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309 lines (244 loc) · 9.52 KB

File metadata and controls

309 lines (244 loc) · 9.52 KB


angular 14 angular 17



  • Allow to define http calls only with decorators (inspired by OpenFeign)


Install the dependency

npm install @mbo-ez-angular/ez-http-client

Peer dependencies

  • @angular/common: >=14.0.0
  • @angular/core: >=14.0.0
  • rxjs: >=6.0.0


  1. Include HttpClientModule into your app module or another module where you declare your services.
  2. Update your tsconfig.json file to add or update these properties :
    "compilerOptions": {
       "experimentalDecorators": true,
       "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,


Service declaration

To declare the EzHttpClient service, you only have to decorate your service with @EzHttpClient.

This decorator take two optional parameters (the ones marked with ? are optional) :

  • apiPath?: string - Represents the base api path (e.g '/api/clients').
  • module?: Type<any> - Represents the module where to include this service (like Injectable decorator). By default 'root'.

This decorator is mandatory and mark the service as an ezHttpClient service.

Example :

@EzHttpClient('/api/clients', CoreModule)
export class ClientsService {

Declare default http headers for any request

You can declare default http headers which applied on each declared ezHttpRequest with the class decorator @EzHttpClientHeaders.

Example :

  'content-type': 'application/json',
@EzHttpClient('/api/clients', CoreModule)
export class ClientsService {

Note: The order of the decorators is not important

Declare global response operators

You can declare global commons response operators executed on the observable when response is received with the class decorator EzHttpClientCommonResponseOperators.

This decorator takes options :

  • operators: Array<OperatorFunction<any, any>> - The response operators executed into the same order as declared array
  • before?: boolean - indicates to place these operators at first executed operators or after declared request operators


  'content-type': 'application/json',
    operators: [
        tap(() => console.log('Http request executed !!'))
    before: true
@EzHttpClient('/api/clients', CoreModule)
export class ClientsService {
        responseType: 'json',
        responseOperators: {
            operators: [
                tap(val => {
                map(value => any) => `Hello ${val.lastname} ${val.firstname} !`).join(', '))
    public getClients(@EzHttpResponse response?: Observable<string>): Promise<string> {
        return response!.toPromise();

In this example, when the method getClients() is called, on response, operators have been executed in this order :

  1. Print "Http request executed !!" into the console
  2. Print the raw value into the console
  3. Map returned value to string as "Hello John DOE !, Hello John SNOW !" for example.

If before parameter into options is equal to false or undefined then the action number 1 becomes the last .

Note: The order of the decorators is not important

Endpoint call declaration

To make http call you must declare a method decorated with @EzHttpRequest. Alias are define for each http methods :

  • @EzHttpRequestDELETE
  • @EzHttpRequestGET
  • @EzHttpRequestHEAD
  • @EzHttpRequestOPTIONS
  • @EzHttpRequestPATCH
  • @EzHttpRequestPOST
  • @EzHttpRequestPUT

These decorators can take some parameters :

  • httpMethod: EzHttpMethod - Indicate the http method to use (only for vanilla @EzHttpRequest decorator)
  • options: EzHttpRequestOptions
    • path?: string - The request path
    • consume?: string - The request content-type
    • headers?: {[header: string]: string | string[]} - List of request headers
    • responseType?: 'blob' | 'text' | 'json' | 'arraybuffer' - The response type
    • responseOperators?: EzHttpReponseOperatorsOptions - The response operators executed into the same order as declared array
      • operators: Array<OperatorFunction<any, any>> - The response operators executed into the same order as declared array
      • skipGlobalCommonsOperators?: boolean - Indicates if declared global commons operators are ignored or merged with these operators

Example :

@EzHttpClient('/api/clients', CoreModule)
export class ClientsService {
        responseType: 'json',
        responseOperators: [
            operators: [
                tap(val => {
                map(value => any) => `Hello ${val.lastname} ${val.firstname} !`).join(', '))
    public getClients(): Promise<any> {
        return Promise.resolve(null);

Declare a dynamic header

To declare dynamic http header use the decorator @EzHttpHeader. This decorator takes the name of the header in argument (here X-Custom-Header for example).

Example :

public getSortedClients(@EzHttpHeader('X-Custom-Header') customHeader?: string): Observable<any> {
  return of(null);

Declare a request parameter

Http request parameters are parameters declared into the api path like /clients/{uid} for example. {uid} is the request parameter.

To declare the request parameter, use the @EzHttpRequestParam. This decorator takes the name of the parameter in argument (here uid).

Example :

@EzHttpClient('/api/clients', CoreModule)
export class ClientsService {
    path: '/{clientId}'
  public getClientById(@EzHttpRequestParam('clientId') id: string): Promise<any> {
    return Promise.resolve(null);

Declare a query parameter

Query parameters are url parameters declared like ?param1=value1&param2=value2

To declare query parameter use the decorator @EzHttpQueryParam. This decorator takes the name of the parameter in argument (here param1 for example).

Example :

public getSortedClients(@EzHttpQueryParam('sort_dir') direction: 'asc' | 'desc'): Observable<any> {
  return of(null);

Declare a request body

To make PATCH, POST, PUT http calls you can pass http request body with @EzHttpRequestBody decorator.

Example :

public addClient(@EzHttpRequestBody client: {firstname: string, lastname: string}): Observable<any> {
  return of(null);

Declare a multi part form data request

To make POST multipart request data http calls you can pass any part file with @EzHttpPartFile and/or any part data with @EzHttpPartData decorator.

Example :

public addClient(@EzHttpPartFile('myFile') file: File, @EzHttpPartData('descriptorData') descriptorData: { creationDate: Date, summary: string }, @EzHttpPartData('name') name: string): Observable<any> {
  return of(null);

Here, FormData is built with one field myFile which represents your file, one field descriptorData which represents some data, and one field name which is arbitrary name.

descriptorData field is transformed to a JSON blob because he's complex type. For example this way to do allows you to get file myFile and field descriptorData with object mapping like this in spring MVC :

@RequestMapping(path = "/import", method = POST, consumes = { MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE })
void import(@RequestPart(name = "myFile", required = false) final MultipartFile file, @RequestPart("descriptorData") final DescriptorDataDto descriptorDataDto) {

Map the result observable into method parameter

If you want to do something with the http call result, you can map the result observable into method parameter with @EzHttpResponse decorator.

Example (transform observable to promise or make some pipes if you dont want to use ezHttpRequest declarative responseOperators for example...) :

public getClients(@EzHttpResponse response?: Observable<any>): Promise<any> {
  return response!.pipe(
    tap(val => {
      console.log('Http response received !');


To see the library demo :

Download this project and play the following commands :

npm install
npm run start