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193 lines (134 loc) · 6.8 KB

File metadata and controls

193 lines (134 loc) · 6.8 KB / JACON PHP SDK

This SDK can be used to integrate with ( and JACON CSMS (


The recommended way to install is via Composer:

composer require motveu/php-api-sdk


Usage is very easy. Just include the composer's autoloader and start using it.

Sample SMS commands

For full API documentation and test API endpoint please get in touch with JACON (or in case it was bundled with middleware).


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$smsConnector = new \Motv\Connector\Sms\AdminConnector('', 'Username', 'secret...');

// create sample customer
$viewersId = $smsConnector->Integration()->createMotvCustomer('test', 'myPassword');

// check whether there are any allowed products for the created customer
$allowedProducts = $smsConnector->Sales()->getAllowedProductsForCustomer($viewersId);

if (count($allowedProducts) === 0) {
	echo "No allowed products found!";

// in a real world, it will not be the first product but rather whatever the customer chooses on the selfcare website for example
$products_id = array_pop($allowedProducts)['products_id'];

// subscribe to first product
$smsConnector->Integration()->subscribe($viewersId, $products_id);

// and now let's cancel the subscription
$smsConnector->Integration()->cancel($viewersId, $products_id);

// get all subscription info

// retrieve all data that are saved about the customer (personal data, contacts, addresses, devices)
$fullCustomerData = $smsConnector->Customer()->getData($viewersId);

// get the device number, this number can be used when querying the MW API
$motvDeviceId = $fullCustomerData['devices'][0]['device_motv_motv_id'];

// clean up after our tests

Sample Middleware commands

For full API documentation and test API endpoint please get in touch with


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$mwAdminConnector = new \Motv\Connector\Mw\AdminConnector('', 'Username', 'secret');

// get customer with internal ID 1
$customerEntity = $mwAdminConnector->Customer()->getData(1);
$vendorsPairs = $mwAdminConnector->Vendor()->getPairs();
echo 'Login: ' . $customerEntity->customers_login;
echo PHP_EOL;
echo 'Vendor: ' . $vendorsPairs[$customerEntity->customers_vendors_id];

Works with entities, update, getData and selection


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$mwAdminConnector = new \Motv\Connector\Mw\AdminConnector('', 'Username', 'secret');

// It creates input entity and fills it with data
$personInputEntity = new \Motv\Connector\Mw\InputEntities\Mw\PersonEntity();
$personInputEntity->persons_type = \Motv\Connector\Mw\Enums\Mw\PersonEnum::ACTOR;
$personInputEntity->persons_birthday = '1990-01-01';
// in case of date, both string and DateTime objects are accept
$personInputEntity->persons_birthday = (new \DateTimeImmutable)->setTimestamp(strtotime('now'));
$personInputEntity->persons_description = 'Popular actor';
$personInputEntity->persons_name = 'John Smith';

// Creates new Person
$personsId = $mwAdminConnector->Person()->update(null, $personInputEntity);

// Gets the new person we just created
$personEntity = $mwAdminConnector->Person()->getData($personsId);
echo 'Actor ' . $personEntity->persons_name . ' with ID: ' . $personEntity->persons_id;
echo PHP_EOL;

// Let's change name of the Person
$personInputEntity->persons_name = 'Will Smith';

// Updates the name
$mwAdminConnector->Person()->update($personsId, $personInputEntity);

// Let's double-check that the changes were actually reflected
$personEntity = $mwAdminConnector->Person()->getData($personsId);
echo 'Actor ' . $personEntity->persons_name . ' with ID: ' . $personEntity->persons_id;
echo PHP_EOL;

// Select the person by selection function
$selectedActorEntity = $mwAdminConnector->Person()->selection(['persons_name' => 'Will Smith'])['rows'][0];
echo 'Actor ' . $selectedActorEntity->persons_name . ' with ID: ' . $selectedActorEntity->persons_id;
echo PHP_EOL;

// sending invalid data will result into a neat error, for example
$personInputEntity = new \Motv\Connector\Mw\InputEntities\Mw\PersonEntity();
$personInputEntity->persons_name = '';
$personInputEntity->persons_type = \Motv\Connector\Mw\Enums\Mw\PersonEnum::ACTOR;
$personInputEntity->persons_birthday = '1990-01-01';
$personInputEntity->persons_description = 'Popular actor';

// Will not create a new person because name is empty, will throw an exception instead
$personsId = $mwAdminConnector->Person()->update(null, $personInputEntity);

moTV VOD files upload

Files bigger than 20MB cannot be uploaded via the GUI nor via the API directly as there is limitation on the file size in place. It needs to be uploaded by chunks. We have prepared a sample script VodUpload.php. Please note that the script utilizes shell tool split to split the original file into chunks and therefore this will not work on Windows OS.


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$vodUpload = new \Motv\Connector\Mw\VodUpload('', 'Username', 'secret', '', 'temp_path');

$vodsId = 1;
$this->vodUpload->uploadVodFile($vodsId, '/path/test.mp4');

Catching errors

There might be exceptions thrown in case of unexpected issues, for example that the customer does not exists. There is also UnknownApiException thrown in case when something unpredictable happened. And standard Guzzle ( exceptions are thrown when issue with connection happens.

try { 
	$fullCustomerData = $mwAdminConnector->Customer()->getData($customersId);
} catch (\Motv\Mw\CustomerUnknownException $e) {
	echo "The customer does not exist!";	
} catch (\Motv\Mw\UnknownApiException $e) {
	echo "Something went really wrong!"
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\TransferException $e) {
	echo "Some connection issues!";


This SDK is shipped with Monolog ( support. You can pass logger to the $connector->setLogger() method and all API communication will be logged

$mwAdminConnector = new \Motv\Connector\Mw\AdminConnector('', 'Username', 'secret');

$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('API');
$logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\RotatingFileHandler('api.log', 14));
$logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('php://stdout'));



Use modern IDE such as PHP Storm. It will give you hints what are the method names as well as what are the parameter names and their types.