Prefix used when declaring selector for Components
directivePrefix Prefix used when declaring selector for Directives


To scaffold a new app run ngr scaffold. This will copy required files into the same directory.

To scaffold at a specific version of @angular use --angularVersion i.e. ngr scaffold --angularVersion 5.0.0

If you want access to the library build, use ngr scaffold --lib

If you want to build a project for native app development with Electron use ngr scaffold --electron


To update a project to a specific version of @angular use --angularVersion i.e. ngr update --angularVersion 5.0.0



To build the app for development, enable livereload, and start up the server:

  • $ ngr build dev --watch --serve

ngr will build the application for development.

Optionally, use --jit to bootstrap Angular with JIT Compiler.

Once your work has been validated with the development build, you can also test the production build.

It is recommended to bundle with Closure Compiler in ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS mode.

  • $ ngr build prod

The production build also supports lazy loading with Closure Compiler.

  • $ ngr build prod --lazy

You can also bundle with Rollup and then optimize with ClosureCompiler, but only with SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS. This build does not support lazyloading.

  • $ ngr build prod --rollup

NOTE: If you scaffolded an app for electron use the --electron argument.

Package Format 5.0 Library Build

  • $ ngr build lib

ngr provides a build for developing Angular libraries that conforms to the Angular Package Format 5.0.

Jason Aden gave a presentation about Angular Package Format 4.0 at ng-conf 2017. Packaging Angular.

Package Format 5.0 is largely unchanged from 4.0, except for conforming some of the bundles to specific paths in the distributed package.

Generate the configuration required for library packages with ngr generate lib or use ngr generate wizard.

ngr generate lib --name my-lib --dir src/app/shared/lib

After you have generated some components for the library, use ngr build lib to build the library in the dist folder.

ngr build lib -c src/app/shared/lib/lib.config.json

Once all the necessary configuration files are in place and some modules have been generated for the library, make sure import each module in the index.ts. In each module, export all the necessary classes.


1. Unit Tests

Unit tests use Karma and can be run with the --watch flag.

For single run

ngr build jit
npm run test

For a shortcut, add ngr build jit to the pretest field in your package.json.

2. End-to-End Tests (aka. e2e, integration)

Prior to running tests run npm run webdriver:update

e2e tests use Protractor and Selenium Webdriver. The process requires multiple tabs to run locally.

  1. In a new tab: if not already running! npm run webdriver:start
  2. In a new tab: ngr build jit --serve
  • Single run: 3. In a new tab: npm run e2e

  • Interactive mode: 3. In a new tab: npm run e2e:live

When debugging or first writing test suites, you may find it helpful to try out Protractor commands without starting up the entire test suite. You can do this with the element explorer. Learn more about Protractor Interactive Mode here.


The angular-rollup CLI includes a few more useful commands. Display all supported commands with ngr --help.


ngr generate helps generate code quickly within your scaffoled app. The easiest way to generate code is to use the wizard.

ngr generate wizard

Example of output from the wizard:

$ ngr generate wizard
$ ngr codegen wizard
$ filename: kabab-case filename i.e. global-header
$ directory: path/to/folder i.e. src/app/shared/components/global-header
$ type: module, component, directive, enum, e2e, guard, interface, pipe, service
$ Follow the prompts after selecting a type
filename:  global-header
directory:  src/app/shared/components/global-header
type:  module
component:  y
directive:  n
routes:  n
unit:  y
e2e:  n
[15:38:18] LOG global-header.component.html copied to global-header
[15:38:18] LOG global-header.component.scss copied to global-header
[15:38:18] LOG global-header.component.ts copied to global-header
[15:38:18] LOG global-header.module.spec.ts copied to global-header
[15:38:18] LOG global-header.module.ts copied to global-header

Optionally, you can trigger codegen via the CLI with arguments.

You can pass the following types to generate:

  • class
  • component
  • directive
  • enum
  • unit
  • e2e
  • guard
  • interface
  • module
  • pipe
  • service

EXAMPLE: ngr generate service --name todo-list --dir path/to/folder

When generating a module, there is an optional --include flag what will auto import various other types into the Module, scaffold spec and e2e tests.

  • ngr generate module --name todo-list --include route,component,route,directive

This example generates files for configuring routes, component, and directive and then auto imports those files into the module.

You can configure prefixes for Classes, Component and Directive selector in build.config.js. Omit the properties from the config to operate without prefixes. Defaults are included that follow the Angular Styleguide.

Generate a unit test with the wizard (ngr generate wizard) or use the following example as a guide.

ngr generate unit --dir src/app/shared/components/my-component --name my-component

--serve & --watch

You can choose to run an Express server in parallel with build tasks, with or without Livereload enabled

  • ngr build dev --watch --serve Builds development environment, runs Express server with livereload
  • ngr serve Runs Express server, make sure you have built beforehand!

Production builds do not require the CLI, just the package.json

  • NODE_ENV=prod ngr serve Run Express server with SSL for production, requires ./conf/ssl/key.pem and ./conf/ssl/cert.pem.


Can I use the CLI in the context of an existing application?

Yes. This feature became readily available in 1.0.0-rc.4. Just include a ngr.config.js file at the root of your application. The file can be empty, it just serves as a marker for the root of your application. We may introduce configuration options here in the future as a proxy to build.config.js.

How do I include third party libraries?

The production build relies heavily on Closure Compiler, which provides excellent optimizations but unfortunately is not compatible with most third party libraries. Luckily, Closure Compiler can be configured to build referencing methods and variables found in external scripts. Follow this step by step questionaire to figure out which method to use.

  • Does the library conform to Angular Package Spec 4.0? YES: Will be bundled by ngc, inject the NgModule into your application, add to closure.conf and/or closure.lazy.conf NO: See next question

  • Is the library written in ES2015? YES: Include the necessary library files in closure.conf NO: See next question

  • Is the library formatted with UMD modules? YES: Include the necessary library files in closure.conf NO: You must include the library globally via <head> or SystemJS. Add the necessary externs to closure.externs.js

Configure SystemJS for the dev build

You must configure system.config.js in order to inject third party libaries for development. An example is below:

   map: {
      // angular bundles
      '@angular/core': 'lib:@angular/core/bundles/core.umd.js',
      '@angular/common': 'lib:@angular/common/bundles/common.umd.js',
      '@angular/compiler': 'lib:@angular/compiler/bundles/compiler.umd.js',
      '@angular/platform-browser': 'lib:@angular/platform-browser/bundles/platform-browser.umd.js',
      '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': 'lib:@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/bundles/platform-browser-dynamic.umd.js',
      '@angular/http': 'lib:@angular/http/bundles/http.umd.js',
      '@angular/router': 'lib:@angular/router/bundles/router.umd.js',
      '@angular/forms': 'lib:@angular/forms/bundles/forms.umd.js',
      // other libraries
      'rxjs/Observable': 'lib:rxjs/Observable',
      'tslib': 'lib:tslib/tslib.js'

You can include third party dependencies with SystemJS instead of the <head>.




If a library must be loaded prior to bootstrap, add the folder name in build.config.js to have it copied into build/lib. It is optimal to only include the library files you need for production, not entire folders.

You must also edit public/index.html and the systemjs config files to load libraries prior to the app bootstrapping.

module.exports = {
    dep: {
        lib: [
        prodLib: [
        src: './node_modules',
        dist: './build/lib'

Bundling libraries

It is a best practice to tree shake and bundle third party libraries for production, however this process only works if the third party library is packaged with a module pattern such as ES2015 modules.

It is NOT recommended to import an entire library that is treeshakable like so:

import Rx from "rxjs/Rx";

While you could do this, it is a best practice to only import the methods of the library your app requires. This will signifcantly shrink the size of the bundle Closure Compiler creates.

import { map } from 'rxjs/operators/map';

Closure Compiler cannot handle libraries that import ES2015 modules with *.


You may also need to inject typings for ngc to properly inject dependencies during AOT compilation.

"compilerOptions": {
  "typeRoots": [ "node_modules/@types" ],
  "types": [

Editing index.html

ngr copies each dependency from node_modules into /build/lib (or wherever you specify in build.config.js). You can then reference the library in src/public/index.html like so:

    <script src="/lib/core-js/client/shim.min.js"></script>
    <script src="/lib/zone.js/dist/zone.js"></script>
    <!-- build:remove:prod -->
      <script src="/lib/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js"></script>
    <!-- /build -->

ngr uses htmlprocessor to only include the porttions of index.html the app requires for development and production. You can remove chucks of the file for each build. For more information about htmlprocessor;

The typical Angular dependencies are already included in the <head> tag in index.html.

How can I customize the different builds?

There are hooks in the current build scripts where you are inject custom functionality. Each build (jit, dev, prod, and lib) have a pre and post hook. All hooks except post require that you return a Promise. The lib build includes an additional clean hook for stripping out unnecessary files from the dist folder.

    buildHooks: {
        dev: {
            pre: () => {
                return new Promise((res, rej) => {
                    // do something
            post: () => {
              // do something

If you require a new hook, submit a feature request in Github issues.

How do I update my project to the latest CLI?

npm install -g angular-rollup@latest

How do I update my project to the latest versions of Angular?

After you have finished updating the package.json, run the following commands:

  • $ ngr update --angularVersion 5.0.0
  • $ npm run clean:install

Can I run LiveReload with the Production build?

Livereload is still available in this mode, however you have to go an extra step to unlock this feature for the prod build. We recommend using ngr build dev for development, which uses AOT in --watch mode, mirroring the production build in a lot of ways. In cases where you want to test the production build on a local machine with the watcher you can use the following command: ngr build prod --watch --serve

For livereload to work in the browser for the production build you currently you have to edit src/public/index.html.

Copy the livereload script to the build:remove:dev comment near the end of the file. It should look like the example below.

      document.write('<script src="http://' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] +
      ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></' + 'script>')
    <!-- /build -->
    <!-- build:remove:dev -->
    <script src="system.import.js"></script>
      document.write('<script src="http://' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] +
      ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></' + 'script>')
    <!-- /build -->

It is not recommended that you deploy the livereload script to production.

How do I take advantage of TypeScript in VSCode?

Configure the jsconfig.json file.

Install the following packages:

Angular Language Service : Editor services for Angular templates Angular Support : go to / peek angular specific definitions angular2-inline : syntax highlighting of inline html and css SCSS Intellisense: autocompletion and refactoring of SCSS Path Intellisense: autocomplete for paths in the project NPM Intellisense: autocomplete paths to node_modules Auto Import ES6 & TS: auto import for TypeScript TypeScript Hero: additional tooling for the TypeScript language

Use a TypeScript-aware editor

We have good experience using these editors:
