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Patch release

Modin uses semantic versioning. So when doing a patch release, please make a separate branch off the previous release tag, and git cherry-pick only the commits we would like to have in our patch release (assuming previous release was versioned X.Y.Z):

    git checkout -b release-X.Y.Z+1 X.Y.Z

Major and Minor releases

A major (xx.0.0) or minor (0.xx.0) release could be done by branching from main:

    git checkout -b release-X.Y.0 main

Preparing the release

Before continuing with the release process, make sure that automated CI which runs on each commit passed successfully with the commit you deem as a "release candidate".

Modin follows the "no push" logic, which is only circumvented for cherry-picked commits, as reviewing them again would not add a lot of value but would add lots of excess work.

Hence non-cherry-pick commits should happen in a separate branch in your own fork, and be delivered to the release branch by using a PR.

Note that Modin uses fully signed commits, so you have to have GPG keys set up. See onboarding instructions on where to get started.

To update Modin version, follow the instructions below.

Preparing the repo for a Major or Minor Version

Note: this should be done in your fork of Modin.

First, update your fork of Modin's main with the main repo's main. From your main, create a new branch called release-X.Y.0 off of main. Create an empty commit in your new branch with the message Release version X.Y.0. Make sure to sign this commit with both your GPG key and with the conventional git commit -s (so git commit -s -S). Open a PR against modin-project/modin with just this commit.

Preparing the repo for a Patch Version

Note: this should be done in the original Modin repository (in upstream) .

First, you must create a new branch in the upstream (main modin-project/modin) repo for the new release. This branch must be named release-X.Y.Z, and should be made off of the tag for the last release. To do this, use git checkout -b release-X.Y.Z+1 X.Y.Z to create the branch for the new release. Once this branch has been created, cherry-pick the commits that will go into this release, and push this branch to upstream.

Note: now you must switch to your fork of Modin.

From your fork of Modin, fetch the upstream repo, and checkout the release branch you made above. From this release branch, create a new branch.

From your new branch, edit the so that the PyPi badge will point to the badge for this specific version (instead of latest) and so that the docs link will point to the docs for this specific version (rather than latest).

Once the badges have been edited, create a commit, the same as for a major or minor version, with the message Release version X.Y.Z, and make sure to sign it with both your GPG key, and the traditional git sign-off. Create a PR using your branch against the release-X.Y.Z branch in the original Modin repo.

Tag commit

After the PR has been merged, clone a clean copy of the Modin repo from the modin-project organization. You now need to tag the commit that corresponds to the above PR with the appropriate tag for this release.

Note: from now on you work on the main branch (in upstream) for a major or minor release, or the release-X.Y.Z branch (in upstream) for a patch release.

    git tag -as X.Y.Z
  • Use scripts/ to draft the release notes (might be as simple as python scripts/ notes > draft.txt)
    • If you're experiencing rate limiting by GitHub during username resolving, pass a token via --token option to the script
    • Fill in the placeholder for summary of the release
    • Please look into PR sections and split them if necessary into smaller but better fitting ones, as the script only categorizes by prefix (FIX-, TEST-, etc.)
    • Make sure to correctly resolve contributors whom script failed to transform to GitHub usernames if there are any!
  • Include release documentation in the annotation and make sure it is signed.
  • Push the tag to main or release-X.Y.Z branch: git push upstream X.Y.Z
    • If you're re-pushing a tag (beware! you shouldn't be doing that, no, really!), you can remove remote tag and push a local one by git push upstream :refs/tags/X.Y.Z

Build wheel:

Note: This should be done from your clean clone of the upstream Modin repository from the modin-project organization, where you made the release tag.

# Install/update tools
pip install --upgrade build twine
# Build a pure Python wheel.
python3 sdist bdist_wheel

You may see the wheel in the dist folder: ls -l dist. Make sure the version is correct. Also make sure there is a tar file that contains the source.

Upload wheels:

Make sure you have an active PyPI account which has write access to Modin pypi repo, and make sure you have a pypi token set up.

Use twine to upload wheels:

twine upload dist/*

When asked for account, provide __token__ (exactly as stated), when asked for password, present your token from pypi.

Check with pip install:

Run pip install -U "modin[all]" on Linux, Mac, and Windows systems in a new environment to test that the wheels were uploaded correctly.

Make Github and conda-forge release


Once the tag has been published, we need to make the release on GitHub. Go to the Release page, and click on Draft a new release. Choose the tag you made above from the dropdown menu, and copy paste the name of the release in the Release title box. Next, copy paste the release notes from above into the box labelled Describe this release. This will ensure that the release notes on GitHub are Markdown formatted.

Double check that everything looks good by clicking Preview, and then hit the green Publish release button!


Conda-forge has a bot which watches for new releases of software packaged through it, and in case of Modin it waits either for Github releases or for tags and then makes a new automatic PR with version increment.

You should watch for that PR and, fixing any issues if there are some, merge it to make new Modin release appear in conda-forge channel. For detailed instructions on how to ensure the PR passes CI and is merge-able, check out the how-to page in the modin-feedstock repo!

Publicize Release

Once the release has been finalized, make sure to post an announcement in the #general channel of the public Modin Slack!