- Fuller example with webserver and mux
- How do we step through the contraints to show which rule failed?
- Reloading config on signal
- Make eq constant time
Most assume a service.hook
- id = .id as hook block label
- execute-command = .task.cmd
- command-working-directory = .task.workdir
- response-message = .response.success.body
- response-headers = .response.success.headers
- success-http-response-code = .response.success.status_code
- incoming-payload-content-type = .request.content_type
- http-methods = n/a; solve with contraints
- include-command-output-in-response = .response.success.body = "${result.CombinedOutput}"
- include-command-output-in-response-on-error = .response.error.body = "${result.CombinedOutput}"
- parse-parameters-as-json = .request.json_parameters
- pass-arguments-to-command = .task.cmd
- pass-environment-to-command = .task.cmd
- pass-file-to-command =
- trigger-rule = .contraints
- trigger-rule-mismatch-http-response-code = .response.unsatisfied.status_code
- trigger-signature-soft-failures = n/a; solve with contraints
Most assume a service
- -cert = .tls_certificate
- -cipher-suites = .tls_ciphers
- -debug = .debug
- -header = deprecate
- -hotreload = n/a for config, but we need to support config reloading
- -ip = .ip
- -key = .tls_certificate_key
- -logfile = .logfile
- -nopanic = .nopanic
- -pidfile = .pidfile
- -port = .port
- -secure = .secure
- -setgid = .user
- -setuid = .group
- -template = .deprecate; use "${env("foo")}"
- -tls-min-version = .tls_protocols
- -urlprefix = hook.id
- -verbose = .verbose
- -version = n/a
- -x-request-id = .enable_xrequestid
- -x-request-id-limit = .xrequestid_limit
- And = all() or and(); constraints[] evals as and()
- Or = or() or any()
- Not = not()
- Multi-level = yep
- Match value = eq(), ne()
- Match regex = match(), find()
- Match payload-hmac-sha1 = eq(sha1(payload, "secret"), header("X-Signature"))
- Match payload-hmac-sha256 = eq(sha256(payload, "secret"), header("X-Signature"))
- Match payload-hmac-sha512 = eq(sha512(payload, "secret"), header("X-Signature"))
- Match ip-whitelist = cidr("10/8", "")
- Match scalr-signature = and(le(since(header("Date")), duration("5m")), eq(sha256(payload, "secret"), header("X-Signature")))
- header = header("X-Foo")
- url = url("foo")
- payload = payload("foo.bar")
- request = request.method, .remote_ip, host, proto
- string = n/a
- entire-payload = payloadBytes or string(payloadBytes)
- entire-query = queryBytes or string(queryBytes)
- entire-headers = headersBytes or string(headersBytes)
#505 X-forwarded-for in whitelist = Use header() and cidr()
#406 string formatting of cmd arguments = Add format() with printf libc syntax
#336 concat params in cmd = Add concat()
#422 dynamic URL paths = Can use {variable} substitution in the hook ID
#358 pass temp file name to cmd = Should be trivial for config to support it
#349 response-message-failed = See hook.response sub-blocks
#267 time-based match rule = Use since() and duration()
#263 use cmd exit code as response code = Use result.exit_code
#152 PROXY protocol support = Add service.proxy_protocol on the config side
#148 allow limiting hook concurrency = Add service[.hook].max_concurrency on the config side
#190 pass stdin to cmd = Add hook.stdin = payload
#468 read value from file = Add readfile() function; security implications?
#512 MS Teams HMAC header = eq(concat("HMAC ", sha256(payload, "secret")), header("Authorization")),
#504 Reference to any array element with match = Have payload("foo.*.bar") return an array? May need a contains for collections (stdlib) Can we have a cty func that handles both strings and collections?
#326 Support setting flags from config = Surely we can figure this out; see hashicorp projects