This package provides statistics to carry on inequality's analysis. Among the estimators provided by this package you can find:
Main Statistics | Inequality Indicators |
Weighted Mean | Weighted Gini |
Weighted Variance | Weighted Atkinson |
Weighted Coefficient of variation | Weighted Theil |
Weighted Kurtosis | Weighted Kakwani |
Weighted Skewness | Weighted Lorenz curve |
pip install ineqpy
# or from github's repo
pip install git+
Some examples of how use this package:
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import ineqpy
>>> d = load_data() # dataframe
>>> d
renta factor
0 -13004.12 1.0031
89900 141656.97 1.4145
179800 1400.38 4.4122
269700 415080.96 1.3295
359600 69165.22 1.3282
449500 9673.83 19.4605
539400 55057.72 1.2923
629300 -466.73 1.0050
719200 3431.86 2.2861
809100 423.24 1.1552
899000 0.00 1.0048
988900 -344.41 1.0028
1078800 56254.09 1.2752
1168700 60543.33 2.0159
1258600 2041.70 2.7381
1348500 581.38 7.9426
1438400 55646.05 1.2818
1528300 0.00 1.0281
1618200 69650.24 1.2315
1708100 -2770.88 1.0035
1798000 4088.63 1.1256
1887900 0.00 1.0251
1977800 10662.63 28.0409
2067700 3281.95 1.1670
>>> ineqpy.mean(variable=d.renta, weights=d.factor)
>>> ineqpy.var(variable=d.renta, weights=d.factor)
>>> x, w = d.renta.values, d.factor.values
Note that the standardized moment for order
, retrieve the value in that column:
value 1 0 2 1 3 Skew 4 Kurtosis
A helpful table of interpretation of the moments
>>> ineqpy.std_moment(variable=x, weights=w, order=1) # ~= 0
>>> ineqpy.std_moment(variable=x, weights=w, order=2) # = 1
>>> ineqpy.std_moment(variable=x, weights=w, order=3) # = skew
>>> ineqpy.skew(variable=x, weights=w)
>>> ineqpy.std_moment(variable=x, weights=w, order=4) # = kurtosis
>>> ineqpy.kurt(variable=x, weights=w)
# pass a pandas.DataFrame and inputs as strings
>>> ineqpy.gini(data=d, income='renta', weights='factor')
# you can pass arrays too
>>> ineqpy.gini(income=d.renta.values, weights=d.factor.values)
We generate random weighted data to show how ineqpy works. The variables simulate being:
x : Income
w : Weights
To test with classical statistics we generate:
x_rep : Income values replicated w times each one.
w_rep : Ones column.
Additional information:
np : numpy package
sp : scipy package
pd : pandas package
gsl_stat : GNU Scientific Library written in C.
ineq : IneqPy
>>> np.mean(x_rep) = 488.535714286
>>> ineq.mean(x, w) = 488.535714286
>>> gsl_stat.wmean(w, x) = 488.5357142857143
>>> np.var(x_rep) = 63086.1364796
>>> ineq.var(x, w) = 63086.1364796
>>> ineq_stat.wvar(x, w, kind=1) = 63086.1364796
>>> ineq_stat.wvar(x, w, kind=2) = 63247.4820972
>>> gsl_stat.wvariance(w, x) = 63993.161585889124
>>> ineq_stat.wvar(x, w, kind=3) = 63993.1615859
>>> np.cov(x_rep, x_rep) = [[ 63247.48209719 63247.48209719]
[ 63247.48209719 63247.48209719]]
>>> ineq_stat.wcov(x, x, w, kind=1) = 63086.1364796
>>> ineq_stat.wcov(x, x, w, kind=2) = 4.94065645841e-324
>>> ineq_stat.wcov(x, x, w, kind=3) = 9.88131291682e-324
>>> gsl_stat.wskew(w, x) = -0.05742668111416989
>>> sp_stat.skew(x_rep) = -0.058669605967865954
>>> ineq.skew(x, w) = -0.0586696059679
>>> sp_stat.kurtosis(x_rep) = -0.7919389201857214
>>> gsl_stat.wkurtosis(w, x) = -0.8540884810553052
>>> ineq.kurt(x, w) - 3 = -0.791938920186
>>> ineq_stat.percentile(x, w, 25) = 293
>>> np.percentile(x_rep, 25) = 293.0
>>> ineq_stat.percentile(x, w, 50) = 526
>>> np.percentile(x_rep, 50) = 526.0
>>> ineq_stat.percentile(x, w, 90) = 839
>>> np.percentile(x_rep, 90) = 839.0
Another way to use this is through the API module as shown below:
Using API's module:
>>> data = Survey(data=data, columns=columns, weights='w')
>>> data.df.head()
x w
0 111 3
1 711 4
2 346 4
3 667 1
4 944 1
>>> data.weights = w
>>> df.mean(main_var) = 488.535714286
>>> df.percentile(main_var) = 526
>>> df.var(main_var) = 63086.1364796
>>> df.skew(main_var) = -0.0586696059679
>>> df.kurt(main_var) = 2.20806107981
>>> df.gini(main_var) = 0.298494329293
>>> df.atkinson(main_var) = 0.0925853855635
>>> df.theil(main_var) = 0.156137490566