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Moonsense Web SDK

This repository includes sample applications that provide insight into incorporating and using the SDK.


The instructions provided below provide basic setup instructions for pulling the Moonsense Web SDK from the Moonsense repos and a quick overview on running the included sample application.

For more in depth information visit the documentation website for further details on Getting Started with the Web SDK, setting up credentials and applications in the Moonsense Console, and collecting sample data with the Moonsense Recorder.


  • Clone this repository.
  • You need a repo_access_token to connect to the NPM repository. This token should have been provided to you. In case you do not have one contact
  • Tell NPM about your repo_access_token. The easiest way to do this is to add the following lines to a file named .npmrc in the project directory. This file has already been created in the sample app, you just need to fill in the value for your repo_access_token.


The SDK is setup using Node Package Manager (NPM). And can be included in your project by running the following command:

  • Install the package into your project
npm install --save @moonsense/moonsense-web-sdk


The SDK requires some configuration information to be setup and associate correctly with your app. To continue, you will need to create a publicToken for you app on the Moonsense Console.

The SDK supports integration in a number of ways including as an ES6 module or via CommonJS. The Moonsense Web SDK can either be incorporated into a separate project using NPM or pulled into a website via a script tag from the Moonsense CDN.


The SDK can be instantiated either via the initialize(...) method.

 * Setup a callback to use with the SDK.
 * The callback allows the SDK to communicate easily to
 * your app and allows you to trigger specific events 
 * within your app based on Moonsense SDK events.
const myCallback = {

     * Triggered when a Moonsense Session is started
    onSessionStarted: (session) => {
        console.log('Session start callback called');

     * Triggered when a Moonsense Session ends
    onSessionStopped: (session) => {
        console.log('Session stop callback called');

     * Triggered when the Moonsense Session
     * experiences an error
    onSessionError: (msg) => {
        console.warn('Session error occurred', msg);

// The config to pass to new Moonsense(...)
const sdkConfig = {
    // the PublicToken for this App
    publicToken: '<your_public_token>', // required

    // The callback created above
    moonsenseCallback: myCallback, // optional

    // The minimum level of logs that should 
    // be output to the console
    logLevel: 'error', // optional

     * **[Optional]** A list of defuault sensors the `Session` should record.
     * Defaults to all sensors
     * **Note**: Requesting the sensor does not mean that the sensor will be recorded.
     * Sensor availability is subject to platform and device capabilities as well
     * as permissions given to the implementing application.
    sensorTypes: Array<AvailableSensors>,

     * **[Optional]** The requested sampling rate, in hertz, used by the 
     * SDK for sensors that support it, such as the Accelerometer. 
     * E.g., a value of 20 means that the SDK will try to sample 
     * data 20 times per second. 
     * Defaults to 25hz
    globalSamplingRate: number,

     * **[Optional]** The rate, in milliseconds, at which a bundle is generated from the
     * accumulated data for the session and flushed.
     * The actual rate seen is subject to data availability, 
     * network availability, etc...
     * Defaults to 1000ms
    bundleGenerationInterval: number,


// Import the Moonsense SDK
import { Moonsense } from '@moonsense/moonsense-web-sdk';

// Create an instance of the SDK

CommonJS with Require

const moonsenseWebSdk = require('./moonsense-web-sdk.js');

CommonJS via Script Tag

<!-- This assumes you are hosting the sdk at root -->
<script src="/moonsense-web-sdk.js"></script>



The SDK can be incorporated into any website by pulling it from the Moonsense CDN and starting a session in your own javascript.

To include the SDK, simply add the following to your website. This will pull the latest version of the SDK and make it accessible to your site.

<script async id="moonsense" src=""></script>

Then you can include your logic to utilize the SDK in your own scripts. In the following example script called use-sdk.js, the SDK is initialized with the App publicToken, a 60 second long session is started and the sessionId is logged to the console. The script is designed to be included asynchronously and therefore includes logic to wait for the Moonsense SDK to be loaded first.

 * filename: use-sdk.js
 * This script is designed to run async. It will look for the 
 * Moonsense SDK script tag and add an `onload` listener to 
 * trigger once the script is loaded by the browser.
 * Once triggered, the script will initialize the SDK,
 * start a 60s long session and log the session ID to the
 * console.

// Grab the list of scripts
const scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
let moonsenseScript;

// Find the Moonsense Script
for (s of scripts) {
    if (s.src.endsWith('moonsense-web-sdk.js')) {
        moonsenseScript = s;

if (moonsenseScript) {
    // Run the code to start by a session once the
    // Moonsense script is loaded from the CDN
    moonsenseScript.onload = ((event) => {
        console.log('Moonsense Script loaded');

        const moonsense = MoonsenseSdk.Moonsense;
            publicToken: '<public token goes here>'

        const session = moonsense.startSession({
            duration: 60000, // 60 Seconds

        session.getRemoteId().then((sessionId) => {
            console.log('SessionId', sessionId);
        }).catch((error) => {
            console.warn('Error getting Moonsense SessionId', error);

Now add the script to the HTML file.

<script async src="use-sdk.js"></script>


The SDK records in Sessions. A Session is defined as a single start and stop point in time. A Session is started in the following way:

// Creates a session that will record for up to 20 seconds
const session = moonsenseSdk.startSesssion({
     * The maximum length of time to record a session in milliseconds
    duration: 20000,

     * **[Optional]** A list of labels to apply to the session when it's created.
     * Defaults to all sensors
    labels: ['Label1', 'Label2'],

     * **[Optional]** A list of sensors to use for this specific Session.
     * Defaults to all SdkConfig.sensorTypes if set, otherwise defaults to all sensors
    sensorTypes: [AvailableSensors.ACCELEROMETER],

A session can also be terminated early using the following:

// Stops a specific session

Or all sessions can be stopped using:

// Stops all sessions

Included Sensors

The SDK has the capability of monitoring multiple sensors based on availability within the browser. The SDK will make a best effort to connect and monitor sensors using numerous methods based on the browser being used.

The following sensors are currently available:

  • Acceleration - monitors acceleration with gravity included
  • Focus Change - monitors inputs for gain/loss of focus
  • Key Press - monitors for all key press events
  • Linear Acceleration - monitors acceleration with gravity excluded
  • Location - the latitude, longitude, altitude, and speed of the device
  • Mouse Wheel - monitors interaction with the mouse wheel
  • Pointer - monitors all touch events within the browser page
  • Scroll - monitors overall scrolling of the browser page
  • Text Change - monitors all input fields for text changes

Sample React App Implementation

The React App implementation shows how to incorporate the Moonsense SDK into a React Application. It includes a singleton wrapper and triggering of Session creation and ending sessions based on user interaction.

More details can be found in the following folder: react-app

Terms Of Service

This SDK is distributed under the Moonsense Terms Of Service.


Feel free to raise an Issue around bugs, usage, concerns or feedback.