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feat(repository api): add repo_label_add/repo_labels_get/repo_desp_up…
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Add repository APIs
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moooofly committed Aug 11, 2018
1 parent c29196f commit c12b012
Showing 1 changed file with 188 additions and 13 deletions.
201 changes: 188 additions & 13 deletions api/repositories.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,31 @@
package api

import (


func init() {
"Add a label to the repository.",
"This endpoint adds an already existing label (global or project specific) to the repository.",
"Get labels of a repository.",
"This endpoint gets labels of a repository specified by the repo_name. NOTE: This API gets '401 Unauthorized' all the time, even when logging in as admin user.",
"Update description of the repository.",
"This endpoint is used to update description of the repository.",
"Delete a repository by repo_name.",
"This endpoint let user delete a repository by repo_name.",
"Get repositories accompany with relevant project and repo name.",
"This endpoint let user search repositories accompanying with relevant project ID and repo name.",
Expand All @@ -16,15 +34,170 @@ func init() {
"Get public repositories which are accessed most.",
"This endpoint aims to let users see the most popular public repositories",
"Delete a repository by repo_name.",
"This endpoint let user delete a repository by repo_name.",

type repositoryLabelAdd struct {
RepoName string `short:"n" long:"repo_name" description:"(REQUIRED) The name of repository that you want to add a label." required:"yes"`
ID int `short:"i" long:"id" description:"(REQUIRED) The ID of the already existing label." required:"yes" json:"id"`
Name string `long:"name" description:"The name of this label." default:"" json:"name"`
Description string `long:"description" description:"The description of this label." default:"" json:"description"`
Color string `long:"color" description:"The color code of this label. (e.g. Format: #A9B6BE)" default:"" json:"color"`
Scope string `long:"scope" description:"The scope of this label. ('p' indicats project scope, 'g' indicates global scope)" default:"" json:"scope"`
ProjectID int `long:"project_id" description:"Which project (id) this label belongs to when created. ('0' indicates global label, others indicate specific project)" default:"" json:"project_id"`
CreationTime string `long:"creation_time" description:"The creation time of this label. default time.Now()" default:"" json:"creation_time"`
UpdateTime string `long:"update_time" description:"The update time of this label. default time.Now()" default:"" json:"update_time"`
Deleted bool `long:"deleted" description:"not sure" json:"deleted"`

var repoLabelAdd repositoryLabelAdd

func (x *repositoryLabelAdd) Execute(args []string) error {
return nil

// PostRepoLabelAdd add a label to the repository.
// params:
// repo_name - (REQUIRED) The name of repository that you want to add a label.
// id - (REQUIRED) The ID of the already existing label.
// name - The name of this label.
// description - The description of this label.
// color - The color code of this label. (e.g. Format: #A9B6BE)
// scope - The scope of this label. ('p' indicats project scope, 'g' indicates global scope)
// project_id - Which project (id) this label belongs to when created. ('0' indicates global label, others indicate specific project)
// creation_time - The creation time of this label. default time.Now()
// update_time - The update time of this label. default time.Now()
// deleted - not sure
// format:
// POST /repositories/{repo_name}/labels
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: text/plain' -d '{ \
"id": 2, \
"name": "test-name", \
"description": "test-description", \
"color": "test-color", \
"scope": "test-scope", \
"project_id": 10, \
"deleted": true \
}' 'https://localhost/api/repositories/temp_5%2Fhello-world/labels'
func PostRepoLabelAdd(baseURL string) {
if repoLabelAdd.CreationTime == "" || repoLabelAdd.UpdateTime == "" {
now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z")
repoLabelAdd.CreationTime = now
repoLabelAdd.UpdateTime = now

targetURL := baseURL + "/" + repoLabelAdd.RepoName + "/labels"
fmt.Println("==> POST", targetURL)

// Read beegosessionID from .cookie.yaml
c, err := utils.CookieLoad()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)

t, err := json.Marshal(&repoLabelAdd)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error:", err)

fmt.Println("==> label add:", string(t))

Set("Cookie", "harbor-lang=zh-cn; beegosessionID="+c.BeegosessionID).

type repositoryLabelsGet struct {
RepoName string `short:"n" long:"repo_name" description:"(REQUIRED) The name of repository." required:"yes"`

var repoLabelsGet repositoryLabelsGet

func (x *repositoryLabelsGet) Execute(args []string) error {
return nil

// GetRepoLabels get labels of a repository specified by the repo_name.
// params:
// repo_name - (REQUIRED) The name of repository.
// format:
// GET /repositories/{repo_name}/labels
// e.g. curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'https://localhost/api/repositories/temp_5%2Fhello-world/labels'
func GetRepoLabels(baseURL string) {
targetURL := baseURL + "/" + repoLabelsGet.RepoName + "/labels"
fmt.Println("==> GET", targetURL)


type repoDescriptionUpdate struct {
RepoName string `short:"n" long:"repo_name" description:"(REQUIRED) Repo name for filtering results." required:"yes" json:"-"`
Description string `short:"d" long:"description" description:"(REQUIRED) The description of the repository." required:"yes" json:"description"`

var repoUpdate repoDescriptionUpdate

func (x *repoDescriptionUpdate) Execute(args []string) error {
return nil

// PutRepoDescriptionUpdate is used to update description of the repository.
// params:
// repo_name - (REQUIRED) The name of repository which will be deleted.
// description - (REQUIRED) The description of the repository.
// format:
// PUT /repositories/{repo_name}
// e.g.
curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: text/plain' -d '{ \
"description": "change" \
}' 'https://localhost/api/repositories/temp_5%2Fhello-world'

func PutRepoDescriptionUpdate(baseURL string) {
targetURL := baseURL + "/" + repoUpdate.RepoName
fmt.Println("==> PUT", targetURL)

// Read beegosessionID from .cookie.yaml
c, err := utils.CookieLoad()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)

t, err := json.Marshal(&repoUpdate)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error:", err)

fmt.Println("==> description:", string(t))

Set("Cookie", "harbor-lang=zh-cn; beegosessionID="+c.BeegosessionID).

type repositoriesList struct {
ProjectID int `short:"j" long:"project_id" description:"(REQUIRED) Relevant project ID." required:"yes"`
RepoName string `short:"n" long:"repo_name" description:"Repo name for filtering results." default:""`
LabelID int `short:"l" long:"label_id" description:"The ID of label used to filter the result." default:"0"`
Page int `short:"p" long:"page" description:"The page nubmer, default is 1." default:"1"`
PageSize int `short:"s" long:"page_size" description:"The size of per page, default is 10, maximum is 100." default:"10"`
Expand All @@ -51,7 +224,7 @@ type repositoryDel struct {
RepoName string `short:"n" long:"repo_name" description:"(REQUIRED) The name of repository which will be deleted." required:"yes"`

var repodel repositoryDel
var repoDel repositoryDel

func (x *repositoryDel) Execute(args []string) error {
Expand All @@ -61,15 +234,17 @@ func (x *repositoryDel) Execute(args []string) error {
// GetReposByPrjID let user search repositories accompanying with relevant project ID and repo name.
// params:
// project_id - (REQUIRED) Relevant project ID.
// q - Repo name for filtering results.
// page - The page nubmer, default is 1.
// pageSize - The size of per page, default is 10, maximum is 100.
// project_id - (REQUIRED) Relevant project ID.
// q - Repo name for filtering results.
// label_id - The ID of label used to filter the result.
// page - The page nubmer, default is 1.
// pageSize - The size of per page, default is 10, maximum is 100.
// e.g. curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'https://localhost/api/repositories?project_id=1&q=prj&page=1&page_size=10'
// e.g. curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'https://localhost/api/repositories?project_id=1&q=prj&label_id=100&page=1&page_size=10'
func GetReposByPrjID(baseURL string) {
targetURL := baseURL + "?project_id=" + strconv.Itoa(reposList.ProjectID) +
"&q=" + reposList.RepoName +
"&label_id=" + strconv.Itoa(reposList.LabelID) +
"&page=" + strconv.Itoa(reposList.Page) +
"&page_size=" + strconv.Itoa(reposList.PageSize)
fmt.Println("==> GET", targetURL)
Expand All @@ -89,7 +264,7 @@ func GetReposByPrjID(baseURL string) {
// GetTopRepos aims to let users see the most popular public repositories
// params:
// count - The number of the requested public repositories, default is 10 if not provided.
// count - The number of the requested public repositories, default is 10 if not provided.
// e.g. curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'https://localhost/api/repositories/top?count=3'
func GetTopRepos(baseURL string) {
Expand All @@ -102,11 +277,11 @@ func GetTopRepos(baseURL string) {
// DelRepoByRepoName let user delete a repository with name.
// params:
// repo_name - (REQUIRED) The name of repository which will be deleted.
// repo_name - (REQUIRED) The name of repository which will be deleted.
// e.g. curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: text/plain' 'https://localhost/api/repositories/prj1%2Fhello-world'
func DelRepoByRepoName(baseURL string) {
targetURL := baseURL + "/" + repodel.RepoName
targetURL := baseURL + "/" + repoDel.RepoName
fmt.Println("==> DELETE", targetURL)

// Read beegosessionID from .cookie.yaml
Expand Down

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