- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@3.0.5
- 796ca2765: - Properly sets dark mode font color when
- Adds generated story to test both light and dark modes
- Updated dependencies [4d932fe13]
- @leafygreen-ui/typography@20.1.1
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@3.0.4
- @lg-chat/rich-links@2.0.4
- @leafygreen-ui/banner@9.0.4
- Updated dependencies [eb108e93b]
- @leafygreen-ui/typography@20.1.0
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@3.0.3
- @lg-chat/rich-links@2.0.3
- @leafygreen-ui/banner@9.0.3
- e1955dd36: Fixes broken patch build
- Updated dependencies [e1955dd36]
- @lg-chat/leafygreen-chat-provider@3.0.1
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@3.0.2
- @lg-chat/rich-links@2.0.2
- @leafygreen-ui/banner@9.0.2
- @leafygreen-ui/emotion@4.0.9
- @leafygreen-ui/leafygreen-provider@4.0.2
- @leafygreen-ui/lib@14.0.2
- @leafygreen-ui/palette@4.1.3
- @leafygreen-ui/polymorphic@2.0.5
- @leafygreen-ui/tokens@2.11.3
- @leafygreen-ui/typography@20.0.2
- 53c67fba6: LG-4650: migrates from
- Updated dependencies [53c67fba6]
- @leafygreen-ui/leafygreen-provider@4.0.1
- @leafygreen-ui/polymorphic@2.0.4
- @leafygreen-ui/typography@20.0.1
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@3.0.1
- @leafygreen-ui/palette@4.1.2
- @lg-chat/rich-links@2.0.1
- @leafygreen-ui/banner@9.0.1
- @leafygreen-ui/tokens@2.11.2
- @leafygreen-ui/lib@14.0.1
- Updated dependencies [274d7e1a7]
- @lg-chat/leafygreen-chat-provider@3.0.0
- @leafygreen-ui/leafygreen-provider@4.0.0
- @leafygreen-ui/typography@20.0.0
- @leafygreen-ui/banner@9.0.0
- @leafygreen-ui/lib@14.0.0
- @lg-chat/rich-links@2.0.0
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@3.0.0
- @leafygreen-ui/polymorphic@2.0.3
- @leafygreen-ui/tokens@2.11.1
- f6f49c65e: Adds exports for the MessageLinks component & types
- Updated dependencies [82bcd310a]
- Updated dependencies [f91e1ce97]
- @lg-chat/rich-links@1.2.0
- @leafygreen-ui/tokens@2.11.0
- Updated dependencies [4fb369df7]
- Updated dependencies [7a901b954]
- Updated dependencies [7a901b954]
- Updated dependencies [7a901b954]
- Updated dependencies [29d50edaa]
- @leafygreen-ui/typography@19.2.0
- @leafygreen-ui/polymorphic@2.0.0
- @leafygreen-ui/lib@13.6.0
- @leafygreen-ui/tokens@2.9.0
- e5a13a22b: Fixes an import issue with the
prop implementation
- 691877cd: Adds the links prop which renders link data as rich links after the message content
- f5da3fe9: The verified answer banner now uses sentence case instead of title case
- Updated dependencies [691877cd]
- @lg-chat/rich-links@1.0.0
- Updated dependencies [dfd6972c]
- @leafygreen-ui/typography@19.0.0
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@2.0.2
- @leafygreen-ui/banner@8.0.1
- 24ee033c: Adds verified answer support to Message
- Updated dependencies [24ee033c]
- @leafygreen-ui/banner@8.0.0
- 9079c0ae: Upgrades internal lg components
- Updated dependencies [9079c0ae]
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@2.0.1
- 36070800: First public release of
- Updated dependencies [36070800]
- @lg-chat/leafygreen-chat-provider@2.0.0
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@2.0.0
- e3351af: First major release of Feedback components and appropriate changes to other components to support their use
- Publishing with fresh builds
- Publishing with new builds
- 918f25d: MessageContainer now adds overflow-wrap:break-word to handle words long enough to overflow the Message
- 8bee7e8: MessageContent and MessageContainer are now included in the top level exports.
- Empty patch bump to include missing builds
- Updated dependencies
- @lg-chat/leafygreen-chat-provider@1.0.2
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@1.1.3
- @lg-chat/message-rating@1.1.3
- f21765f: Phase 2 minor style changes are now applied
- Updated dependencies [f21765f]
- @lg-chat/message-rating@1.1.2
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@1.1.2
- 1369d9f: Empty patch version to trigger new Artifactory publish
- Updated dependencies [1369d9f]
- @lg-chat/leafygreen-chat-provider@1.0.1
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@1.1.1
- @lg-chat/message-rating@1.1.1
- 65464c2: First major release of FixedChatWindow component
- Responsiveness behavior with LeafyGreenChatProvider
- 799eb22: Adjusts component dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies [799eb22]
- @lg-chat/leafygreen-chat-provider@1.0.0
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@1.1.0
- @lg-chat/message-rating@1.1.0
- 9cfaea7: MVP Release of all LG Chat packages
- Updated dependencies [9cfaea7]
- @lg-chat/avatar@1.0.0
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@1.0.0
- @lg-chat/message-rating@1.0.0
- a1c597c: Testing initial publish of LG Chat library
- Updated dependencies [a1c597c]
- @lg-chat/avatar@0.9.1
- @lg-chat/lg-markdown@0.9.1
- @lg-chat/message-rating@0.9.1