This directory contains the official baseline codes for DSTC11 Track 5.
- Clone this repository into your working directory.
$ git clone
$ cd dstc11-track5
- Install the required python packages.
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python -m nltk.downloader 'punkt'
$ python -m nltk.downloader 'wordnet
- Train the baseline models.
$ ./bin/
- Run the baseline models.
$ ./bin/
- Validate the structure and contents of the tracker output.
$ python -m scripts.check_results --dataset val --dataroot data/ --outfile pred/val/baseline.rg.bart-base.json
Found no errors, output file is valid
- Evaluate the output.
$ python -m scripts.scores --dataset val --dataroot data/ --outfile pred/val/baseline.rg.bart-base.json --scorefile pred/val/baseline.rg.bart-base.score.json
- Print out the scores.
$ cat pred/val/baseline.rg.bart-base.score.json | jq
"detection": {
"prec": 1,
"rec": 0.9990605918271489,
"f1": 0.9995300751879699
"selection": {
"prec": 0.7950632648828044,
"rec": 0.8843003806667435,
"f1": 0.8373109060127791,
"em_acc": 0.40488492249882574
"generation": {
"bleu": 0.10419026648096004,
"meteor": 0.1810290467362776,
"rouge_1": 0.36509971645462036,
"rouge_2": 0.15059917821384866,
"rouge_l": 0.2874932052481134