The package was archive due to the pkgdown html thing last year. This is fixed, core functionalities are the same, some feature were added.
A CRAN package should not be larger than 5 MB. Please reduce the size.
Size was reduced, tar.gz is 3.6 Mb big
Please omit one full stop at the end of your DESCRIPTION:
Missing Rd-tags: flow_debugonce.Rd: \value flow_view_shiny.Rd: \value
Added \value section for both
Used ::: in documentation: man/flow_view_deps.Rd: flow_view_deps(here::i_am, hide = c(pattern = "here:::s"))
Example was changed to use ::
rather than :::
You are using installed.packages() in your code.
We now gather dependencies from DESCRIPTION files rather than installed.packages()