fd-view is a UI for modelling, analyzing and querying data imported into FlockData.
- Visual information modelling from existing data files.
- Data mediation between Neo4j and ElasticSearch
- Analytical views
The entire FD stack can be executed via Docker Compose by checking the project out from fd-demo. Here we'll assume that you want to build from src
Install NodeJS 6.X as per the instructions for your platform. On Ubuntu, this could look something like this
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs -q -y
The -g flag indicates that the package should be installed globally (for all users)
npm install -g gulp-cli
npm install -g bower
You'll need to run these commands when you pull the latest source to ensure your libraries are up-to-date as defined in package.json
and bower.json
npm install
bower install
Unit testing
gulp test
The server can be started with
gulp serve
Where fd-view will be listening on http://localhost:9000
by default.
If you can't connect to fd-engine, then click on settings, and set the fd-engine URL if necessary
To build a production version into the dist folder
A Docker package can be built from the contents of the dist
folder for deployment into a Docker Machine
docker build -t flockdata/fd-view .
# Run fd-view on port 80 in the docker-machine
docker run -p 80:80 flockdata/fd-view