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Query Methods

Every model in Waterline will have a set of query methods exposed on it to allow you to interact with the database in a normalized fashion. These are known as the CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) methods and is the primary way of interacting with your data.

There are also a special set of queries known as dynamic queries. These are special class methods that are dynamically generated when you initialize Waterline. We call them dynamic finders. They perform many of the same functions as the other class methods but you can call them directly on an attribute in your model.


For most class methods, the callback parameter is optional and if one is not supplied, it will return a chainable object.

CRUD Methods

.find( criteria, [callback] )

find will return an array of records that match the supplied criteria. Criteria can be built using the Query Language.

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
Find Criteria {},[{}], string, int Yes
Callback function No
User.find({ name: 'Walter Jr' })
.exec(function(err, users) {});

Any string arguments passed must be the ID of the record. This method will ALWAYS return records in an array. If you are trying to find an attribute that is an array, you must wrap it in an additional set of brackets otherwise Waterline will think you want to perform an inQuery.

.findOne( criteria, [callback] )

findOne will return an object with the first matching result in the data store.

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
Find Criteria {},[{}], string, int Yes
Callback function No
User.findOne({ name: 'Walter Jr' })
.exec(function(err, user) {});

Any string arguments passed must be the ID of the record. If you are trying to find an attribute that is an array, you must wrap it in an additional set of brackets otherwise Waterline will think you want to perform an inQuery.

.create( criteria, [callback] )

create will attempt to create a new record in the datastore. If the data is valid and passes all validations it will be sent to the adapters create method.

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
Records to Create {}, [{}] Yes
Callback function No
  name: 'Walter Jr'
.exec(function(err, user) {});

.findOrCreate( search criteria, [values, callback] )

findOrCreate will return a single record if one was found or created, or an array of records if multiple get found/created via the supplied criteria or values. Criteria can be built using the Query Language.

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
Find Criteria {},[{}], string, int Yes
Creation Values {},[{}] No
Callback function No
User.findOrCreate({ name: 'Walter Jr' })
.exec(function(err, users) {
//either user(s) with the name 'Walter Jr' get returned or 
//a single user gets created with the name 'Walter Jr' and returned

Any string arguments passed must be the ID of the record. This method can return a single record or an array of records. If a model is not found and creation values are ommitted, it will get created with the supplied criteria values.


Unless an adapter implements its own version of findOrCreate, findOrCreate will do the find and create calls in two separate steps (not transactional). In a high frequency scenario it's possible for duplicates to be created if the query field(s) are not indexed.

.update( search criteria , values , [callback] )

update will attempt to update any records matching the criteria passed in. Criteria can be built using the Query Language.

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
Find Criteria {},[{}], string, int Yes
Updated Values {},[{}] Yes
Callback function No
User.update({ name: 'Walter Jr' }, { name: 'Flynn' })
.exec(function(err, users) {});

Although you may pass .update() an object or an array of objects, it will always return an array of objects. Any string arguments passed must be the ID of the record. If you specify a primary key (e.g. 7 or 50c9b254b07e040200000028) instead of a criteria object, any .where() filters will be ignored.

.destroy( criteria , [callback] )

destroy will destroy any records matching the provided criteria. Criteria can be built using the Query Language.

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
Find Criteria {},[{}], string, int Yes
Callback function No
User.destroy({ name: 'Flynn' })
.exec(function(err) {});

If you want to confirm the record exists before you delete it, you must first perform a find(). Any string arguments passed must be the ID of the record.

.query( query, [data], callback )

Some adapters, such as sails-mysql and sails-postgresql, support the query function which will run the provided RAW query against the database. This can sometimes be useful if you want to run complex queries and performance is very important.

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
Query string Yes
Data array No
Callback function Yes
var title = "The King's Speech";
Movie.query('SELECT * FROM movie WHERE title = $1', [title], function(err, results) {
  // using sails-postgresql
  console.log('Found the following movie: ', results.rows[0]);
  // using sails-mysql
  console.log('Found the following movie: ', results[0]);

The type of the results returned depend on your adapter: sails-mysql returns an array of objects and sails-postgresql returns an object containing metadata and the actual results within a 'rows' array. This function does currently not support promises.


Some adapters (including sails-mysql and sails-postgresql) support aggregate queries using specific grouping and aggregation methods. Currently groupBy for grouping and max, min, sum, and average for aggregation are supported. For SQL based adapters if groupBy is used then at least one aggregate must be specified as well, and only the aggregated and grouped attributes will be returned in the results.

.groupBy( attribute or expression )

groupBy will group results by the specified attribute or expression (for SQL adapters that support expressions).

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
Attribute or Expression string Yes
// Find the highest grossing movie by genre.
	.then(function(results) {
		// Max revenue for the first genre.

// Find the highest grossing movie by year.
	.groupBy('to_char("movie"."releaseDate", \'YYYY\')')
	.then(function(results) {
		// Max revenue for the first year.

		// The first year.

As specified by the Waterline SQL Interface, along with attributes SQL expressions are accepted by the groupBy method. This allows you to create queries that group by month or year on a datetime field. Since expressions don't provide an attribute to serve as a key in the returned results the groupBy method will key each grouped attribute with group0 where 0 is the index of the groupBy method call containing the expression.

.max( attribute )

max will find the maximum value for the given attribute.

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
Attribute string Yes
// Find the highest grossing movie by genre.
	.then(function(results) {
		// Max revenue for the first genre.

.min( attribute )

min will find the minimum value for the given attribute.

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
Attribute string Yes
// Find the lowest grossing movie by genre.
	.then(function(results) {
		// Min revenue for the first genre.

.sum( attribute )

sum will find the summed total for the given attribute.

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
Attribute string Yes
// Find the movie revenue by genre.
	.then(function(results) {
		// Total revenue for the first genre.

.average( attribute )

average will find the average value for the given attribute.

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
Attribute string Yes
// Find the average movie revenue by genre.
	.then(function(results) {
		// Average revenue for the first genre.