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9a8bd00 · Mar 14, 2025


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179 lines (142 loc) · 5.25 KB
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Tomoaki Kobayashi


**My name is Tomoaki KOBAYASHI.**

Nice to meet you! 🤗

I am a software engineer (mainly writing Scala for my job) with strong interest in research on software.

My research interests focus on theoretical foundations of software and the application of them, especially in the following fields:

  • Programming languages
  • (Moderately) Functional programming
  • Embedded domain-specific languages, code generation, metaprogramming, partial evaluation

My main research work is about strymonas---a lightweight declarative stream processing library which proposes complete stream fusion; its processing runs in constant memory!

My vision is to provide solutions to real-world problems of software through these techniques. Software is often too fragile, and maintaining it consumes a tremendous amount of the world's resources unnecessarily. To protect humanity's productivity, I will lead the way in making software robust and resilient.

<style> .container { display: flex; /* 横並びにする */ flex-wrap: wrap; /* 必要に応じて折り返し */ /* align-items: center; 縦方向を中央揃え */ gap: 16px; /* 要素間の間隔 */ }

.image { /* width: 200px; 画像の幅を適宜設定 / / height: auto; */ height: 400px; margin-left: 20pt; margin-right: 20pt; margin-top: 10pt; }

.text { flex: 1; /* テキスト部分を画像に対して伸縮可能にする */ }

/* スマホ向けのスタイル(画面幅が768px以下の場合) / @media (max-width: 768px) { .container { flex-direction: column; / 縦並びにする / align-items: flex-start; / 左寄せにする */ }

.image { /* width: 100%; 画面幅いっぱいに調整 */ height: 400px; } } </style>


Year| Company / Job :-:|-: 2024--Present | [MicroAd, Inc.]( / Junior Software Engineer[^1] <style> .uooo > table{ display: table; } .uooo col { width: auto !important; } </style>
[^1]: I primarily work on developing an auction-based internet advertising delivery system, commonly known as Real-Time Bidding (RTB). I have ever recieved monthly MVP twice (¥50 k/MVP) in the Software Development Team



Year| Degree :-:|-: 2022--2024 | **Master of Information Sciences in CS**, Tohoku University
GPA: 3.8[^2]/4.0, Advisor: [Eijiro Sumii](, Thesis Advisor: [Oleg Kiselyov]( 2018--2022 | **Bachelor of Engineering in CS**, Tohoku University
Major GPA: 3.73[^3]/4.0, Advisor: [Eijiro Sumii](, Thesis Advisor: [Oleg Kiselyov]( 2014--2015 | **Dropout**[^4], *An evening high school* <style> .uooo > table{ display: table; } .uooo col { width: auto !important; } </style>


Only international publications are listed here:

::: {#refs-moatom} :::


Year| Award :-:|-: 2024 | ACM SIGPLAN PEPM 2024 Distinguished Paper Award ([image](./static/award-pepm24.jpeg)) 2020 | [JPN] JSSST 2020 Best Presentation Award ([image](./static/award-jssst20.jpeg)) <style> .uooo > table{ display: table; } .uooo col { width: auto !important; } </style>


Skills and Tools

Professional Experience

  • Scala, Python
  • GitHub Enterprise, Makefile, Docker, Ansible, Jenkins
  • Protocol Buffers, Niginx, MySQL, Redis, Akka, Apache Spark
  • on-prem environment

All in All

  • Main Languages: Scala, OCaml, C, Python, JavaScript/Vue
    • Sub Languages: Kotlin, C++, Rust, Lua, Java
  • Git, LaTex, Valgrind, GitHub Actions