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Core Chart Components

Library of composable charting components that provides a way to create interactive charts rendered on canvas.

npm (scoped)



yarn add @lg-charts/core


npm install @lg-charts/core

Basic Chart Example

import { Chart, Line, Grid, XAxis, YAxis, type ChartStates } from '@lg-charts/core';

<Chart onZoomSelect={handleZoom} chartState={ChartStates.Unset}>
  <Header title="My Chart" />
  <Grid vertical={false}>
  <XAxis type="time" />
  <YAxis type="value" formatter={(value) => `${value}GB`} />
    label='2024/01/04 (value 3)'
    message='Critical event occurred'
    position={[new Date(2020, 01, 04), 3]}
    message='Something happened of note'
    position={new Date(2020, 01, 02)}
    label='Value Limit'
    name="Series 1"
      [new Date(2020, 01, 01), 0],
      [new Date(2020, 01, 02), 1],
      [new Date(2020, 01, 03), 2],
      [new Date(2020, 01, 04), 3],
      [new Date(2020, 01, 05), 4],
    name="Series 2"
      [new Date(2020, 01, 01), 4],
      [new Date(2020, 01, 02), 3],
      [new Date(2020, 01, 03), 2],
      [new Date(2020, 01, 04), 1],
      [new Date(2020, 01, 05), 0],

Grouped Charts

import { ChartCard, Chart, Line, XAxis, YAxis } from '@lg-charts/core';

<ChartCard title="My Group of Charts">
  <Chart groupId="group1">
    <XAxis type="time" />
    <YAxis type="value" formatter={(value) => `${value}GB`} />
      name="Series 1"
  <Chart groupId="group1">
    <XAxis type="time" />
    <YAxis type="value" formatter={(value) => `${value}GB`} />
      name="Series 1"

Parent Components


Chart container component.


Name Description Type Default
chartState (optional) The state of the chart. ChartStates ('unset | 'loading') 'unset'
groupId (optional) Charts with the same groupId will have their tooltips synced across charts. string
onChartReady (optional) Callback to be called when chart is finished rendering. () => void
onZoomSelect (optional) Callback to be called when a zoom selection is made if zoomSelect is enabled. (e: ZoomSelectionEvent) => void
zoomSelect (optional) Enable zoom select (click and drag area selection) for either axis. { xAxis?: boolean; yAxis?: boolean } { xAxis: false, yAxis: false }

Note: Callback passed to onZoomSelect callback receives the following ZoomSelectionEvent as an argument:

ZoomSelectionEvent = {
  // present if xAxis is enabled
  xAxis?: { startValue: number; endValue: number };
  // present if yAxis is enabled
  yAxis?: { startValue: number; endValue: number };

Child Components


Expandable card component for visually wrapping multiple charts.


Name Description Type Default
title The title to display in the chart header. string
defaultOpen (optional) Defines the default state of the card. boolean true
isOpen (optional) Forces the card state. boolean
onToggleButtonClick (optional) Callback fired when a user clicks the open/close toggle button. (event: MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>) => void
headerContent (optional) Content that will be rendered to the right of the title. Useful for adding components such as IconButton's that control functionality in the chart. React.ReactNode


Component that takes in data points and renders a single line on the chart.


Name Description Type Default
name Unique name used to identify the series. Important note: If two lines have the same name, only one will be rendered. string
data Data array of tuples that represent x and y coordinates in the series. Array<[string | number | Date, string | number | Date]>


Component for rendering a header in a chart.


Name Description Type Default
title The title to display in the chart header. string
showDivider (optional) When true, renders a dividing line on top of header. Useful when stacking charts, such as in a ChartGroup. boolean
headerContent (optional) Content that will be rendered to the right of the title. Useful for adding components such as IconButton's that control functionality in the chart. React.ReactNode


Component that displays grid lines on the chart.


Name Description Type Default
horizontal (optional) Show horizontal grid lines. boolean true
vertical (optional) Show vertical grid lines. boolean true


Renders an x-axis.


Name Description Type Default
type Type of axis. 'category' | 'value' | 'time' | 'log'
label (optional) Label name to be rendered on the axis. string
formatter (optional) Callback function for formatting tick values. (value: string, index: number) => string


Renders a y-axis.


Name Description Type Default
type Type of axis. 'category' | 'value' | 'time' | 'log'
label (optional) Label name to be rendered on the axis. string
formatter (optional) Callback function for formatting tick values. (value: string, index: number) => string


Renders a tooltip onto the chart.


Name Description Type Default
sortDirection (optional) What direction to sort tooltip values in. 'asc' | 'desc' 'desc'
sortKey (optional) Whether to sort by name or value. 'name' | 'value' 'value'
valueFormatter (optional) Callback function for formatting each value string. (value: number | string) => string


Renders a vertical line marker at a specific point on the x-axis to annotate an event.


Name Description Type Default
position Position along the x-axis where the line should be placed. string | number
message Additional message text shown in the tooltip when hovering. string
label (optional) Label text shown in the tooltip when hovering. string
level (optional) Visual style of the marker indicating its severity. 'warning' | 'info' 'warning'


Renders a point marker at specific coordinates to annotate an event.


Name Description Type Default
position Coordinates where the point should be placed [x, y]. [string | number, string | number]
message Additional message text shown in the tooltip when hovering. string
label (optional) Label text shown in the tooltip when hovering. string
level (optional) Visual style of the marker indicating its severity. 'warning' | 'info' 'warning'


Renders a horizontal dashed line at a specific value on the y-axis to indicate a threshold.


Name Description Type Default
position Position along the y-axis where the line should be placed. number
value Value text shown after the label in the tooltip when hovering. string
label (optional) Label text shown in the tooltip when hovering. string