- f506af31: Upgrade esbuild to 0.24.x
- 8218a0a5: Update ESBuild to latest version
- 640ba85f: added types for main entry point
- 9ae9c2e7: fix: generate sw arg
f7927b81: feat: update workbox v7
- Update workbox to v7
- Removed the mode option in favour of just always bundling/removing process.env for the service worker when using injectManifest
- 85647c10: Update
- 5acaf838: Update
- d56f6bb0: fix: esbuild options shouldnt override swsrc and swdest
- ab4720fa: fix: terser import
- 1109ec37: Replace
- febd9d9d: Set node 16 as the minimum version.
- 72c63bc5: Require Rollup@v3.x and update all Rollup related dependencies to latest.
- f7ddc726: Revert back to non-ESM version of
- 7b35551b: Update
- 1113fa09: Update
- 817d674b: Update
- bd12ff9b: Update
- 8128ca53: Update @rollup/plugin-replace
- 641e0a9e: Update workbox-build dependency to 6.2.4
- eb2733de: Update dependency @rollup/plugin-replace to v3
- 687d4750: Downgrade @rollup/plugin-node-resolve to v11
- 9c97ea53: update dependency @rollup/plugin-node-resolve to v13
- 8cf22153: Remove "mode" from passed workbox config.
- 36f6ab39: update to node-resolve v11
- 5da1505: upgrade workbox to v6
- 93a4243: Export cjs and esm correctly
- 1b045b9: Convert code base to TypeScript