Library of composable charting components that provides a way to create interactive charts rendered on canvas.
yarn add @lg-charts/core
npm install @lg-charts/core
import { Chart, Line, Grid, XAxis, YAxis, type ChartStates } from '@lg-charts/core';
<Chart onZoomSelect={handleZoom} chartState={ChartStates.Unset}>
<Header title="My Chart" />
<Grid vertical={false}>
<XAxis type="time" />
<YAxis type="value" formatter={(value) => `${value}GB`} />
label='2024/01/04 (value 3)'
message='Critical event occurred'
position={[new Date(2020, 01, 04), 3]}
message='Something happened of note'
position={new Date(2020, 01, 02)}
label='Value Limit'
name="Series 1"
[new Date(2020, 01, 01), 0],
[new Date(2020, 01, 02), 1],
[new Date(2020, 01, 03), 2],
[new Date(2020, 01, 04), 3],
[new Date(2020, 01, 05), 4],
name="Series 2"
[new Date(2020, 01, 01), 4],
[new Date(2020, 01, 02), 3],
[new Date(2020, 01, 03), 2],
[new Date(2020, 01, 04), 1],
[new Date(2020, 01, 05), 0],
import { ChartCard, Chart, Line, XAxis, YAxis } from '@lg-charts/core';
<ChartCard title="My Group of Charts">
<Chart groupId="group1">
<XAxis type="time" />
<YAxis type="value" formatter={(value) => `${value}GB`} />
name="Series 1"
<Chart groupId="group1">
<XAxis type="time" />
<YAxis type="value" formatter={(value) => `${value}GB`} />
name="Series 1"
Chart container component.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
chartState (optional) |
The state of the chart. | ChartStates ('unset | 'loading') |
'unset' |
groupId (optional) |
Charts with the same groupId will have their tooltips synced across charts. |
string |
onChartReady (optional) |
Callback to be called when chart is finished rendering. | () => void |
onZoomSelect (optional) |
Callback to be called when a zoom selection is made if zoomSelect is enabled. |
(e: ZoomSelectionEvent) => void |
zoomSelect (optional) |
Enable zoom select (click and drag area selection) for either axis. | { xAxis?: boolean; yAxis?: boolean } |
{ xAxis: false, yAxis: false } |
Note: Callback passed to onZoomSelect
callback receives the following ZoomSelectionEvent
as an argument:
ZoomSelectionEvent = {
// present if xAxis is enabled
xAxis?: { startValue: number; endValue: number };
// present if yAxis is enabled
yAxis?: { startValue: number; endValue: number };
Expandable card component for visually wrapping multiple charts.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
title |
The title to display in the chart header. | string |
defaultOpen (optional) |
Defines the default state of the card. | boolean |
true |
isOpen (optional) |
Forces the card state. | boolean |
onToggleButtonClick (optional) |
Callback fired when a user clicks the open/close toggle button. | (event: MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>) => void |
headerContent (optional) |
Content that will be rendered to the right of the title. Useful for adding components such as IconButton 's that control functionality in the chart. |
React.ReactNode |
Component that takes in data points and renders a single line on the chart.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
name |
Unique name used to identify the series. Important note: If two lines have the same name, only one will be rendered. | string |
data |
Data array of tuples that represent x and y coordinates in the series. | Array<[string | number | Date, string | number | Date]> |
Component for rendering a header in a chart.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
title |
The title to display in the chart header. | string |
showDivider (optional) |
When true, renders a dividing line on top of header. Useful when stacking charts, such as in a ChartGroup . |
boolean |
headerContent (optional) |
Content that will be rendered to the right of the title. Useful for adding components such as IconButton 's that control functionality in the chart. |
React.ReactNode |
Component that displays grid lines on the chart.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
horizontal (optional) |
Show horizontal grid lines. | boolean |
true |
vertical (optional) |
Show vertical grid lines. | boolean |
true |
Renders an x-axis.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
type |
Type of axis. | 'category' | 'value' | 'time' | 'log' |
label (optional) |
Label name to be rendered on the axis. | string |
formatter (optional) |
Callback function for formatting tick values. | (value: string, index: number) => string |
Renders a y-axis.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
type |
Type of axis. | 'category' | 'value' | 'time' | 'log' |
label (optional) |
Label name to be rendered on the axis. | string |
formatter (optional) |
Callback function for formatting tick values. | (value: string, index: number) => string |
Renders a tooltip onto the chart.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
sortDirection (optional) |
What direction to sort tooltip values in. | 'asc' | 'desc' |
'desc' |
sortKey (optional) |
Whether to sort by name or value. | 'name' | 'value' |
'value' |
valueFormatter (optional) |
Callback function for formatting each value string. | (value: number | string) => string |
Renders a vertical line marker at a specific point on the x-axis to annotate an event.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
position |
Position along the x-axis where the line should be placed. | string | number |
message |
Additional message text shown in the tooltip when hovering. | string |
label (optional) |
Label text shown in the tooltip when hovering. | string |
level (optional) |
Visual style of the marker indicating its severity. | 'warning' | 'info' |
'warning' |
Renders a point marker at specific coordinates to annotate an event.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
position |
Coordinates where the point should be placed [x, y]. | [string | number, string | number] |
message |
Additional message text shown in the tooltip when hovering. | string |
label (optional) |
Label text shown in the tooltip when hovering. | string |
level (optional) |
Visual style of the marker indicating its severity. | 'warning' | 'info' |
'warning' |
Renders a horizontal dashed line at a specific value on the y-axis to indicate a threshold.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
position |
Position along the y-axis where the line should be placed. | number |
value |
Value text shown after the label in the tooltip when hovering. | string |
label (optional) |
Label text shown in the tooltip when hovering. | string |