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Moqui Runtime Release Notes

Release 3.0.0 - 31 May 2022

Moqui Runtime 3.0.0 is a major new feature and bug fix release with some changes that are not backward compatible, in parallel with the release of Moqui Framework.

In this release there is a new render mode (qvt) and apps screen wrapper (/qapps) that is like vuet and /vapps but uses the Quasar project, a Vue JS component library based on Google Material Design. The new Vue JS component library in Moqui (in WebrootVue.qvt.js) takes a big step toward more client rendering and better use of Vue JS components and events, making it far easier to extend with dynamic behavior (vs the vuet and html render modes).

There are various small improvements to the System and Tools apps, and some new screens like an interactive Groovy Shell screen and a Table Stats screen that shows the number of records in each entity's table.

This is a brief summary of the changes since the last release, for a complete list see the commit log:

Non Backward Compatible Changes

  • Two transitions were removed from the rest.xml screen (/rest):
    • moquiSessionToken: for security reasons, it opened a vector in a CSRF attack to acquire the session token at any time
    • api_key: there is no good use case, just use cases that are less secure and poorly thought through

New Features

  • MFA support for login and update password in screens and REST API with factors including authc code by email and SMS, TOTP code (via authenticator app), backup codes; can set a flag on UserGroup to require second factor for all users in the group, and if any user has any additional factor enable then a second factor will be required
  • Saved Find dialog (in form-list) improvements to show options for scheduled screen render, to send regular reports to users by email (simple email with CSV or XSLT attachment)
  • Groovy Shell screen added to the Tools app (with special permission), an interactive Groovy Console for testing in various environments and for fixing certain production issues
  • Update Swagger UI to 4.1.3 with JS/CSS files loaded from cdnjs instead of locally to avoid having files in the repos making it easier to update over time, along with cleaning up an old mess and a few CVE and WS security issues

Release 2.1.3 - 07 Dec 2019

Moqui Runtime 2.1.2 is a patch level new feature and bug fix release, in parallel with the release of Moqui Framework.

There are only minor changes and fixes in this release. For a complete list of changes see:

Release 2.1.2 - 23 July 2019

Moqui Runtime 2.1.2 is a patch level new feature and bug fix release, in parallel with the release of Moqui Framework.

This release includes JavaScript library updates including Bootstrap 3.4.1, jQuery 3.4.1, jsTree 3.3.8, Moment.js 2.24.0, and Vue JS 2.6.10. This was done mainly for security reasons and updates to JS code in this repository have been done to fix issues from the updates.

There are various improvements to System and Tools app screens for usability and to better handle larger databases.

There are only minor changes and fixes in this release. For a complete list of changes see:

Release 2.1.1 - 29 Nov 2018

Moqui Runtime 2.1.1 is a patch level new feature and bug fix release, in parallel with the release of Moqui Framework.

In this release there are significant refinements and fixes for the Vue JS based vuet/vapps mode and it is now the default (ie default under webroot is /vapps instead of /apps). The standard HTML mode is still available under /apps and there are still links to switch on the app list screen. There is also now support for Vue component based XML Screens using a .js file and optional .vuet file that gets merged into the Vue component as the template. For an example see the DynamicExampleItems.xml screen in the example component.

Moqui has an improved look and feel with simplified and less cluttered CSS styling. These changes are implemented as overrides in a section at the bottom of webroot-theme.css so they can be easily changed or overridden.

QZ Tray is now supported (only in vuet mode, QZ connection maintained across screens) with a print options dialog in the header. Screens can use QZ Tray in custom JavaScript to print, communicate with devices, etc.

Various screens in the System and Tools apps have been improved and modernized using newer XML Form functionality. There are also some improvements to work better in vuet/vapps mode (now the default).

HTML and JavaScript generated for html and vuet render modes has a few output encoding fixes which fixes the rendering of screens in various conditions (especially under vuet) for HTML and JS reserved characters, and for XSS mitigation.

Release 2.1.0 - 22 Oct 2017

Moqui Runtime 2.1.0 is a major new feature and bug fix release, in parallel with the release of Moqui Framework.

This release introduces the new 'vuet' render mode for applications that uses a Vue JS based single-page application shell and supports hybrid client/server HTML rendering. The Vue shell (router, etc) is accessible on /vapps while the server rendered HTML is still on /apps. The benefit is a significantly better user experience with existing XML Screens and a foundation for fully client-rendered screens for dynamic in-browser interactivity. Even with hybrid client/server rendering using XML Screens page loads are faster and there is less load on the server, along with better error handling and improved widgets (user interface elements).

Non Backward Compatible Changes

  • The default subscreen of webroot.xml has been changed from /apps to /vapps making the Vue based hybrid client/server rendering mode the default; most screens will work fine in it with no changes, but sometimes small tweaks are needed to make sure navigation forms vs data submit forms are handled properly

New Features

  • Updated various JS libraries
  • JS libraries are now downloaded on build if not present instead of included in the git repo; gradle cleanAll removes them
  • Changed accordion in form-single to use Bootstrap instead of jQuery UI
  • Changed text-line autocomplete to use Twitter Typeahead instead of jQuery UI
  • Removed jQuery UI and theme, saves nearly 300KB in JS/CSS/etc files
  • JS/CSS/etc libraries in webroot/lib have been removed and are now downloaded on build into webroot/libs
  • Added drop-down and modal to navbar to show ScreenDocument configured documentation
  • drop-down now supports dynamic-options plus other options for an initial list and async loaded dynamic list for slower responses
  • drop-down.dynamic-options now has server-search and related attributes for server-side filtering using the term in the drop down search box; supports pagination (infinite scroll) if server-side transition supports it
  • New online documentation support using the ScreenDocument entity with a question mark icon in the header for screens with attached docs
  • New DataDocument based screens to define a data doc through a web UI, view its data, etc; because fields on related entities can be added an arbitrary number of hops away this is a much more flexible replacement for the Data View screens

Release 2.0.0 - 24 Nov 2016

Moqui Runtime 2.0.0 is a major new feature and bug fix release, in parallel with the release of Moqui Framework.

In this version the CSS and JS libraries used are significantly simplified and refined, along with JS and CSS for cleanups and workarounds in widgets and styling (including layout, etc).

XML list forms (form-list) have been improved in various ways to make it a functional reporting tools with various options to parameterize reports and support light user customization of reports including column layout configuration, saved finds, etc.

There are various new System and Tools app screens for system status details, multi-instance management, service job admin and history, seeing active users summary, database snapshots, and query statistics.

Non Backward Compatible Changes

  • The webroot/assets directory and all libraries in it, including all Metis files, have been removed and replaced by updated and more limited JS/CSS libraries in webroot/lib
  • All JS/CSS libraries used in the default XML Screen macros are included in moqui-runtime, while all libraries not used in XML Screen macros are moved to other components where they are used (ElFinder, Prism, Swagger UI in the tools component; FullCalendar in SimpleScreens; SimpleMDE and Sparkline in HiveMind)
  • If you have explicit references to JS/CSS libraries from the assets directory in your code they will need to be updated to the new location under lib, and some libraries may need to be added to your component that are no longer in moqui-runtime
  • Existing ScreenThemeResource records will need to be updated for new locations and removed for files that no longer exist (see the updated WebrootThemeData.xml file)
  • The webroot.xml screen no longer adds any JS or CSS files leaving it clean for sub-screens outside of the apps.xml screen; this makes it easier to have other screen trees with very different web artifacts, but means any existing ones that are directly under webroot need to be updated to include scripts and stylesheets as needed (like PopCommerce)
  • Export on Auto Screen master and entity Data Export now support a master name to export using master def for entities
  • Tenant management screens have been removed, replaced by instance management screens

New Features

  • Updated Bootstrap to 3.3.6, jQuery to 2.2.2, jQuery UI to 1.11.4, Font Awesome to 4.5.0, jquery-form to 3.51.0, jquery-validation to 1.15.0, jsTree to 3.3.0, Moment to 2.12.0
  • Removed Metis Admin Template files altogether, going back to plain Bootstrap and jQuery UI as a foundation
  • Significant cleanups in JS/CSS libraries, in HTML produced in the default XML Screen macros, and in the webroot CSS files
  • Now using Select2 (4.0.2) for dropdowns instead of Chosen
  • Now using eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker (4.17.37) instead of smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker for date and date/time widgets, and for time using simple text-line input with a regular expression to validate
  • Split default.css file into webroot-layout.css and webroot-theme.css (with all fonts, colors, etc) to make theming easier
  • Using icons instead of +/- characters for order-by links
  • form-list pagination control now using Bootstrap pagination component, forward/backward icons, and has more convenient links
  • Added password change and enable account to UserAccountDetail in System
  • XML Form
    • new form-list attributes
      • @header-dialog to put header-field widgets in a dialog instead of in the header
      • @select-columns to allow users to select which fields are displayed in which columns, or not displayed
      • @saved-finds to allow users to save find parameters and selected columns and rerun the finds with a click
      • @show-csv-button, @show-text-button, and @show-pdf-button to show buttons to render the current screen for the given output
    • dramatically improved test and xsl-fo default output macros that use the @print-width, @print-width-type, and @align attributes on the field element to support fixed or percent column widths in output
    • added form-list aggregations using the field.@aggregate element with various functions and an option to display certain fields in a sub-list within the main list with the main entries grouped by specified fields
    • field.@show-total adds a row to the bottom of a form list (or sub-list if applicable) with a total for the given field
    • added support for form-list.entity-find element to do a find specifically for the form; when this is used all form fields that are actually displayed (using @select-columns option) are selected in addition to any explicitly selected fields in the entity-find; this allows for more flexible reporting as grouping is only by selected fields
    • significant cleanups for form-list and form-single macros
  • System App
    • Added detailed system status information to the dashboard (much of it also available in JSON file from /status)
    • Added Multi-Instance Management screens to manage external moqui instances running in a container or virtual machine; these use services in Moqui Framework which currently support Docker for instance hosting and MySQL for automatic database provisioning; support for other instance hosts and databases will be added over time, and can be added by implementing service interfaces
    • New Service Job screens replace the old Quartz Scheduler screens along with the replacement of Quartz by a new java.util.concurrent based scheduler configured with extended cron strings; these have significantly more options
    • Active Users report shows summary of usage by user over a give time period
  • Tools App
    • Added database Snapshot screen to export data for most or all entities directly to a .zip file which can then be downloaded; also supports uploading snapshots to import, or snapshots can be imported into an empty database from the command line
    • Added Query Stats screen with statistics on query timing with sort options to see most frequently run queries, queries that cumulatively or on average/etc take the most time to run; this is a great tool for code optimization (finding queries that run more often than is needed and may be cacheable, simplified, etc) and for database optimization as a supplement to statistics gathered by the database; this is also a nice tool to find queries run against particular entities to run manually, etc

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed ElFinder rm (GitHub issue #23), and response for upload; also updated ElFinder in tools component to 2.1.11

Release 1.6.2 - 26 Mar 2016

Moqui Runtime 1.6.2 is a minor new feature and bug fix release, in parallel with the release of Moqui Framework.

New Features

  • New Moqui logo!
  • Removed example component, now in a separate repository (moqui/example)
  • Many unused JS libraries removed (from webroot/assets/lib directory)
  • The Tools app can now be run in Tenant instances, with the entities in the tenantcommon group excluded from various screens
  • The Resource ElFinder screen in the System app now restricts access to file and classpath resources for all tenants except DEFAULT
  • Added basic tenant admin screens, only accessible in the DEFAULT tenant

Release 1.6.1 - 24 Jan 2016

Moqui Runtime 1.6.1 is the first release of the runtime repository separate from the rest of Moqui Framework.

Version numbers of this repository will match those of moqui-framework, the two are developed in parallel. They are separate to make it easier to use your runtime directory separate from the rest of the framework (for configuration, custom UI, etc). The easiest way to do this is generally to fork from this repository (moqui/moqui-runtime).