- The Dutch auction is a type of auction where the price of an item starts high and gradually decreases until a bidder accepts the current price.
- It is often used for selling tokens or digital assets in a Solidity contract.
- The auction begins with a high initial price and decreases over time or based on predefined parameters.
- Participants have the opportunity to accept the current price and make a purchase, resulting in a potential sense of urgency.
- Dutch auctions provide transparency as bidders are aware of the current price, promoting engagement and strategic bidding.
module my_addrx::Dutch_Auction {
use 0x1::signer;
use std::timestamp;
/// Error codes
const STARTING_PRICE_IS_LESS: u64 = 0;
const E_NOT_ENOUGH_COINS: u64 = 101;
const TIME_ERROR: u64 = 2;
const LESS_PRICE: u64 = 4;
struct Discounting has store,key{
seller: address,
startingPrice: u64,
startAt: u64,
expiresAt: u64,
discountRate: u64
public fun assert_is_owner(addr: address) {
assert!(addr == @my_addrx, 0);
public fun assert_is_initialized(addr: address) {
assert!(exists<Discounting>(addr), 1);
public fun assert_uninitialized(addr: address) {
assert!(!exists<Discounting>(addr), 3);
public fun initialize(acc: &signer, _startingPrice:u64, _discountRate:u64 ) {
let addr = signer::address_of(acc);
let currenttime = timestamp::now_seconds();
let duration = 604800; //7 days//
let discount = Discounting {
seller: addr,
startingPrice: _startingPrice,
startAt: currenttime,
expiresAt: currenttime + duration,
discountRate: _discountRate
move_to(acc, discount);
assert!(_startingPrice >= _discountRate * duration, STARTING_PRICE_IS_LESS);
public fun getPrice(acc: &signer, store_addr: address) :u64 acquires Discounting {
let _addr = signer::address_of(acc);
let currenttime = timestamp::now_seconds();
let b_store = borrow_global_mut<Discounting>(store_addr);
let timeElapsed = currenttime - b_store.startAt;
let discount = b_store.discountRate * timeElapsed;
let value = b_store.startingPrice - discount;
return value