This repo contains test framework for end2end testing of MOSIP functionality. The following functionality is covered
- Registration
- Pre-registration + registration
- Authentication
- API automation mosip-functional-tests
- E2E automation (this repo)
- Packet Generation tool (this repo)
For Windows/Linux
- Java (11) and Maven software should be installed on the machine from where the automation tests will be executed
- Git bash
Below are repository details of various modules used for the automation
- Authentication Demo Service in mosip-functional-tests.
- Automation tests in mosip-functional-tests.
- IVV Orchestrator
- Authentication Demo Service
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip
- Automation Tests
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip
- Acceptance Tests(location: mosip-automation-tests\mosip-acceptance-tests\ivv-orchestrator)
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip -Dgpg.skip
- After Successful build will get the jar (dslrig-ivv-orchestrator-1.2.1-develop-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar)
- Mosip Test Data Provider
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip
- Mosip-Packet-Creator
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip
- After successful build will get the jar (dslrig-packetcreator-1.2.1-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar)
- Packet Utility is used to create and uploads the packet which is used by the e2e automation
- Download `centralized folder from src/main/resources/dockersupport
- Under `mosip-packet-creator
- Biometric Devices= Contains Mockmds specific files.
- config= configurations
- mapper=demographic mappings environment specific or default setup.
- privatekeys=machine specific details for encrypting and signing the packet.
- Update ..\run.bat as mentioned below
- Keep mosip-packet-creator- and execute run.bat
- Verify if the Packet utility is running by hitting
- For any failure in the packet utility verify the logs location: mosip-packet-creator\PacketUtilityRunlog.txt
- Build the E2E_Automation acceptance test project and get the jar
- Take the config folder from the mosip-acceptance test project
- Update kernel properties secret keys based on the env details.
- Update kernel file property
update scenario number for execution and keep this empty to run entire full suite - Command to execute the e2e automation (dslrig-ivv-orchestrator-1.2.1-develop-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar) utility with below vm arguments
- java
=environment name-Denv.endpoint
=baseurl -jar dslrig-ivv-orchestrator-1.2.1-develop-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar env.user
= environment name example qa, qa2, devenv.endpoint
= base environment
- java
- After the execution completes, the test report can be found in the path
- We can verify the failure in the logs
- Deploy Auth demo service
-Use these branches of code.
- Deploy Packet creator
-Use these branches of code.
- Deploy Dsl testrig
-Use these branches of code.
- Orchestrator Config maps setup
- To run particular scenario
update scenario number for execution and keep this empty to run entire full suite 1.Scenario sheet gets picked internally placed at this path
- Report gets generated on minio in the mentioned S2 bucket folder in configmaps. For example pick similar to below two reports one is testng report other is extent report.
This project is licensed under the terms of Mozilla Public License 2.0.