NEXUS repository for kubernetes to deploy on a kubernetes cluster with NFS-share
This chart will deploy:
1 NEXUS-nfs initialization container
We need this container to avoid permission issues on the NEXUS docker
1 NEXUS container
On top of the default deployment of the NEXUS we added the following plugins:
Besides these plugins we have also amended repositories to aid our needs:
To configure your GitHub organisation with NEXUS please check: nexus3-github-oauth-plugin documentation.
Make changes in the chart. Release the chart and make sure make sure you fill in the existing volume claim.
You can test in install the chart by executing:
helm lint .
To test if your helm chart-syntax is right and:
helm install . --dry-run --debug
To test if your hem chart works and:
helm install .
To deploy it on the cluster.
curl -L -u xxxx:xxxx --upload-file molgenis-x.x.x.tgz
To push it to the registry
Please check: troubleshooting guide