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58fcd34 · Mar 17, 2016


This branch is up to date with nfe888/magento2-samples:master.




This module contains a `ConfigOptionsList` class which adds a custom option to the deployment configuration. It also contains one command-line command named `example:custom-deployment-config:show` that enables you to display custom options you added to the Magento deployment configuration.

Creating custom options is discussed in Add custom options to setup:config:set.


Modules can store their custom configuration in the Magento deployment configuration and later retrieve from it. `setup:config:set` is a command for managing Magento deployment configuration. Custom options also display in the `setup:install` command, allowing the user to specify custom configuration during installation.

Install the sample module

You'll find it useful to install this sample module so you can refer to it when you're coding your own custom commands. If you'd prefer not to, continue with Add custom options to the deployment configuration.

Clone the magento2-samples repository

Clone the magento2-samples repository using either the HTTPS or SSH protocols.

Copy the code

Create a directory for the sample module and copy magento2-samples/sample-module-custom-deployment-config to it:

mkdir -p <your Magento install dir>/app/code/Magento/CustomDeploymentConfigExample
cp -R <magento2-samples clone dir>/sample-module-custom-deployment-config/* <your Magento install dir>/app/code/Magento/CustomDeploymentConfigExample

Update the Magento database and schema

If you added the module to an existing Magento installation, run the following command:

php <your Magento install dir>/bin/magento setup:upgrade

Verify the module is installed

Enter the following command:

php <your Magento install dir>/bin/magento --list

The following confirms you installed the module correctly:

     example:custom-deployment-config:show     Show custom deployment configuration option

Command usage

To use the sample command:

cd <your Magento install dir>/bin
php magento example:custom-deployment-config:show
php magento setup:config:set --help

magento example:custom-deployment-config:show displays the value assigned to the custom option defined in Magento\CustomDeploymentConfigExample\Setup\ConfigOptionsList while magento setup:config:set --help displays all options available for set.

Add custom options to the deployment configuration

To add custom options to the deployment configuration:
  1. Create class ConfigOptionsList in <module_dir>/Setup that implements Magento\Framework\Setup\ConfigOptionsListInterface

  2. Implement required methods:

    • getOptions(): Returns list of custom options that should be added to the deployment configuration
    • createConfigData(): Creates the required array structure to be stored in the deployment configuration
    • validate(): Validates option values
  3. Clean the Magento cache.

  4. Run php <path to Magento root>/bin/magento setup:config:set --help to make sure the custom option is present.


Unit tests could be found in the Test/Unit directory.


Magento Core team


Open Source License